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I might have liked Midsommar even more than Hereditary, which I adored. I'm hoping the director's cut will be out on blu ray at some point!

Horror's in a really good place right now, IMO, with Ari Aster, Mike Flanagan and Jordan Peele.

Edited by Tyrone
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On 27/10/2019 at 00:36, Tyrone said:

I might have liked Midsommar even more than Hereditary, which I adored. I'm hoping the director's cut will be out on blu ray at some point!

Horror's in a really good place right now, IMO, with Ari Aster, Mike Flanagan and Jordan Peele.

Directors cut came out on blu-ray literally yesterday over here. Is it not out everywhere?

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On 29/10/2019 at 09:55, Arjen Robben said:

Directors cut came out on blu-ray literally yesterday over here. Is it not out everywhere?

Very keen to see the director's cut. I loved Hereditary and thought Midsommar was excellent; grew on me more and more after I'd left the cinema. I'm super excited for whatever he's gonna do next, I hope he continues to change it up, I was particularly pleased with how different the two films were despite the strong DNA that runs through both. 

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I dunno if you’ve checked it out already (or are interested) but A24 do a semi-regular podcast and one of the most recent ones had one that was a conversation between Ari Aster and Robert Eggers, ostensibly about Midsommar and The Lighthouse but more generally just a conversation about filmmaking, it’s a good listen.

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4 hours ago, Arjen Robben said:

I dunno if you’ve checked it out already (or are interested) but A24 do a semi-regular podcast and one of the most recent ones had one that was a conversation between Ari Aster and Robert Eggers, ostensibly about Midsommar and The Lighthouse but more generally just a conversation about filmmaking, it’s a good listen.

I've had it downloaded and ready to go for a while now, thanks for the suggestion man, I'll make sure to actually get to it! 

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I've been on a bit of a movie kick recently, watched The Other GuysStranger than FictionFour PsychopathsThe Big ShortSnatch and Limitless in the last 5 days.

The Other Guys was a lot of fun. Really stupid, but it's a satire and has Will Ferrell in it so I'm not shocked. Good stuff.

Stranger than Fiction is a complete departure from Will Ferrell's usual stuff but I really, really enjoyed it. I didn't go in with particularly high expectations and maaaaaaybe at times it is a bit ridiculous but it's nice. It's heartfelt. Emma Thompson is in it, as well, and she's great.

Four Psychopaths was good too! I expected it to be, as it had the same director as In Bruges and the same main star too, of course. I think I'd probably prefer In Bruges to it, but I haven't seen that in a while so I'd have to rewatch it, and I mean... they're different films so there's not really any need to compare.

Snatch was alright, yeah. I dunno. I expected to enjoy it more but I guess at times it didn't grab my attention too much. I can't really place it why but maybe it was just that my expectations were higher. It wasn't bad or anything, and I can't even place what I didn't really like about it, which is annoying!

Limitless was fun. I liked it a lot. The ending was alright but also miles and miles better than the ending of Lucy (of course no spoilers but URGH), which shares the same basic plot in that there's a powerful drug which enables 100% capability of your brain (even if everyone already has use of 100% of their brain in real life anyway) but it explains a lot more? Things happen for a reason and... there are side effects to the drug? and everything seems a lot more fleshed out... and things make more sense in general, I suppose, in a science fiction kind of way. Also, oh, I didn't realise Limitless actually came out before Lucy. That's some pointless information I have now.

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2 hours ago, Owen said:

Four Psychopaths was good too! I expected it to be, as it had the same director as In Bruges and the same main star too, of course. I think I'd probably prefer In Bruges to it, but I haven't seen that in a while so I'd have to rewatch it, and I mean... they're different films so there's not really any need to compare.

What happened to the other 3?

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Terminator Dark Fate is pretty good.  Easily the best one since Terminator 2 3D: Battle Across Time.

But it totally bombed, I think too many bad movies have ruined the franchise’s viability.  And T2 remains this completely unapproachable target for them to hit.  

Probably needs to go on ice for a decade and then be completely rebooted from the ground up.  As in try to make a film like the original Terminator, not T2

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Minus a couple of bad-kind-of-creepy scenes with the lead actress, Motel Hell is a delightfully absurd 1980 horror movie. Think Reanimator, but cornpone and starring Rory Calhoun (who does indeed walk on his hind legs.)

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