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The Apprentice - Series 6

Timmoru Suzuki

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Starts next Wednesday 9PM, BBC1.

Meet the Candidates

Raleigh Addington screams arrogant heel!

Sadly, no Margaret this year. The aides will be Nick and Paul Peschisolido's Mrs. Karren Brady.

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Starts next Wednesday 9PM, BBC1.

Meet the Candidates

Raleigh Addington screams arrogant heel!

Sadly, no Margaret this year. The aides will be Nick and Paul Peschisolido's Mrs. Karren Brady.

It's Boris Johnson the second! He has to win! Haha!

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Good call Sir Alan - sorry, Lord Sugar, Dan was a cunt. I Agree that Dyke haircut is annoying as fuck.

My favourite bits so far were Raleigh's impassioned, "IT WAS SHAMEFUL!" at Dan's management style, and "Whatever I touch turns to SOLD!" So wonderfully cheesy it should be a wrestler's catchphrase.

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Dan is vile. The Brand is a bigmouthed cunt. Dyke hair is just annoying.

Dr. Shibby seems like a nice guy so he won't win. Nice to see a couple of women who go easy on the eye.

"that's on a calculator......nought?". I can't help but love this guy.


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The geezer with the shaved head seems alright. I was actually hoping the girls would win the first task which I've never done before.

The girl with the blonde hair DID get my hairdresser senses tingling but not for the rest of her...She was pretty annoying.

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Bahahahaha, best photo-only response to a question in... some amount of time.

Anyway, yeah, The Brand is definitely my favourite so far. He's such a smart-mouthed little cunt, he's basically a posh white Tre. He's so much Tre I was expecting Dan to snap at any moment and keep screaming "I *AM* YOUR BOSS! I AM YOUR BOSS!". Definitely glad Rory/Dan went though, he was a massive tit.

The fat, camp guy will be gone next. He's such a massive hanger-on/whiner/passenger/useless bastard, being a "lovely guy" isn't going to save him. The guy with the impossibly Oxford University accent who looks a bit like Alex from two years ago seems decent enough. Raleigh has the most pretentious name ever (and can't even say it right), so he's gone.

I actually quite liked the annoying dyke. She seemed to have a bit of Ruth Badger in her. For all of twenty seconds or so, before she blatantly pussied out of being project manager after hyping herself to OVER 9000 for ages. Then she started ranting at Joanne (who seems to be the least useless out of control project manager ever... that could've gone horribly wrong, but unlike every other time this happens, it didn't) and basically tried to take over the task.

At least this year's contestants all seem mildly capable, except Alex. Other than him, none of them stick out as "how the fuck did you even get past the first interview", like most of them (usually girls) usually do. Though to be fair, we didn't get to see a lot of the girls, because most of them were being boring and getting on with it which doesn't make good TV.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Meh, I would've fired shouty bitch personally. She's easuiy overtaken dyke hair to be number one in the most annoying stakes for me. The camp one who came up with the double umlaut is also annoying mostly because he seems quite stupid, but then there are other times I don't mind him so I'm letting him off for the time being. Distinct lack of The Brand this episode as well, which was a little disappointing, but it does mean he doesn't say anything stupid enough to get fired for another week, so I'll allow it. Also sad to see IT. WAS. SHAMEFUL. guy have to leave, he seemed like a pretty good guy from his appearance on You're Fired. I'm calling tall blonde on the lads' team to be there at the end now.

And in other news, I need to learn names.

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The guy with the impossibly Oxford University accent who looks a bit like Alex from two years ago seems decent enough.


I actually quite liked the annoying dyke.


At least this year's contestants all seem mildly capable


Yeah, so, erm... annoying dyke is unsalvageable now. Comfortability? Really? Chris, for such a posh bloke, is a terrible public speaker, and the girls team was basically a shambles. Sigh...

Alex was suitably hilariously bad this week too. "What about Cuuli? With those dots you have in Swedish over the i's. So it looks like smiley faces". Epic fail.

There's still hope, though. The Brand is still there.

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I cannot stand Joanne, she's just so, ergh, I don't even know but I already have a strong dislike for her. Chris cannot make a sales pitch to save his life, it was actually cringe worthy.

Jamie doesn't seem that bad and is probably my early pick, but he's not exactly working with a whole bunch of talent.

Liz is hot, but doesn't do anything, except look rather good in a bikini.

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I cannot stand Joanne, she's just so, ergh,

Shouty? Ignorant? Self-obsessed? Stupid?

The girls really pissed me off in general actually. Maybe it's some inferiority complex because they don't have a penis but they seem to think that if they don't get their idea out ASAP the world will end. All of this "OK, I'm just gonna..." needs to stop as well. There were fucking loads of times in this episode they said something like that.

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