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The Penn State Scandal


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What a shame that one of the greatest coaching careers in not only American sports but sports in general will come to an end abruptly here. Should Paterno have gone about the AD and reported stuff he had heard to the police? Probably, but there are people out there acting as though Paterno was the one raping the kids. Don't get me wrong. I think Paterno needs to resign here as well but it a shame that in the whole "Paterno watch" the actual rapist has become the "other story."

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Anyway, the story is that a former defensive coordinator under Joe Paterno (Penn State's head football coach), Jerry Sandusky, was accused of sexually abusing minors. Paterno was told of this in 2002, went to the athletic director with this, and nothing happened -- so there's allegations that Penn State's been covering up Sandusky's abuse, and just this month Sandusky was arrested on 40 counts of molesting eight boys over a 15-year period. It's a pretty big deal.

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As a Penn State alum, I want them all gone. President Graham "Unconditional Support" Spanier, AD Tim Curley, Joe Paterno, hell even Mike McQueary.

The sooner the Board of Trustees gets rid of all these the sooner my alma mater can begin to heal. There will never be a way to make things better for the kids that pervert molested though.

Tonight I am ashamed to be a graduate of Penn State.

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Clear out everyone in a position of authority because this reeks of an across the board university-wide coverup. The fact that not only does this stretch back to the late 90s but also that the bare minimum was done when it came to reporting what Sandusky did is morally fucked up. Couple that in with the fact that Sandusky was allowed access to campus after the university president, AD, and Paterno knew about what he did, it's even more disgusting; I think people are piling on Paterno because we assume that he has enough stroke to make sure Sandusky was to never step foot around Penn State again and nothing happened. Now, could he have been trying to get rid of him behind the scenes and the higher ups didn't do anything about it? I don't know but if that is true, that's sickening.

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Clear out everyone in a position of authority because this reeks of an across the board university-wide coverup. The fact that not only does this stretch back to the late 90s but also that the bare minimum was done when it came to reporting what Sandusky did is morally fucked up. Couple that in with the fact that Sandusky was allowed access to campus after the university president, AD, and Paterno knew about what he did, it's even more disgusting; I think people are piling on Paterno because we assume that he has enough stroke to make sure Sandusky was to never step foot around Penn State again and nothing happened. Now, could he have been trying to get rid of him behind the scenes and the higher ups didn't do anything about it? I don't know but if that is true, that's sickening.

It may have been going on since the 1970s. No one knows for sure, we've just hit the tip of the iceberg.

What gets me is that they took the keys to the locker room away from Sandusky. You don't do that unless you think there's fire amid the smoke.

But they still allowed him to conduct overnight football camps at satellite campuses Behrend and Harrisburg.

"Oh well since he didnt work here any more I just reported it to the AD like I was supposed to." Fuck off Paterno that is ridiculous and I hope you know it. He may not have been the sick fucker doing it, but he along with a lot of other people hold a portion of the blame as well.


And now these fucking idiot Penn State students are out holding their annual "riot" in SUPPORT of Paterno. It's embarrassing and disgusting and it makes me want to not be associated with the University.

To make matters worse I received my yearly letter regarding donating to the University today.

Fuck that.

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Yea..this has to have been going on for a long time. Sandusky didn't just ake up one morning and go "Ya know what...I think I'm gonna start fucking little boys today"

There have to have been signs that he's been doing this for a long time. Its disgusting that "Well, I told the AD and thats it" is his excuse. Someone who donated millions of his own money to the benefit of children can't just hear "Your DC might be a pedophile" and go "Oh well..."

I'm not a PSU alumni, but most of my mothers side of the family is, so I've just been a life long fan. All the respect I had for Joe Paterno is gone now. In the beginning, I was all for letting Paterno finish out the season and step down. But more and more, he should just resign as soon as possible

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I had a feeling when this first came out that this was going to quickly spiral into something we never wanted nor expected, and exactly that has happened. I have never, ever lost respect for any public figure so quickly as Joe Paterno. Even if he never had any indication it was going on, you don't just casually tell the AD upon finding out something actually is going on in 2002 and then bury your head in the sand. I have a degree in History, I've read about political scandals and cover-ups. This reeks of exactly that. Who knows to what extent the cover-up went, and who knows how long it went on, but there were people in power very capable to bringing this to the proper authorities at least 10 years ago who did nothing.

Sandusky's early retirement comes into question too. He was the heir apparent for awhile, and then if I recall abruptly retired from coaching at 55. Obviously he did make his money, and obviously Penn State took care of him after this retirement, but part of me wants to think people found out and basically told him they'd cover it up through this method.

I feel bad for the players on this Penn State team who have to deal with this scandal clouding what should be the best time of their life. It's why I'm mixed on Paterno retiring now. The players deserve better than to have their entire season hijacked, but with the media circus surrounding him it would be hard to see him be able to coach the team anymore.

I feel extremely bad for the children whose lives have been forever changed, and in some cases ruined, by Sandusky and anyone who helped cover up his actions.

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sorry..watching this is just pathetic. How he so quickly goes from talking, almost inaudibly, about the victims, to leading a loud "We Are Penn State" chant is disgusting and shows he has no real grasp of whats going on

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sorry..watching this is just pathetic. How he so quickly goes from talking, almost inaudibly, about the victims, to leading a loud "We Are Penn State" chant is disgusting and shows he has no real grasp of whats going on

His quote...

“The kids that were victims or whatever they say, I think we ought to say a prayer for them. Tough life, when people do certain things to you. Anyway, you’ve been great. Everything’s great, all right.”

...made me want to vomit.

"Victims or whatever"

"Anyway, you've been great."

"Everything's great."

Fuck Joe Paterno.

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Alright, yes I agree that Joe Paterno is definitely in the wrong here and needs to go, but media coverage of this is really fucked up. He needs to resign, he doesn't need to be so attached to the story that it makes it seem like he was the one molesting children, especially when he was the only one who actually did report anything. I know, he should have gone far and above what he did, but Sandusky has become such an afterthought in the coverage of this now, it's disgusting. All the leads are 10 minutes of talking about how Joe Paterno may have to resign amid a sexual abuse scandal, then maybe 5 minutes later the details behind it are actually mentioned.

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Agreed. My wife even came up to me this morning after I woke up and asked if I had heard about the Joe Paterno sex scandal. She was completely confused by the way it's being presented.

Like Maxx said, he needs to resign, and he should feel terrible about doing the absolute minimum of what he should have done, but the fact that Sandusky is becoming an afterthought is a shame.

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Alright, yes I agree that Joe Paterno is definitely in the wrong here and needs to go, but media coverage of this is really fucked up. He needs to resign, he doesn't need to be so attached to the story that it makes it seem like he was the one molesting children, especially when he was the only one who actually did report anything. I know, he should have gone far and above what he did, but Sandusky has become such an afterthought in the coverage of this now, it's disgusting. All the leads are 10 minutes of talking about how Joe Paterno may have to resign amid a sexual abuse scandal, then maybe 5 minutes later the details behind it are actually mentioned.

Agreed. But there really isn't anything to report on Sandusky right now, so the focus shifts to Paterno. For me, as a Penn State alum, I want Graham Spanier gone too. I want Mike McQueary gone. This doesn't end with Paterno.

But yes, the focus SHOULD be on Sandusky but unfortunately that's now how the media works.

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