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5 hours ago, GhostMachine said:
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First of all, I haven't seen the movie. But I don't care about spoilers because some shitheads in an MMO I play decided to talk about the movie in local, not caring if others hadn't seen it. 

I hope the plan isn't to redeem Kylo/Ben. Because sorry, you killed Han Solo, who happened to be your own father. He deserves nothing less than a lightsaber enema. There is absolutely not a damn thing he can do to make anyone sympathize with him and accept him as a good guy. Chewbacca will want to rip his arms off and beat him to death with them.....

And having Luke not show up until the very end, and not even get to utter a word is pretty shitty. 



I get why people are annoyed Luke didn't turn up until the end and say anything, but the main plot point of the movie, in spite of everything else was "Where's Luke", the whole point is that this is not a stand alone movie, it being the beginning of a new story linked to the old ones.  I think this movie suffered a little under the weight of wanting to do something, and make it seem grandiose, while not being able to in reality draw a line under most of the plot, as we have another (at least) 2 movies which will need the plot to keep moving along.


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9 hours ago, GhostMachine said:
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I hope the plan isn't to redeem Kylo/Ben. Because sorry, you killed Han Solo, who happened to be your own father. He deserves nothing less than a lightsaber enema. There is absolutely not a damn thing he can do to make anyone sympathize with him and accept him as a good guy. Chewbacca will want to rip his arms off and beat him to death with them.....



Wait for him to kill Chewi, and Laia, and Fin...


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Just been to see it, I really enjoyed it. It felt much more in line with the original films in terms of tone and look and yeah, I thought it was just really well done.



Han :crying: For some reason I just didn't expect that at all. In hindsight I probably should have but in the moment I was actually thinking "Wait, is he asking Han to kill him?" Nope. Wrong wrong wrong.

Can't see there being some redemption story with Kylo Ren. I feel like that was the catalyst to kind of turn him full dark side. Like he had this one hump in the road he couldn't get over to fully commit, and then he pushed past it by killing Han.

I'm assuming Luke kind of triggered R2 in to waking up and tell them where he is. Like in my head I'm just imagining it being like an Obi-Wan feeling something in the force when people die (was it when Alderan got blown up?) and kind of knowing and feeling what's happened to Han.

Was quite amused the big super-weapon didn't even seem to have an actual name. Like if I recall the whatshisface Nazi knockoff commander just went "CHARGE UP THE WEAPON!" Really, the weapon? Come on mate, put some effort in.


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45 minutes ago, Arjen Robben said:

Han Solo stuff


Han got to say goodbye the scene before. It was very obvius he was don for (Ford talking about wanting han dead for several decades now dosent help)... i think it could have had more impact if it had been Laya or the Wooky because not everyone had predicted that for a year.

And you will get a redemption story. They stand by Lucases "it´s poetry" line... they build a silly mega uber death star and threw it away like it was nothing just like in "a new hope". Han is replacing Obi wan, kylo is "No No No NOOOOOOO" Darth Vader and Luke is Yoda (who, as you might remember, was not in the first movie of the orignal triology).

Fully expect Fin to be fucked Han Solo Style at the end of the second movie and Rey to loose her hand (i asume she is Lukes daughter... or the secret twin of Kylo Ren/Ben.

Don´t get me wrong, just like in wrestling predictable is not necceserly bad... but lets just say they took the easy way to please the most people. ;)


Edited by Herr Matzat
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Yeah the Resistance is basically funded by the Republic as a separate organization operating outside of Republic bureaucracy. This allows them to get things done, but you don't get an overt explanation in the film for that. But again this is part of a trilogy so things like Captain Phasma that were glossed over can be explained later on. 

Having seen it a 2nd time it flows a little better. Knowing some of the motivations and backstory going into it helps not feeling bogged down by the huge amount of stuff they tried to get done in this movie. It still doesn't completely work, there's just too much going on for one movie. I know the rules of movies basically required they had a big bad at the end, but I think it would have done a lot better without that superweapon. It was just there to keep us occupied from the main plot, Rey's awakening and going to train under Luke. Given the implications of this movie for Disney, they had to play it safe and have a big battle to close it out.

Also A New Hope was supposed to be set off the Death Star, we weren't going to see it and then the Rebels were going to destroy it. It was going to be a lurking threat, similar to the superweapon in this movie. Budgetary constraints pushed the movie off of its intended setting of Alderaan and onto the Death Star. Interesting to think about that when held against the story of Force Awakens.


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I dont even mind a battle at the end. But i would have prefered it if the thing had survived. The original star wars had the death star destroied because they dident know if there would be more movies. Just have it survive the first movie, have it kill a planet/peole we actualy know and care about... maybe have it be killed by surprise in the second movie while the obvius empire mirror can happen by turning rey for a little longer than luke was in return of the jedi or something alike.

I feel the movie shines it´s brightest in the first 2/3s of it´s playtime. the orgin storys are interesting and fun to watch. I still wonder about Fin... i dident realy get if he is a clone that just happend to be fully "human" in his feelings or if his backstory "taken from some kind of a family" is real.


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Regarding Finn:


When they're first discussing the Stormtrooper that helped Poe escape if you look at the bottom left of the screen you'll see pictures of Finn as a child on a computer monitor. 


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I think there's some in the original film like once isn't there, where Obi-Wan lops an arm off some dude in the cantina and you just see a quick shot of the severed arm with some blood splashed around it, don't think I've seen blood in Star Wars since then though.

It was kind of.. darker than I expected in places. Not sure dark is the right word but I mean things like the nazi-esque imagery with the First Order was quite heavy at that one point like halfway through. And in the beginning, it seemed like they made a point to make the Stormtroopers seem a bit more of a threat from the off, like I know they still seemed a bit haphazard at times with their shots, but like when they first arrive on the scene at the start I think the first two shots they fire off after charging out of the ship kills two people, and then killing off a load of villagers. Seemed a bit of a far cry from the stromtroopers just bumbling around lightly jogging around after people or banging their heads off doors.

Really looking forward to seeing what Rian Johnson does with this now.

Also, my friend that's been to see it is adamant that in talking about Kylo Ren and Han (I think?) saying he had "too much Vader in him" now means that he hadn't really turned away from the darkside at the end of Return of the Jedi after all, and that he clearly wasn't redeemed if it was inherent the way the line implies. Personally think she's reading way too much in to it and probably taking it a bit too literally?


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On 18/12/2015 at 11:13, FrostyPickle_3:16 said:

This could be used to describe any wrestling event as well. I tend to be lucky at the cinema though, plus I went to a late night showing.

It's hard enough getting him to appear at the sumptuous palacial surroundings of The Phantom for the high class company, top notch personal hygiene, overpowering manliness and witty repartee of PTTS.

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I liked the movie, and thought it was alright. Given a day to let it all sink in, and I find myself enjoying it more than I did while watching it in the theatre. I still feel that some plot points were rushed, such as the Starkiller, and they kind of stuck close to the ANH formula (a lot of cut and paste), but overall it really sets the stage well for future movies. There's a lot of potential conflicts and stories to tell with these characters moving forward. 

Speaking of characters, I liked the new ones. Finn in particular was my favourite, but Poe, Rey, and Kylo were all pretty well written, and well acted. They did the right thing and made Kylo Ren more than just the dark, stoic, and mysterious Dark Jedi that he seemed to be on the outset. He's clearly a troubled young man who has great power, but is largely unrefined and overly emotional. In many ways he's a better representation of what I felt Anakin should be in the prequels. I do really wish they'd have left his face reveal until the scene with Han on the bridge. Then we, along with Han, could have seen the face of his son together and realized that despite the getup, he's still just a man beneath all of it. 

Wish we had more Luke, but also I'm glad they didn't just try to cram all the old favorites into the entire movie, and instead gave the new characters more time to breathe and find their footing. I assume Luke will get the Han Solo type screen time moving forward. Just wish we'd of gotten more in this one. Mark Hamill looks fantastic. 


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4 hours ago, Arjen Robben said:

Just been to see it, I really enjoyed it. It felt much more in line with the original films in terms of tone and look and yeah, I thought it was just really well done.


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It does have a name, Starkiller Base.

I don't know what to think - I loved it but Han's death really hit me way harder than it should've. Even seeing Luke at the end wasn't enough to knock me out of my daze and I can't believe I have to wait two more movies to see the ending of this trilogy.. oh my god.

Friend was saying that he was hearing a lot of people saying that they figured Rey would be revealed as Luke's daughter.. but we were thinking she's Kylo Ren's brother which might just be be a little too obvious but ultimately lines up with the Star Wars motifs.

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One thing in regards to Kylo Ren is that a big criticism is that he seems overly dramatic, and a lot of people have Mannequin Skywalker comparisons due to that. But I think the big difference is he is a guy trying to be evil. It's brought up by his parents and himself that he still has a bit of good in him, and he's trying to completely suppress that. He idolizes Darth Vader and wants too much to be like him, not knowing despite his incredible power Vader was easily manipulated. He thinks Vader was this menace in a mask, and has spent however long his turn to the darkside trying to be that. Unfortunately for him that's not who he was at the start of the movie, but I think in Episode VIII we'll see less of overly emotional Kylo Ren and more of a cold-hearted Kylo Ren. But in the end his desire to "be Vader" is going to be his undoing as Snoak will use him for his own ends, which we do not yet know.

I think it would have been more hinted that Rey was Kylo Ren's sister by either interactions with him or her parents. There are hints that both sides know she is of some significance, but nothing beyond that. Since she was directly interacting with all of them it's something that's going to be too hard to explain later on. With Luke he and Vader never interacted one-on-one until the end of Empire, so holding off on that reveal worked.

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