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Your favourite comedians

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I am a huge Demitri Martin mark.

"I agree with rock paper scissors... two-thirds. Rock breaks scissors... these scissors are broken I can't cut anything with these. Scissors cuts paper.... this paper is destroyed I have confetti now, I got nothing. Paper covers rock... rock's fine! No structural damage to rock! It should be rock... dynamite with a cuttable wick... scissors."

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I am not cool because my favourite comedians are mostly mainstream. Ricky Gervais, Dylan Moran, Peter Kay, Jimmy Carr and Jack Dee.

I've seen Dylan Moran and Ricky Gervais live as well, they were both fairly brilliant. Though either it was an off night or Gervais is starting to run out of material, because his 'Science' tour really had nothing to do with Science at all.

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Peter Cook, Chris Morris, Stewart Lee, and lately Doug Stanhope, Patton Oswalt and Zach Galifianakis.

....and holy shit, I just found out Charlie Brooker's engaged to Konnie Huq.

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Ross Noble, Dylan Moran, Dara O'Briain, Billy Connolly, Eddie Izzard, Bill Bailey, and then there are a shit load I like, but those six are my favourites.

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This is general those who perform comedy rather than just exclusively stand-up right?

If so: Mark Thomas, Charlie Brooker, Chris Morris, Stewart Lee, Peter Serafinowicz, Harry Hill, Jack Dee, and Jimmy Carr.

And most certainly NOT Andy Parsons.

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Rhod Gilbert was great live. He's normally pretty good on TV, but yeah, he's great live. Jim Davidson, if you like his kind of humour (which I'm not normally much of a fan of) is a master at working his crowds and getting them to eat out of the palm of his hands. Some of his jokes arn't bad either. Although I got to see him for free, and I doubt I'd have enjoyed paying full wack for it. If Charlie Brooker counts as a comedian, which I suppose he does, then he nears the top of anyone's list I should imagine. Even if you don't always agree with him you'll enjoy the way he makes his points. Paul Merton is fantastic live, even if his TV work has slipped. I recommend the Comedy Store Players to anyone.

As an aside, I really can't stand Russel Howard. What he says is generally fine, its more the way he performs. He just has such a fake delivery that it's impossible for me to get into the joke and I just sit there thinking "yeah, whatever" because he doesn't even try and pretend that his anicdotes are true. I mean, I know mosto f them arn't for almost every comedian but to me a good comedian at least tries to make you believe what they're saying by at least pretending they believe it themselves. That's why I love Paul Merton, he'll say utterly bizarre random things and look like he's being dead serious when he says them, and then full his "I can't believe I just said that" face. Russel Howard has that face on the whole time. I'm also no fan of Noel Fielding.

And, while I used to appreciate what he was doing, the more repeats with Frankie Boyle I see the more I start to hate him. He wasn't any kind of genius, he just said things that no one else had the balls to say at the time. People rate him far too much.

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