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The Old Sony Megathread


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This weeks chalange just started. It´s pritty darn obvius that the solution should be "DeShaun Snap Knapp" but i have no idea how to send in the solution.

I wonder what the price will be, i think in week one it was something lame in Playstation Home, last week the Demo wich is something that will be hard to beat.

Heavy Rain is full of sequences of legitimate terror, anxiety and fear for the life of the characters. It is, at times, emotionally draining -- and even exhausting after some scenes.


There are no spoilers of the story at all.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Fat Princess

Heavy Rain 4 Day Chalange.

The Suspect is Greg Corgan, no word on the price yet, they show you two Videos and tell you that the price will be delivered via e-mail... might be another chalange next week, might be a Code for the PSN... don´t know yet, just enter to be shure you are in if it gets as good as last week wen they prereleased the Demo.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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What have I missed in the HR demo? I've gone through the Sleazy Place and Crime Scene parts of the demo but then a trailer played and it was over. Do I need to make a different decision so that it extends, or is that it?

Someone talked abot scrambling up a hill, and I didn't see any of that. :/

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Meh, fuck you guys. :/

I've done it now, anyway. As good as having your 'unique' story sounds, this is an example of how good things can be easily missed. It seems you can't skip any audio, so unless you watch through everything again, the chance to see it is gone. Minor concern, but the game feels great all the same.

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I missed the 'scrambling' bit too whatever it is. Also, am I the only one not all that impressed by the game? I mean, it's good and very athmospheric, but I can't help but feel I'm watching one long cutscene with minor interactions. It seems like something I could play on an interactive DVD extra. I'll more than likely buy it because I liked Fahrenheit so much, but I'm not feeling any of the hype, just seems to be a slightly above average game.

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You might want to replay the sceen with Laura. It´s changing depending on were you walk, stand, sit, touch and by the questions you chose. I don´t think you could have this much interaction and smal differenc with an interactive dvd... my biggest concern is that there might be more smal changes within all the sceens that do not have an efeckt on the big picture... so that wen you replay it you might just end up in the same places anyway. - I think there are suposed to be 20 possible endings but who knowes... i´ll buy it, and the only other game i want as bad as this one would be The Last Guardian.

On my first play i will try to do my best, on the second... at least the way i feel right now, i will do anything to get Jayden killed. ^_^

Be carefull on the web. I at least know a german site that already published a walkthrough, so there are heavy spoilers on the web aswell... and you know the kids... better be save than sorry.

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If you guys think me asking for guidance now is bad, wait until the full game comes out.

I bet to obtain all the trophies in this game you'll have to play through it about four times, where the only point of doing so is changing a question aimed at someone. shifty.gif

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It seems like they have learned from the early Demo Code. This weeks reward has not been sent yet... so they might just close the shop before every gameing site reports it. In case it´s something special, you might get yourself in on the List.

Greg Corgan = "The online game Killer"

Enter his name on


At first you´ll get a FBI Video telling you that he is not the kiler but you did a great job (with the other three persons he hates you)..after that you´ll get the trailer that is in the Demo (with psp and mp4 download link) and a mesage that you will be contacted soon to be given a reward. This soon has not yet happend, se above on my guess why. MIght be something cool...

This Comic has been drawn while watching Baddar play...


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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fl0w is free on the US and Canadian PSN Store. No Codes, no nothing, just download it. But only untill midnight EST!

I got it ordert, but i cannot download caus of a HTTP Status 403 error or something. <--- You need an US Proxy, just put it in your internet settings and fl0w will fly towards you.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Got round to downloading the Heavy Rain demo this weekend and I liked it. It was a good introduction but, to me, it was just that. There's no doubt that it is superb graphically - at times the character models are scarily life-like - but, on the whole, it didn't set my world on fire. That is probably because I'm still seeing it as just Fahrenheit 2.0. It has a lot to live up to in my estimation as I thought for about 80% of its story, Fahrenheit was top-notch.

I have to admit though, the FBI dude's sunglasses are pimp as fuck. thumbsup.gif

Those, the QTE in the flat (vastly improved over the original in every conceivable way) and the slope struggling were easily the highlights. Not sure if I'll end up buying it, but I'll probably end up renting it at some point.

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So... does Uncharted 1 ever get good? Maybe I just suck, or perhaps I'm stuck in the mindset of Assassin's Creed controls, but I just can't get into this at all. And the combat is even worse, apparently going to the Gears of War school of game design: walk ten feet, die ten times, walk teen feet, die ten times, walk ten feet, kill everyone from 300 feet away by hiding behind a stone pillar the entire time, walk ten feet, die twelve times, etc.

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So... does Uncharted 1 ever get good? Maybe I just suck, or perhaps I'm stuck in the mindset of Assassin's Creed controls, but I just can't get into this at all. And the combat is even worse, apparently going to the Gears of War school of game design: walk ten feet, die ten times, walk teen feet, die ten times, walk ten feet, kill everyone from 300 feet away by hiding behind a stone pillar the entire time, walk ten feet, die twelve times, etc.

Apparently you're just really bad. >_> I love Uncharted, though I'll admit the problems with the first are ironed out in the second, making it the superior game. I think I've only had that problem with the game twice, once in like a flooded area underneath the castle and against the legion of things you have to kill towards the end. Stick with it, it's a fun little game, though I will say I don't think it deserves half as much credit as it gets.

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