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The Old Sony Megathread


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Well apparently sales have quadrupled since the drop in Japan, so it surely can't be far off. Although I have read that sales spiked without a drop in the UK over the last couple of months, basically due to the CoD and FIFA bundles. I figure a lot of it was Christmas-related and PS+ must've helped (hell, that plus MLB coming to the UK via digital led me to splurge on a 32gb card), but we've happily not seen that many traded in compared with the loads we were getting before when the sales were poorer. Good news I think.

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I finished Sleeping Dogs on Friday, which was good timing considering I'd just bought and started Tomb Raider a couple of days before.

A very enjoyable game, and well worth the £20 I paid for it three or four months ago. I would've been able to get it on PS+ for free if I had waited, but I'm not in the slightest bothered by paying the money. I think I'd buy a sequel on release.

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I put a 500GB HDD in my PS3 and am downloading what feels like half the internet right now with all the plus contend i got linked to my account. :D

Did that a couple of weeks ago. Took me days to get everything situated. Well worth it, though. Got everything installed, PS+ games downloaded, and themes/avatars situated with tons of room to spare.

Speaking of Plus: Joe Danger 2 is your free game this go-round.

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I put a 500GB HDD in my PS3 and am downloading what feels like half the internet right now with all the plus contend i got linked to my account. :D

What kind of hard drive do you have to use for PS3? Other than it fitting into the system, is there any specific recommendations?

Also, if I get a new hard drive and don't back up my old one, I can just download my saved games off of my PSN account after the new one is formatted?

Edited by Baby Hewey
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It has to be a 2.5" SATA hard drive formatted to FAT32. These are typically found in laptops, to give you an idea of size.

Mind you, Windows XP and all future versions will not format anything >32GB into FAT32. You'll need a program such as Fat32Format or Easeus Partition Manager to format anything >32GB to FAT32.

If you don't back up your old one, some game data may not be available. Rock Band 1 is a notable example, as you won't have access to those songs unless you use the Backup Utility. You can backup to any USB external/thumb drive, so long as it's formatted to FAT32 (I suggest a drive that is at least the size of the hard drive in your PS3.) Takes about four-seven hours to backup and about half that to restore. Regardless, you will have to download all of your games/DLC again. Gamesaves may not transfer, as those once again vary by game.

Oh, you may also need to download the PS3 firmware to install on your new hard drive. When you install the new hard drive and boot the PS3, it may ask you to install it from a thumb/external drive. It easily fits on a 16GB flash drive and can be downloaded here.

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Or you culd just mirror your old drive to your new one. >_> I actualy forgot how to do that, but the first time i switched my HDD it went a lot faster... i dident even know i have to reload all my DLC right now. o_O Especialy with the Rock band songs that will be a pain. o_O

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Seems like i need to get Rock Band 1 + 2 + Lego Disks on my Hands again than.... rather silly since you had to download all the songs anyway instead of just rippping them of the disk. Ah, DRM, the pain you bring us.... should have just mirrored the shit. :-/

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So, the other week whilst trying out some PS1 games I had bought, I got the urge to throw on inFamous. I've had it a few years now but pretty much did the intro and abandoned it after the first day. Finished it yesterday and overall, pretty neat.

Some spotty moments where the climbing and stuff didn't feel perfect as Cole wouldn't grab onto things or the camera shifted for no reason, sending me jumping off in the wrong direction. Felt a bit feeble at times in combat but I can probably chalk that up to my rustiness with the PS3 controller and playing on Hard mode. That and I guess it's meant to tie into the whole 'growing into your powers' thing caus you can really cause some wreckage by the end of the game. With all the different powers and moves you can do, Cole seemed to handle well apart from having to shift my hands into weird claw shapes in order to pull of some of the stunts.

A nice variety of enemies too amongst the various factions with the Conduit of the Dust Men (I couldn't hear that name without breaking into the old 'My old man's a dust man, he wears a dust man's cap' song) being a highlight. Those are some fucking super genius bin men if they built that thing. On the other hand though, the different islands were a bit hit and miss. They kinda felt the same for the most part barring a few unique structures. Having the railtracks circling them was cool and grinding along on them was a lot of fun, especially in conjunction with the power that lets you soak up the juice as you do so.

Story was OK, if not very predictable at times.


I actually had Kessler pegged as a time traveler of sorts, though at first I figured it was Zeke after he eventually ran off to try and get powers after spending the whole game whining about it (shock!) before John got zapped by the Ray Sphere. I figured that gave him powers and sent him back in time somehow but no, it was Cole all along! Bit weird in a Futurama/Lars sort of way but OK.

Anyway, don't suppose there's any way to help myself in the hunt for the final Blast Shards? I think i've run into another one of those annoying situations like Crackdown where I have 11/12 of them left to find but they're probably spread out all over the place. I don't see anything in the options or trophies that narrows it down to each island like the Dead Drops did (I managed to get all of them once I re-learnt what that white radar thingy was on the mini map :shifty: ). Not entirely sure if I'm too bothered about going for the Platinum since I probably wont go for an Evil playthrough for a while but since I'm so close with the Shards I feel compelled to get them all. Pretty close to getting all the Good powers leveled up despite clearing all the islands 100% whilst still needing some 5k worth of XP for the last Lightning Bolt thing. Just about 700xp left for that now though.

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Just when i thought i had everthing downloaded i notice that today MGS HD collection unlocks. 3 Games, 22GB download. :D I never actualy finshed MGS1 since the second cd was broken, maybe i´ll replay all and finaly start playing my MGS4.

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Can't be.

The vita version only had 2 games not three if I recall.

I've just checked and it's definitely the Vita version that's being offered as part of this month's European Playstation Plus offerings. You're right that it doesn't include Peace Walker, so that'll affect its size quite significantly. 22GB sounds about right for the PS3 version of the collection, but I can't see the Vita port being any more than about 4GB.

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