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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Haven't really touched our 360 for the past couple months since getting it back due to time constraints and what not, but I decided to pick up Lost Odyssey since it came out yesterday.

Must say I am very impressed. The graphics are exquisite with wonderful music. The sound design in particular is quite nice. The voice acting so far has been great (with Jansen being a particular high light) and the ambient noise and sound effects are also quite good.

Battles are standard typical RPG stuff with some wrinkles here and there. Quite pleased to see a similar system as to FFIX in regards to learning skills and such for your immortals.

That said, the story is actually quite interesting so far with some likable characters. Particularly the little slightly animated novellas that pop up explaining an old memory of the main character Kaim. Maybe I'm not far enough into it but the graphical glitching and loading aren't remotely as bad as some reviews have implied. It's actually refreshing not to get into a battle every two feet.

Speaking of which, the first boss raped me. Raped me silly. Raped me like a transexual Malaysian prostitute, three times over. Just absolutely brutal. Looking at some shit said online (namely Gamefaqs), seems quite a few people hate the game for it and are trading it in. It's quite endearing to encounter an RPG boss that requires some thought and skill to defeat and it felt like an accomplishment to fell the guy.

So far its been great. Anyone at all interested in a traditional RPG should give it a look. Tweak some things and add some stuff and it would fit right in line with older FF titles like VI, VII and VIII but obviously 'next gen'.

I should actually make use of my gold subscription to Live though. Since getting the 360 I've barely tried online.

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Mass Effect is a very good game, but Bioware needs to get their shit together. KOTOR and Mass Effect are about the same goddamn thing with the planets you visit. BARREN WASTELANDS! And when you go visit something that has people on it it is barren as shit and has 5 people.

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Not bad considering I say you just standing there half the time. Not that I ever would run up and stick you or anything :shifty:

You missed the 35 and 10 Multi-Team game I had with Ellis.

I think the combat was fine in Mass Effect, or course it's not COD4, but the variety through your abilities that you can use against your foes keeps the game fresh.

It's your own fault if you constantly run and gun.

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