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Not gonna start a thread for it, unless it seems to be popular here and pick up steam, but I just got done watching the first episode of Black Lightning.  Not sure where it stands as part of the Arrowverse.  THey initially said it wasn't a part of it, but there is a line on the that goes "Other cities have people with powers and they are heroes.  Why is Black Lightning a 'vigilante'?"

Really liked it though!  Think it might top Luke Cage as the "street level African American hero" show

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Black Lightning looks like it's going to be very different than Arrow, though. For one thing, not everybody seems to be a pretty white person :P 

I liked Black Lightning's premiere, though, a lot. Hope it's not due to it just being new and the quality stays the same, because it's very good.

Only minor thing I didn't like:


Looks like they already are bringing in another superpowered person in the daughter, and I really don't want that. It's what diluted the Flash when everyone started having powers randomly.


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1 hour ago, Benjamin said:

Black Lightning looks like it's going to be very different than Arrow, though. For one thing, not everybody seems to be a pretty white person :P 

I liked Black Lightning's premiere, though, a lot. Hope it's not due to it just being new and the quality stays the same, because it's very good.

Only minor thing I didn't like:

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Looks like they already are bringing in another superpowered person in the daughter, and I really don't want that. It's what diluted the Flash when everyone started having powers randomly.


About your complaint

In the comics, both his daughters are superheroes that go by the names Thunder and Lightning.  So its not really "randomly

Showrunner for Luke Cage


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1 minute ago, Lint said:

About your complaint


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In the comics, both his daughters are superheroes that go by the names Thunder and Lightning.  So its not really "randomly


Showrunner for Luke Cage



Oh I know that. I meant more like having another person with superpowers already, especially when the show is just now establishing the dad. I'd rather they lay the foundation and build his character first before introducing the daughters' powers.

Also Luke Cage season 2 dropping as early as possible would be the best.

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Damn it, I was like "I don't think I really need another superhero show in my life" and then I watched the first episode of Black Lightning and I was hooked. I appreciate the way it blows up the CW superhero show paradigm; the lead's middle-aged, the political/social commentary is overt, the themes are adult.

It's an interesting show as  a comparison to Luke Cage because Luke Cage, to me, is very much about black identity and culture where Black Lightning feels a lot more direct about stuff like relations with the police and differing viewpoints on how you enact change, though it's been well over a year since I watched the former so my memories might be a little hazy. It's super, super-exciting having those two shows going on at the same time with Black Panther dropping in theaters in a matter of weeks.

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Black Lightning episode two was even better than the first. The show really gets inside its community and does it so well. 

Also, finally got through the Gifted finale. Man that show was really, really bad. It is the most frustratingly exposition-filled show to watch.

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Stan Lee rushed to hospital after shortness of breath and an irregular heartbeat

Update says he's ok and staying in the hospital for a few days for observation

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On 28/01/2018 at 16:08, Benjamin said:

Also, finally got through the Gifted finale. Man that show was really, really bad. It is the most frustratingly exposition-filled show to watch.

Aww, I kind of dug The Gifted by the end. It felt like a throwback TV show from the 90s that you don't really get much of these days.

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1 hour ago, Benji said:

Aww, I kind of dug The Gifted by the end. It felt like a throwback TV show from the 90s that you don't really get much of these days.

I wanted to like the Gifted, and I did like parts of it. But huge chunks of it were just the protagonists being really silly and making dumb choices. Polaris and Andy were actively terribly dislikeable. 

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Black Lightning ep1 is the first 'thing', right? there's nothing to watch before it? It just feels unusual to start a new property in media res. Usually you have to go through the whole origin story stuff. I guess we'll get it as flashbacks, but when he was talking about the trials that Black Lightning had been through before it almost felt like I was jumping in at season three.

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5 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

I couldn't get through the first ep, thought it was pretty bad. 

it's pretty cheesy. I got through episode one, but I dunno if I'm gonna stick with it. It feels like a DC tv show.

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1 hour ago, K said:

it's pretty cheesy. I got through episode one, but I dunno if I'm gonna stick with it. It feels like a DC tv show.

It kinda is a DC TV show :P 

CW shows always have bad acting, so I always give them a pass for that. The music, setting and premise is great, though. Definitely different than the other shows, although episode 3 was a severe dip in quality for me.

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1 minute ago, Benjamin said:

It kinda is a DC TV show :P 


I know, that's what I mean. I don't really enjoy any of them. I  don't know why they can't hit that Netflix/Marvel level, but they're just always pretty bad.

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I'd rather they not " hit that Netflix/Marvel level " since I don't really enjoy those shows and I love the CW shows to death.

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They've both got their strengths and weaknesses. Wouldn't want any of them to give up their strengths to embrace another type of show (except Arrow which is terrible).

Basically as long as they're not like the Gifted or Gotham (from where I left off at least), they should be fine.

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