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Grand Theft Auto V


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The bigger the map, the better - Baddarina made a good point though, and it's the reason she doesn't want the game...

In IV, if you fail some missions and choose to retry it, you have to do the long, arduous drive back. It was really annoying. The hard part of the mission was being shot at by 9 guys, not driving there. Ugh.

So yeah, I'm sure she'll be on board if you haven't got to do that stuff once a mission has been attempted, especially with the massive map in this one.

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The DLC also instituted checkpoints, so if you failed a mission you got a text to retry and started about mid-way through the mission. I would imagine they'd do that again instead of "get a text, retry, start the mission all over again".

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The standard GTA IV story didn't have mid-mission checkpoints, though, which is what most people seem to want. Given that they were present in Red Dead Redemption and the Episodes From Liberty City DLC, I'd be very surprised if they weren't included in GTA V from the get-go.

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I remember RDR and the GTA dlc doing it better, yeah.

The original GTA IV game did it too, without any DLC.

I mentioned in my original post about the fact that there was a retry option, but it was always at the very start, and the first objective was to drive somewhere. I remember there being one very late on where you had to clear out a warehouse. That required you to keep driving to, effectively, the start of the mission again if you died.

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Was it IV where they'd recorded multiple conversations for when you were driving to missions, so you weren't listening to the same dialogue each time?

It was yes, was a pretty cool addition that.

Also, when they say that this map is bigger than GTA IV/RDR combined, they do say that this is when you stick all exterior things next to interior, so maybe it own't quite feel that massive. I'm sure in build-up for IV they claimed it was 4x the size of San Andreas.

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Tons of Magazines have released previews of the game. With some new info/observations.

  • Underwater world (with underwater caves) and diving equipment confirmed.
  • Side-missions similar to Taxi, Ambulance and Vigilante will be back but "probably not identical to the ones in previous GTAs" because they wouldn't fit in with the 3 main character personalities, but the "three will have odd jobs to do".
  • Trevor will be the skilled helicopter pilot, Franklin the skilled driver and sniper, Michael the "smooth operator", skilled and versatile.
  • Franklin is looking for a mentor and he finds one in Mike after they meet during one of Franklin's repo man jobs.
  • Trevor is inspired by the typical GTA player that only roams around the game creating havoc, death and destruction.
  • Mission types will vary among "big and small events , explosive, infiltration, super spectacular, family issues, invasion, hostage recovery, heists and robberies. Plus classic GTA missions but updated and improved."
  • Cover mechanics have been greatly improved and cover will be very important in the gameplay.
  • About the economy, Dan Houser says: "You will be able to spend money to buy interesting and fun things like expensive toys. We are still working on the economy but it will be a strong element in the game and players will be eager to make money to spend money. Something along the lines of "I went through all of this to make all this money and now I'm going to spend it on this crazy item."
  • Dynamic music during missions (similar to games like L.A. Noire)
  • No co-op for single player missions, but co-op modes will be featured in multiplayer.
  • Big focus on multiplayer with a lot of content to keep players busy.
  • Alamo Sea is the name of the Salton Sea like area.
  • Radial menu to select the 3 protagonists.
  • Switching in missions partially scripted - meaning, at times character switching will happen automatically.
  • In final part of a mission in the demo, the player can decide which character to use.
  • There are multiple different endings in the storyline which depend on the choices you made throughout the game.
  • The storyline takes around 25 hours to complete.
  • Map open from beginning, with the exception of some protected areas.
  • A certain amount of money will be needed to gain access to some missions.

Also this song was confirmed

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Couple of new tidbits, from an interview with a GTA producer:

We do have a bunch of missions in GTA V that are far more freeform than anything we have done before. We tell you to go get something and the player decides how to do it - what characters they need on the job and what tools they need for those characters.

Animals aren't just a backdrop - you can expect to see dogs guarding areas and causing the player trouble when they try to sneak past them.

If the player wants to get their hands on one of the more 'high end' vehicles early in the game they'll have to work for it. For instance, airport security won't let you just wander in and steal a jet, they'll give you some serious opposition.

Weapons are slightly different since we have to find a balance between giving the player freedom and giving them a challenge. Letting players have any weapon they want, whenever they want it, would make earlier missions less of a challenge and less satisfying. That being said, as the player makes progress through the game they will build up a satisfying arsenal.

Refining open world multiplayer into something really special has been a huge focus of development and we are very excited to share more information with people soon.

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