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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Final Fantasy XII are available for pre-order. They're £44.99 each. In better news, there's another Direct focusing on indies tomorrow.
  2. I read an interview in which the makers of Love, Death and Robots said it was inspired by Heavy Metal, the cult 1981 film. Are they similar in any way other than the anthology structure? If it is, it won't interest me because I thought Heavy Metal was trashy nonsense whose soundtrack was its only appeal. If not, I might give it a look.
  3. I'm not a Nickelback fan and I have to admit that that rockstar song really annoys me, but a lot of people do seem to fall over themselves on the internet to express their hatred for the band. There are plenty of other bands that I dislike more who don't get anywhere near as much attention.
  4. That's the biggest thing that stifles any excitement I might have had for cloud gaming. The infrastructure to support it probably won't be in place in my area for several years at least, so it's not even an option for me.
  5. Motorsport Manager is on Switch now. It's a simplified version of the PC game and a slightly expanded version of the mobile game. It doesn't have the level of depth the PC edition has, but it it's still got plenty going for it. As someone who enjoyed the game on PC, I'm still really liking this handheld take.
  6. I'd normally have liked to see a team outside the Premier League reach the semi-finals, but not when it's Millwall.
  7. The Total War games have a good mix of turn-based and real-time strategy. I'd say the best ones are Rome, Medieval 2, Napoleon and Shogun 2.
  8. I think you're probably right there. I can't think of a better one. This is a contender, though:
  9. I'd love it if Swansea and Wolves both won today. I like seeing unexpected cup winners.
  10. Ireland look awful. Maybe this will be a necessary wake-up call before the World Cup.
  11. This will only appeal to a select few of us, but I'll be right on board if the Switch version is half-decent.
  12. I ought to start watching Formula E. From the clips I've seen, it looks like a lot of fun.
  13. In case anyone didn't know, Errol Spence Jr. vs Mikey Garcia will be live on ITV 4 in the early hours of Sunday morning. That's a massive fight between two undefeated boxers ranked in the top ten of Ring Magazine's pound-for-pound rankings, and it's free to watch in the UK.
  14. It's widely thought that it isn't true.
  15. Well, I agree, but I feel the same way about Jon and Dany. They're both unpleasant matches to me.
  16. Tywin married his first cousin and nobody cared. Jon and Arya would be a more socially accepted pairing than Jon and Dany.
  17. Halo Reach is coming to the Master Chief Collection. I'm not an FPS person generally, but I quite liked that game.
  18. I really hate the sound of that.
  19. That detail about episode 3 seems like a spoiler to me.
  20. Again, that's surely part of the strategy. Opposition to unpleasant content inevitably draws in the "DAMN THOSE LIBTARD SJWs CENSORING ENTERTAINMENT!" crowd, which in turn draws more attention to the source material. Hatred was universally considered to be a mechanically rubbish game, but a fair number of people bought it just because it was seen as an edgy pushback against feminazis/cucks/snowflakes/insert other silly insult here. If Desk Plant made a visual novel about something respectable, chances are pretty much nobody would play it or even know about it. Now, with a product called "Rape Day", at the very least, they've ensured that the dark underbelly of society will support it.
  21. If you can't make a good game, make a horribly controversial one and bask in the notoriety when it gets a backlash. Any games that this developer produces in the future will have much more chance of being covered by the games media now.
  22. My guess is that they were hoping to get attention through crass controversy, and it's worked.
  23. Looks as though F1 will introduce an extra point for the fastest Grand Prix lap. I know it's not a new idea because they did it back in the 1950s, but I like it. Having something potentially to play for in a processional race should make things a bit more interesting.
  24. Leeds and Reading have never really been for me, but there are usually one or two bands I like on the bill. This year is the first time that hasn't been the case. I must just be one of those Download/Bloodstock types everyone hates so much.
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