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The Old Sony Megathread


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Ah crap, i ordert one extra copy of Ico/SoC at Amazon.co.uk and forgot about it. If you change your mind about the Japanes Version i can send you the UK one once i get it next week mr hammy. I´ed prefer monny for it though since i am fairly broke, otherwise i´ll just return it. :->

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I've got nothing in my paypal right now as I haven't tried to sell one of my board games for a while....Also we just spent all our saved money on a trip to Malaysia next week. <_<

As a price comparison, how much are Ico and SoC there? Here they're the equivalent to me of about £18 each or about £32 together.

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I went and bought it. Dunno what the deal is in the UK but here you get the two separate game cases in a special limited box...Though here SoC is called "Wander and the Colossus"

Also comes with a very nice book with concept art, timelines and lots of Japanese writing. Box is quality too.

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1. I'd forgotten quite how big the Colossi were (added with the surround sound it took my breath away for a moment).

2. I'd forgotten how brutal the game was.

Just killed the first Colossus - one my my favourite looking of the beasts. Now off to work and I'll kill the next one later.

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My game just arived, it looks absolutly stunning. I have no idea how amazin Guardian will look being developed straight for PS3.

For some reason my plastic Box just says blueray, no Playstation Branding anymore?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Just took a bloody hour to kill the third Colossus. I'd forgotten how frustrating this game can be. Resorted to shouting pathetically at the screen after just mistiming a jump or running out of grip on his head as he shook it around.

That was the most annoying so far I'd say. I found the best way to kill him was to stab his head a few times, then stand on his neck/head whilst my stamina recharged, then get back to the stabbing.

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I just purchased a PS3 three months ago. My friend lent me GT4, Little Big Planet, Resistance 3 and Infamous 2. Looking to add a new game as I finished GT4 and Resistance 3. Don't really care on genre, just something that will keep my attention. I work a lot, so games that require me to invest a lot of time and energy (Fallout for example) probably isn't my type of game, but I could be persuaded otherwise.

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I just purchased a PS3 three months ago. My friend lent me GT4, Little Big Planet, Resistance 3 and Infamous 2. Looking to add a new game as I finished GT4 and Resistance 3. Don't really care on genre, just something that will keep my attention. I work a lot, so games that require me to invest a lot of time and energy (Fallout for example) probably isn't my type of game, but I could be persuaded otherwise.


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Bit different than some suggested, but for a quick pick up and play type game, check out Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time. Fun platform game, doesn't require a huge investment in time.

And it will be fairly cheap now also.

Edited by Liam
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Since Vettel is F1 World Champion you can now get a free car in GT5. You need to log in with your game this week and get.


/edit. OMG, using that car feels like cheating. It´s fast, very very fast.

Some more infor on next weeks big patch, better loadingtimes and new tracks as dlc sound brilliant, but this also sounds like another gigantic download.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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