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Critically Praised Movies you Hated

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I don't know what I would pick as I don't watch too many critical darlings and don't usually remember movies I dislike. But No Country is one of my all time favorites. I still need to read the book as McCarthy is my favorite author.

Oh, did critics like Donnie Darko? That movie was shit. Was not a big fan of Eternal Sunshine but wouldn't say I hated it.

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Titanic: Not one character that I like in that movie.

No Country for Old men: Good untill the end.

Benjamin Button:A second rate copy of Forrest Gump.

And pretty much any DiCaprio movie except Inception and The Departed(and those two is just because the rest of the cast).

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2001. I understand that they wanted realism with the exterior space shots, but there's a reason why shows like Star Trek and Star Wars have damn scores; because silence and ships moving in a straight line is fucking boring.

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Juno...couldn't stand it

Melancholia. Not sure if it was critically praised, but I knew a lot of people who saw it and loved it..but me...

I was cheering for the planet to smash Earth halfway through

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I second, or third, the feelings for Napolean Dynamite. Never saw what the big deal was about it, what the actual plot was, why Fox decided to make an animated series 8 years later (only to cancel it shortly afterwards), etc.

Edited by Carlito1981
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I like every movie mentioned so far (that I've seen). Napoleon Dynamite was a charming little film, though I will say the catchphrases got a bit annoying. But that's the stupid public's fault, not the filmmakers.


Something About Mary

Ben Stiller literally got his penis stuck in his pants. I'm not really sure what else you look for when you watch movies.

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Nearly all of the Coen Brothers movies I've seen. But especially Fargo. Fuck Fargo.

Also, I never really got the love for Eternal Sunshine. I plan to watch it again but my first go at it left me really underwhelmed and wondering where the hype was coming from.

I love Eternal Sunshine MORE than the hype. Really emotional and beautiful within all the quirky stuff. I also like Fargo. Watched it for the first time the other month and it's just a gentle build into a really good story. You said nearly all Coen Brothers - does that include Big Lebowski? Now that's a fine film.

As for me, the film I hate with a passion is Lost In Translation. Appalling movie.

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Easy Rider is the main one. HATE IT.

Forrest Gump, Benjamin Button, any film whose primary objective is "please give us awards".

I'm fairly indifferent to the Godfather and Lord of the Rings films. Sin City too.

Never finished Apocalypse Now. It's as self-indulgent as the American New Wave got.

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