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EWB's Favourite 102 Artists for 2009!


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Of the recent entries the only ones I can claim to care about are Cash, 'Pumpkins, Bob Dylan, Alice in Chains, Jay-Z and Maiden. The rest I've probably heard shit by, but just didn't care enough about. Alice in Chains' new single is meh. Not Alice without Layne Staley, don't like the new guy's voice much at all. Sounds very GENERIC ALT ROCKER.

I've been listening to Johnny Cash for as long as I can remember. My dad would get me and my brother up to go the babysitter's and while we were getting ready he'd be blasting whatever he felt like listening to that morning, and a lot of times it'd be Johnny Cash.

I sort of agree with you Skummy. When I was younger if I said I was listening to Johnny Cash or mentioned him I'd get a bunch of "oh I don't listen to country, bunch of old guys crying about their dogs dying and wives leaving them!" then Walk the Line comes out and suddenly it's "OH YEAH I LOVE JOHNNY CASH!" At least my ex had the ovarian fortitude to (wo)man up and say she didn't like Johnny Cash but rather Joaquin Phoenix's renditions of Johnny Cash songs, which is surely some form of blaspheming.

EDIT: Bowie, Rush, Kanye. Only ones on that part of the list I've ever given enough of a shit about to actually listen to.

N.B. were it not for the fact that bands like Strung Out and all that get pimped so ridiculously hard here I might care more for them. Inevitably the cycle goes "YI pimps some band for ages, I finally listen to them, how underwhelming given how much YI pimped them out". Just saying.

Edited by Cloudy
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WINTERSUN - lol, power metal. :shifty: I listened on youtube...they seem the sort of band I'd download something by, listen one and basically never again.

They really aren't power metal - not in the tradional sense anyway. Power metal usually invokes thoughts of high pitched singers going an octave or three too high, and guitar work that references melodic speed metal. Vocally, they don't sound like power metal at all. They are a halfway house between black and death, but with better diction than most :P. I read somewhere that the lead singer sees the band as 'epic majestic folk metal' or something along those lines. Anyway, they're awesome and I'm mightily pleased at how well they've done, especially considering they have a whopping 1 album that came out 5 years ago.

Oh, and only three of us voted for Maiden!? I'm quite shocked.

Bowie and Rush getting good placings pleases me.

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15. PEARL JAM (104pts - 9 | 7 | 5 | 5)





SPIN! SPIN!: Spin the black circle!

14. FRANK TURNER (112pts - 9 | 8 | 7 | 4)





A PBC QUOTE: Dammit, I forgot to express my love for Frank Turner. I love him. He's like my younger, drunk off one beer, more talented, skinnier, smarter, uptight brother! I've also nicknamed him The Gay Lion. Why? Well, he looks like a gay lion. Swoon.

13. DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE (120pts - 10 | 7 | 7 | 6)





TALLY OF ARTISTS MY DAD LIKES: 7 (he appreciates the name)

12. MICHAEL JACKSON (128pts - 9 | 8 | 8 | 7)





NICE TO KNOW: All you have to do is die to become the highest ranked new artist on the list

11. THE SMITHS (130pts - 9 | 7 | 6 | 2 | 2)





I COULD BE SOMEONE ELSE IF YOU RATHER: Try to win you over like a new step-father

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Thought that Pearl Jam may've come a little higher myself, but still a good placing. That means that Faith No More are in the top 10. Possibly top 5, saw quite a few people vote for them quite high up (myself included).

Hope that Muse doesn't win again, not for the fact that I don't like them (don't like them either, I just don't... get them), just to have someone else win.

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Strung Out :wub::wub::wub:

Frank Turner :wub::wub::wub:

As for the others, I strongly dislike Iron Maiden, find the Smiths and Death Cab horribly overrated, Prodigy are quality, and I either quite like or don't have an informed opinion on/don't particularly care about the rest.

Oh, yeah, and Oasis. Morning Glory and Definitely Maybe are good, shit otherwise.

Edited by TheRossWalker
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I like Blur lots. Although if we were having some sort of Britpop faceoff I'd put Pulp higher.

I like Johnny Cash. I like the prisosn albums best. Predictably.

Jay-Z could have been the worst thing to appear in that grouping. Only saved by his joke and the presence of Oasis. New album has some decent tunes but deep down I know it's a bit rubbish.

the Prodigy are good when they're not being shit. Which is unfortunately all too often.

Oasis - the best thing they ever did was break up. Well done Noel!

David Bowie - I should have voted for him. He is most likely better than everyone in your top 10.

Weezer - general consensus is they were good and then went shit. not going to offer any novel opinions here.

Kanye West - I mostly like. Whenever he "sings", particularly when accompanied by autotune, you can except big heap shite. Which is what his new album was. Still like through the wire and aw that. Still think he's a dick. Although being a dick to taylor swift is probably my favourite dick act of his.

Rush - Are okay. Couldn't stomach consecutive songs though.

Strung Out - FUCKING AWESOME!!!...is a phrase that should never be used to describe Strung Out. Average songs played REALLY REALLY FAST with an irritating vocalist. No thanks...

Pearl Jam - they are okay...but I'd rather not.

Frank turner - i quite like all three of his albums, particularly his third. Nothing he's ever done has exactly blown me away but it's pleasant enough all the same. Still astounded to see him at 15.

Death Cab For Cutie - I really like them. Almost got to see them last year. Kind of wish I did.

Michael Jackson - You should be ashamed of yourselves EWB! You oversentimental cumshots. Eh MJ had a few good songs, so well done to Quincy Jones for that.

the Smiths are wonderful. Another I was very close to voting for.

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