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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - 8.5/10

Apparently people dislike the end? Because honestly I thought it was a fantastic twist on things, but I'm saying that from the perspective of someone who has read the entire comic. Movie was great. I honestly wish it were a little longer so the Roxy Richter stuff could have gotten more development (I don't care so much that the Katayanagi Twins were reduced to like a two minute scene because they're really the least interesting Evil Exes even when they get an entire volume to themselves). Honestly, and I don't care how much heresy it is, I enjoyed this movie every bit as much if not more than I did Inception, just for drastically different reasons and types of enjoyment. Probably ending up #2 on my top 10 of 2010, unless the Coens' True Grit remake lives up to my hopes for it.

I agree with all of this, except it's probably going to stay a steady 4th for me on my Top 10 (keeping in mind the True Grit stuff, of course.) I liked the ending, but I feel like the pace of the movie fell a little on the last 20 minutes.

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Oh, and I wish The Expendables was just a little bit more crazy. A lot of the talking bits kinda slowed it down for me when it should've just been a complete parody of the action genre. Don't get me wrong, the action was crazy fun and very funny, but I was left with a wanting feeling.

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Hellraiser - 8/10 I haven't seen any of the Hellraiser movies before, but it reminded me of the weird horror stuff I would see on HBO at my friend's house as a kid. Most horror mythologies can be explained in a couple of sentences and are explained at the beginning of the movie, but Hellraiser still leaves you going "WTF" at the very end.

Fall Time - 7.5/10 It was an interesting movie to watch, but it's not something I could watch over and over again. Arquette and Stephen Baldwin were surprisingly good in their roles.

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Community (10/10)

If anybody has watch it, can't argue that is one heck of sitcom.

Big fan of Joel McHale, I crack up with that guy since The Soup, I didn't know he could pull a role like that. The characters are diverse and funny in different ways, the actors really play them good...

I saw Shirley on Drake and Josh, and is a big change of characters she did... lol.

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So I watched the two Tetsuo movies the other day. I am going to share my thoughts on them individually though, as they deserve it. Or, at least, the first one does.

So yeah, Tetsuo: The Iron Man was quite the experience. Black and white, minimalistic, cyberpunk on acid, I really enjoyed it. It has great visuals and one can really see that alot of work has gone into making this film a visual experience, using the simplest of tools. However, it feels like that it was made to BE genre-defining of and was made said to be it after it was released. I know it ended up being it but not for the virtue of the people wathing it but by the people who made it. It did have some unintentionally funny scenes even though you could see and feel that the premise and set-up was deeply serious. I credit this to the fact that Shinya Tsukamoto tried perhaps a bit too hard. I will recommend this to fans of Japanese film, students of film and cinema or people who have a deep interest for it. Or just cyberpunk geeks or Japanophiles. :shifty:

Now Tetsuo 2: The Body Hammer was a bit of a let-down compared to the first one. In color but with a blue overlay it showed the bleakness of the leads situation but The Body Hammer had a much more coherent plot and acted like a stone-set movie, something that The Iron Man did not have and that furthered the fact that the lead in The Iron Man had no idea what was going on or how to explain it. The Body Hammer honestly seems very tame in comparison to The Iron Man despite an obvious attempt for it to be just as confusing. But I would still recommend it to people who liked The Iron Man because it is just as fulfilling if you like the genre.

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I was made to watch The Proposal last night by the girlfriend. It was... OKAY. I mean, it wasn't terrible by any stretch, just didn't really have anything stand out. It felt a lot like Ryan Reynolds character just said 'oh. she loves me? yeah. okay. i love her too.' there didn't really seem to be any evolution for his character, where as Bullocks did develop a little. It wasn't great, but as far as chick flicks that you might have to watch go, you could do a lot worse.

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American Psycho - Second time I saw it, and it was better than I remembered. The viewing experience was enhanced by the fact that about 2/3 into the film my girlfriend started blowing me and for the rest of the film we had hot, steamy sex.

Event Horizon - First time I saw this, and HOLY FUCK what an awesome movie! Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne are at their absolute best here. The story is clever and scary, the visuals are fantastic, the soundscape kicks ass... What's not to love? I'd be tempted to give this five stars, if I was a reviewer.

Kick-Ass - Third time, and it still, well, kicks ass. Best movie ever.

Edited by Jayzon
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American Psycho - Second time I saw it, and it was better than I remembered. The viewing experience was enhanced by the fact that about 2/3 into the film my girlfriend started blowing me and for the rest of the film we had hot, steamy sex.

Well done you.

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Bigger, Stronger, Faster - Very well done documentary on Steroids, doping, and the "American Culture." Though, you couldn't help but feel sad about the way it all ended for "Mad Dog" Mike Bell in hindsight, and how devastating his death had to have been for everyone.

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