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The Old Sony Megathread


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WET is just balls out fun, don't expect anything deep, but as far as wonderful killgames go, it's among my favourites.

Right now WET is the one I'm not expecting to get much play time out of until I've beaten AVP, because wow and damn, Tomb Raider Underworld is all kinds of pretty. blush.gif It's the same stuff that's been the main point of Tomb Raider since the late 90's, but I don't know, repetitive or not, I've just always enjoyed the series. I can't help but laugh sometimes though, especially when Lara seems to just be talking out loud to herself, explaining something she already knows. At least in Anniversary they made it so she was explaining to someone over a com system. tongue.gif

Did anyone ever play Star Ocean: The Last Hope? I loved the PS2 Star Ocean game I had (never beat it, sadly.), is this one anywhere near that level? I might pick it up when it's dropped to about £20 and I've played FFXIII to death.

Holy shit! I'm posting in here!

I got the game once it came out, and it's a pretty fun game. If you enjoyed the PS2 one, you will likely enjoy this one (although the characters aren't anywhere near as cool). But if you have to drop a lot of time into a game, you could do much worse.

How much time do you get out of it? After FFXIII, I don't think there's much coming out that I'm looking that forward too (Dead Rising 2 aside), so I'll probably have a fair bit more time to kill in sort of June-August time.

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Is anyone else picking up MLB 10: The Show this week? I'm quite looking forward to baseball season and I haven't had a baseball game since 2006 outside of Baseball Mogul. It's a pretty good timing as well since I'm done with Mass Effect 2 and Heavy Rain. Looks like April and May are going to be busy months though. Glad to get some quality innings in before then.

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I'll be picking up The Show this week, it'll be the first baseball game I've played since Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run on the SNES... seriously. The not-quite-wife is a big baseball fan and since we finally have a PS3, I figured it would be a fun game to kill some time.

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I'm really on the fence about Final Fantasy XIII. It looks good and I like the FF games but I just have not played a traditional RPG in 3D that I've liked. It just seems like open generic spaces with weird textures that you run around in trying to find stuff to do. Maybe I'm wrong, actually I hope I am but I'm more temped to just grab Legends of the Seven stars from the Virtual Console.

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I can't decide on FFXIII either. I haven't liked a FF game since IX and they just seem to be taking this series further and further into the realm of "What the Fuck?"

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FFX was awesome, probably my third favourite in the whole series, but I never played XII and this just seems completely bizarre in terms of gameplay, and actually quite limited which is horrible when it comes to FF. I also hate the black guys character, from a video of him and the pink hair girl fighting a boss. He seems quite ridiculous which is irritating when the graphics look so realistic.

I am meh on it so far, won't pick it up on release but if you guys give it the thumbs up, I might look into it eventually.

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FFX was okay, but it's almost reached FFVII levels of cult-like worship, which annoys me... especially since neither are anywhere close to as good as VI, which came out 16 years ago (fuck I'm old) on inferior hardware. IX was the closest they got to rediscovering that charm, and of course it's one of the worst-selling in the post-VII history of the franchise.

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FFX was okay, but it's almost reached FFVII levels of cult-like worship, which annoys me... especially since neither are anywhere close to as good as VI, which came out 16 years ago (fuck I'm old) on inferior hardware. IX was the closest they got to rediscovering that charm, and of course it's one of the worst-selling in the post-VII history of the franchise.

God damnit, stop making me love you.

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Eh, I've never enjoyed IX anywhere near the levels of VIII or X, or even X-2, which I still maintain was a great game. But then I can totally see where you're coming from, seeing as your a fan of VI. But the fantasy/anime/steampunk/sci-fi stuff has always been my favourite type of setting for an FF, which is why I couldn't get into XII at all and why IX just didn't really interest me. Though I will say that I've always enjoyed FF1 (the GBA version anyway), and I don't know why. tongue.gif

Today I finally got around to play game #4 of the games I purchased to tide me over until FFXIII, which is WET. And man, this game is just as fun as the demo lead me to believe. Insane amounts of enjoyment from the gameplay, it's so simple yet it's so much fun. I can't understand why most people seemed to dislike it, maybe they were expecting something more, but for me, this is probably the most fun of all the games I currently own. (Possible contention from Sonic Racing and Modern Warfare 2 on any map that isn't Kariachi or Invasion.)

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I meant more like it lacked the fantasy/sci-fi feel that I enjoyed from X, VII, VIII. Same reason I wasn't so keen on the world of FFXII. IX always felt a lot closer to a western style setting to me, which I wasn't as fond off.

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