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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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Yup. She (at least I'm assuming it was she) sent the note to Sansa telling her to light a candle in the highest tower if she needed help. Theon went to put the candle up there and Ramsay was sitting there waiting for him. Brienne has been seen staring at Winterfell from afar for a few weeks now...

Theon didn't go to the broken tower, he went straight to Ramsay's room to snitch on Sansa.

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Yup. She (at least I'm assuming it was she) sent the note to Sansa telling her to light a candle in the highest tower if she needed help. Theon went to put the candle up there and Ramsay was sitting there waiting for him. Brienne has been seen staring at Winterfell from afar for a few weeks now...

Theon didn't go to the broken tower, he went straight to Ramsay's room to snitch on Sansa.

Oh, see, I thought Theon was going to the broken tower and Ramsay was sitting there waiting for him. I suppose what you said makes more sense.

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Pod and Brienne are going to be still watching over Winterfell and suddenly hear splashing behind them, which is odd as Winterfell is hundreds of miles away from the sea. They turn around and it's Gendry in his boat.

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Pod and Brienne are going to be still watching over Winterfell and suddenly hear splashing behind them, which is odd as Winterfell is hundreds of miles away from the sea. They turn around and it's Gendry in his boat.

I really want the next episode to start with Dany flying over the sea and you just see Gendry rowing away below. No mention of it. Just him rowing his little boat in the background.

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Pod and Brienne are going to be still watching over Winterfell and suddenly hear splashing behind them, which is odd as Winterfell is hundreds of miles away from the sea. They turn around and it's Gendry in his boat.

When Mace Tyrell arrived in Braavos, I honestly thought it was going to be some sailors had found Gendry, who had somehow been lost at sea. So disappointed it wasn't :(

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So, I think Brienne and Pod should be safe this next episode. They have barely been in this season, and they wouldn't just kill off semi-main characters without building up to it.

I think Pod is definitely safe, not 100% sure on Brienne but it would be a huge mistake to kill her at the end of a season this miserable.

We're definitely getting Stannis vs. Brienne in some capacity, though. Brienne's monologue about the first time she met Renly made that much clear.

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Pod and Brienne are going to be still watching over Winterfell and suddenly hear splashing behind them, which is odd as Winterfell is hundreds of miles away from the sea. They turn around and it's Gendry in his boat.

When Mace Tyrell arrived in Braavos, I honestly thought it was going to be some sailors had found Gendry, who had somehow been lost at sea. So disappointed it wasn't :(

I thought the same thing for a brief moment especially since Arya and Gendry had met before.

At least when Gendry finally turns up, he can challenge The Mountain with his sick new biceps.

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Someone elsewhere pointed out that with no heir any more, Gendry might have a claim if Stannis dies. He'd need to be legitimised though, I'm guessing?

I have a bad feeling about Brienne. I think she'll try to rescue Sansa and meet her end to the knife. Or she'll get away and be assassinated by Little Finger's men. Either way, I don't think she'll be around for next season.

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If Gendry is legitimised as a Baratheon, then he will have a stronger claim than Stannis, as law of succession goes to sons before brothers. As a bastard, he has nothing. The main issue is that there isn't anyone to legitimise him; the Lannisters won't do it because he'll be Robert's primary heir and people will flock to him if it gets rid of the Lannisters. I don't Stannis doing it either, since like I said, Gendry would be ahead of him in the line of succession again. If Stannis truly believes the throne is his, why would he create a viable pretender to the throne?

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As far as I know only Kings can legitimise. Robb Stark sent a letter legitimising Jon Snow when he was King in the North (don't think it's made it to the Wall though), the Lannisters legitimised Ramsey as a thanks for him taking Moat Cailin or something, so without a king willing to, I doubt it will happen.

As I said, if someone were to legitimise him, he'd be ahead of Stannis succession wise, regardless of who's alive. He's Robert's actual son, and he's the heir.

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Jessica Henwick - Nymeria Sand - told Yahoo something interesting. It's vague hype for the finale, but I figured I'd stick it in a spoiler tag just to be safe:

"What happens with the Sand Snakes is extreme. Very extreme. So I'm really curious to see how people take it. I don't know what else I can say!" says Henwick with a laugh. "Episode 10 sets the rest of the show on a very certain path. It's a big move in Game of Thrones, and the Sand Snakes are a part of it."

Hm. Maybe Myrcella doesn't make it out of Dorne alive? None of them looked very pleased to see their mother kiss Doran's ring, after all. Killing the princess would certainly fit the bill of "very extreme", and throw Dorne into damage control mode. Or maybe they try to attack Doran himself?

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