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What super hero don't you actually like?


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I've hated Superman since I was a younger kid. Just all around terrible. Never cared for Aquaman, Green Lantern, or Cyclops. I've also been split in the middle about Wolverine. I don't necessarily hate him, but he's just too boring to be likable for me. I feel like the main reason he's become as big as he is was due to Hugh Jackman. I know he was popular beforehand, but never on the "classic" levels like Batman or Superman.

I think the X-Men as a team have been on that "classic level" for a while, though, and Wolverine is by far the most visible/popular member of that team. He has been at least since the early 90s when I was watching the X-Men cartoons and I'm not a huge Wolverine fan, so I don't think I'm over-representing that.

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Hanna Barbara is a little bit of a stretch for a true superhero, though. Can we really count satire?

In the realm of comic book super heroes, many of the teenage and child mutants that were around before M-Day were annoying as hell. It was like the writers had no clue how to write them as anything but whiny and self-important. I was kind of glad so many of them had their powers erased, so at least we wouldn't have to deal with so many of them.

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Hanna Barbara is a little bit of a stretch for a true superhero, though. Can we really count satire?

Hanna Barbera created Space Ghost, who was as much a part of my childhood superhero cartoon watching as Spiderman and the X-Men.

And I don't see any reason not to include satire. It's all cartoons and comic books anyway, being snobby about what is or isn't "correct" isn't really all that sensible. Besides, stuff like Watchmen and Miracleman could easily be called satire, while being one of the greatest superhero comics ever written.

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I dislike the Batman more and more.

His ability to be superman because he can afford to, the "because he's the Batman " excuse for why he can do ridiculous bullshit, and the idea that stopping criminals by defrauding the empire your parents gave you as a trust fund baby all turn me off.

Not to mention his way of going around solving the problem of Gotham is very self defeating and narrow minded. He's like a pussy version of the punisher. Psycho yet not enough to finish the job.

If batman had a decent therapist or eight, they would be the greatest superhero of all.

Until then its superman. Fuck the haters.

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Apparently we're delving in to having any sort of super-human abilities, be they physical capabilities or the ability to change reality around you, it counts as being a superhero. Of course, this makes one of my favorite literary characters, Esmerelda "Granny" Weatherwax, a superhero (okay, anti-hero more like). However, if we are including stuff like that, then we've gone a little bit away from what we were originally considering, aren't we?

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