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Oh yeah, the second Steel came into the show, Palmer basically became a waste of space as a character. I like Routh and Palmer too, but Nick Zano's writing and delivery is way better than Routh ever has been, and provides the same white meat male babyface with self-doubt who can charm women role the show gave to them.

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I love it. It's everything a superhero show should be, it's zany and colorful and funny and adventure-y, the comedy is on point and the action can be really out there because they're in such dumb situations, it's fun as fuck. I mean, this show had vikings worshipping a Beebo doll, it's amazing. 

It's not bullshit like the Flash where everyone is desperately trying not to kill themselves. It's the exact opposite of Agents of SHIELD but still as great.

2 hours ago, Benji said:

Oh yeah, the second Steel came into the show, Palmer basically became a waste of space as a character. I like Routh and Palmer too, but Nick Zano's writing and delivery is way better than Routh ever has been, and provides the same white meat male babyface with self-doubt who can charm women role the show gave to them.

I'd argue that they're not the same at all, while Steel is more of the dashing, history-loving, dude, Ray has always been the goofy, clumsy, genius who has just this heart of gold and is always wanting to do the right thing. That's not Steel at all. 

And technically Sarah is the charm the women role on the show :/ 

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3 minutes ago, Benjamin said:

I'd argue that they're not the same at all, while Steel is more of the dashing, history-loving, dude, Ray has always been the goofy, clumsy, genius who has just this heart of gold and is always wanting to do the right thing. That's not Steel at all. 

And technically Sarah is the charm the women role on the show :/ 

I think they've both had an element of both parts tbh. Steel moved out of it a bit (presumably because they realised how much they crossed over), but he's definitely had some strong moments of it.

And there's no technically because I specifically stated "male" :P

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What's the overall feeling on how Deadpool 2 is going to turn out?

I remember a friend of a friend on facebook saying that they had a packed house in a melbourne cinema and Deadpool 2 was one of the trailers and not a single person laughed. 2nd hand information I grant you but if this isn't a patch on the first, I'll be ever so sad face. :(

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32 minutes ago, Noah said:

What's the overall feeling on how Deadpool 2 is going to turn out?

I remember a friend of a friend on facebook saying that they had a packed house in a melbourne cinema and Deadpool 2 was one of the trailers and not a single person laughed. 2nd hand information I grant you but if this isn't a patch on the first, I'll be ever so sad face. :(

To be fair, I found the trailer to be surprisingly action-heavy for what I expected.

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31 minutes ago, livid said:

They have kept the jokes to a minimum in the trailers so that is definitely part of it. I'm curious if that's just marketing or if the movie will be less humorous than the first. 

I'm hoping it's due to them correcting themselves from some of the criticism they received from the first movie, in that they blew a lot of their best jokes in the trailer and didn't leave much for the actual film that people hadn't already laughed at.

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16 hours ago, Lars Kuyt said:

Anyone here watching Krypton?

I didn't even know it existed and am now more convinced than ever that superhero films/TV have overstayed their welcome in terms of quantity over quality. Was anyone at all honestly calling out for that particular story to be told on TV?

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17 hours ago, Lars Kuyt said:

Anyone here watching Krypton?

Nah. I wanna watch Superman fight bad guys and maintain his morals, not the drama of his exploded home planet before he was a thing.

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1 hour ago, =BK= said:

Nah. I wanna watch Superman fight bad guys and maintain his morals, not the drama of his exploded home planet before he was a thing.

This came out of the success of Gotham, i wont watch it any time soon,but saying that superhero tv/film have overstayed their welcome is a bit too far,to me is more of a diverse kind of shows you got to choose from....

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I actually have the same issue with Gotham. A Batman show without Batman gets nothing from me.

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Gotham sucked hard at the start. Like it was legitimately almost unwatchable. It got better, but even that still struggles from time to time, and that was a show based around Jim Gordon and the demise of Gotham into what you see when Batman comes about, which is a story which does have some intrigue. Superman's home planet involving a bunch of people who don't have the existing historical investment in Superman's story just doesn't hold that interest.

And superhero TV shows have very much outstayed their welcome for me. This is a list of shows currently active/in development just based on Marvel/DC properties, and I got rid of a fair few that had very loose connections too:

  • Arrow
  • The Flash
  • Gotham        
  • Supergirl
  • Legends of Tomorrow
  • Black Lightning
  • Krypton
  • Titans
  • Metropolis
  • Watchmen
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Daredevil
  • Jessica Jones
  • Luke Cage
  • Legion
  • Iron Fist
  • Inhumans
  • The Gifted
  • The Punisher
  • Runaways
  • Cloak & Dagger
  • New Warriors

That's an absurd amount of telly. I love superheroes, but these TV shows are getting to a point where they're so dime a dozen they're basically procedural cop shows in the 00's. It makes them feel less special, and - at least for me - the quantity is diluting the quality.

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Oh shit, I need to watch Black Lighting still. I knew I was way behind on Arrow and Flash because I'm holding until I feel like a marathon with nachos but I forgot about it when I was hyped for it's trailer.


EDIT:Titans is a thing?! 

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They aren't even bothing subbing someone in for Cyborg? Weird.

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