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I was planning to stay out of 97 until I'd finished the original series, but I couldn't keep away any longer and watched all 5 episodes today.


They're all great, but my God, episode 5. I could tell something was about to go very badly when there hadn't been any background music for over five minutes, but that level of destruction of characters is something I never thought I'd see in a show like this.


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God damn E5.  Just...damn


Knew when The Watcher appeared some shit was going down

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I'm 3 episodes off finishing my X-men rewatch so I can finally start, but is there a reason why it's listed as 14+? My 8 year old is looking forward to it, is there anything there that raises it above an MCU film age wise? 

Might watch it on my own first just for the peace...

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I haven't watched it yet, because I'm trying to get through the whole series again first, but my understanding is that they decided to grow the show with the original audience a bit... so it's a bit heavier, subject matter is a bit more intense and there may be some light swearing.

So, probably nothing you need to worry about if you actually talk to your children.

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I think the main factor for the age rating is that they're being more specific with Magneto's backstory than they were allowed to be in the original series, and anything Nazi related (even if just by insinuation) immediately gets flagged to increase the rating.

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Watching Episode 7 my god this is going to be a fun three episode finale


- The reveal of Bastion being behind Sinister and Co is no shock but also a major point since Cable is also back

- The knowledge of Xavier being alive could be an easy way for OTZ to turn human mind against mutants as they see they are fed a lie about the death of Xavier possibly

- Magneto being held captive is a deadly spot as what if he is turned into a Prime Sentinel in waiting for activation? That is one specific enemy the X Men don’t want to deal with at all

- Liked the showing as well of Emma Frost even if just briefly


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well X-Men '97 is escalating to monumental levels.

@Colly I think the show may have got to the point of being a bit much for your 8 year old...


Magneto back as a villain, and now as good as beyond saving, ripping the adamantium skeleton out of Wolverine's body is certainly one way to end an episode. Rogue and Sunspot had justifiable reasons to join him, but you have to think they might be regretting that decision now. Plus we have Cyclops both mourning Jean (although I doubt that'll stick) and now responsible for Magneto butchering Wolverine and defeating Professor X. It's going to be very interesting to see how they wrap this up, although part of me hopes they don't and it leads to an X-Men'98.

Also, after weeks of trying to match the tune in my brain, I've just worked out that the end credits themes sounds a lot like the Crystal Maze theme.

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To be honest I watched the first few by myself and decided that myself. They weren't particularly dark but they aren't designed as kids cartoons, I think he'd get bored with the amount of fairly complex dialogue (especially with no comics background). 

Is the finale next week or is it all out now, I'm up to 7 and was hanging on to binge the last few.

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1 hour ago, Colly said:

Is the finale next week or is it all out now, I'm up to 7 and was hanging on to binge the last few.

Next week's drop on Wednesday will be the last one of the season. Sounds like a nice way to spend a bank holiday weekend...

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"What did you expect?  Black leather?"


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I popped huge for that line, literally just came to this thread to post it.

I don't think the series has hit the heights of the Genosha episode since, but it's so good. The aim for any nostalgia project like this should never be to replicate what the show was, but to try and capture how it exists in people's memories - as a kid I thought the X-Men cartoon was really in-depth and grown up because it had a continuous narrative, hundreds of characters to keep track of, and dealt with some pretty heavy social issues, but in reality, a lot of it is a clunky mess, most episodes are just Wolverine jumping through an incomprehensible mess of laser blasts and explosions, and plot points are picked up and dropped at random. But X-Men '97 does an amazing job of capturing what the show felt like as a kid, and does similar with the animation, which has aged quite badly in the original, by using the same art style but the actual animation being considerably improved - there are places, especially in Genosha and anything around Sentinels, where it seems to owe more of a debt to Akira or Attack On Titan than to western superhero cartoons, and it's better for it.


I've enjoyed most of it, but really don't like how the show uses Morph. They're still this background character comic relief, but for some reason they've decided that them shapeshifting into another mutant also allows them to use that mutant's powers (and not just mutants, as they transformed into Hulk at one point), which in theory makes them by one of, if not the most powerful mutant in the world. The show has never meaningfully addressed this power in the story, or factored into any of the team's planned, Morph is still just treated as effectively an extra body in combat scenes. This isn't a "crying because it's not the way things were in the original series/in the comic books" complaint, it's something that I think is a glaring issue with the use of this character, that other mutants are expressly considered especially dangerous because of their powers or their power level, yet someone who potentially has access to all of those powers and more just gets to stand in the background quipping. 

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22 hours ago, RoHitman Reigns said:

For those who haven’t seen episode 10 yet be aware it does have an end credits scene

Yeah. I've not watched the last 3 episodes yet because I wanted to wait until all 3 were available and watch them all together, but was too tired last night. And I've already had that spoiled due to some asshat on Facebook. 

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1 hour ago, GhostMachine said:

Yeah. I've not watched the last 3 episodes yet because I wanted to wait until all 3 were available and watch them all together, but was too tired last night. And I've already had that spoiled due to some asshat on Facebook. 

This is why people say if you don’t want something spoiled be careful what you look at online until you see it 🙂

Sorry that happened to you, but it’s why I limited myself until I saw it as I knew it would get spoiled otherwise for me also. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, starting 97. Loving the clearly anime inspired animation style and the updates intro. Adding Morph and Bishop to the main team is a great move (hope they explain why Morph has opted for the different look even if it's just a personal choice).

Can't say I adore all the voices, Wolverine in particular sounds very off having just finished watching the original, but it's not bad, just feels awkward.

The immediate effort to show what a badass Cyclops is and give Jean more development than she got in the entire original show within her first three scenes is very much appreciated.

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10 hours ago, Benji said:

Can't say I adore all the voices, Wolverine in particular sounds very off having just finished watching the original, but it's not bad, just feels awkward.

This is kinda odd, since its the same voice actor, but is also does make sense since there has been 30 years in between

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