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WWE 2K14


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For anyone who can't seem to beat the streak and just wants the unlockable Undertaker attires: stay outside so he can't pin or submit you, get the sledgehammer from the ring apron next to the entrance ramp, and use it to beat him senseless. It never breaks so it's perfect for this. Between sledgehammer shots and the occasional taunt you can build up your signature really quickly. Two or three signature/finisher combos on the outside and he's ready to be pinned. Just make sure you store two finishers before you toss him back in the ring because he's almost definitely gonna do that stupid lights out comeback thing as soon as you hit a finisher on the inside. Use your resiliency to survive that debacle and then use your other stored finish and pin him -- but stay away from his fucking legs when you pin him because Hell's Gate counter.

It's cheap as hell, but after I beat it fairly for the first time after like four tries I was a bit burned out and didn't feel like stressing over it for the sake of unlockables. By the time I unlocked the last one I was able to do it in like three minutes. Just thought I'd throw it out there since some of you are having trouble.

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Yeah, I think they made the match no DQ specifically to encourage weapon use and staying outside. Not sure if it's even possible to beat him keeping the action in the ring. The Hell's Gate counter fucked me over when I used Jericho. Forgot all about it. Did everything else right including surviving the lights out bit.

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After a few days of having the game, gotta say it's a fair bit better than last years. I'm not the biggest fan of Universe mode, prefering GM Mode of old SVR games, but the new features and scenes, hell even matches look a ton better and feel more like a real WWE match. Only two problems I have are Rumbles and the countering system. In the rumbles, when people get out they do exactly the same thing, get angry, hit the apron then walk off, would have been nice to see other things happen. The Countering system was a pain throughout the first part of 30YOWM, but it's getting a bit easier I guess you can't always counter a move otherwise it'd be boring and easy to win.

On 30YOWM, I have pretty much finished it, but for some reason I got stuck on one match, Miz v Cena. You have to do the historical stuff to win as after 3 SCF's Cena still kicks out at 2. What exactly do you have to do on that match? I played it for about 10 minutes waiting for the thing to happen, Cena kept going outside so I went outside and tried to ge the cutscene.

Overall, it's quite the improvement on WWE13, hopefully next years might be even better!

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Played this at a friend's house for a bit last night - I don't know if it's a perception thing or not, but the AI and match flow in this seems pretty much identical to last years, which for me was also excellent.

It's pretty decent, yeah.. but it's barely a tiny step up from last year and it's hardly even a huge step up from WWE 12. Fingers crossed for the 2K15 though - it absolutely HAS to look better than this.

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Quick couple questions.

I have this on PS3. I rarely get anything from the PS Store (in fact, I think the last hting I got was WWE 13 Axxess pass). Where do I go to redeem my Ultimate Warrior code?

Also, is there a way in Universe Mode to get the ECW logo to show up on the calendar?

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Borrowed my housemates copy: Not sure if I'll get it. It's just a sightly more polished version of last years (which was fun and I had more longevity than other Smacdown games but I still doubt I played it solo this calendar year) so not really worth the price of a brand new game. I like a few things: the grainy graphical effect of the older Mania matches, and some minor new options; but for a slight polish and a new roster (better or worse depending on preference) it just isn't worth the money.

I'll continue to steal the housemates copy and maybe pick it up for £20-£25 quid down the line.

And damn the quicker countering will take some getting used to.

Also, playing as old school Flair > .

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My god, I've been making every attempt to avoid trying to pin Taker at his side (legs = Hell's Gate counter, head = chokeslam counter) and it doesn't seem to matter. When I go to his side, my character will just go to either his head or legs anyway. It's like the game will force you to get past a finisher. Worse yet the two times I've been victimized by the chokeslam I wasn't even given the chance to use resiliency. Gonna have to use the Accelerator. I may beat Taker someday but there's no way I have the patience to beat him the amount of times I'll need to to unlock stuff.

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My god, I've been making every attempt to avoid trying to pin Taker at his side (legs = Hell's Gate counter, head = chokeslam counter) and it doesn't seem to matter. When I go to his side, my character will just go to either his head or legs anyway. It's like the game will force you to get past a finisher. Worse yet the two times I've been victimized by the chokeslam I wasn't even given the chance to use resiliency. Gonna have to use the Accelerator. I may beat Taker someday but there's no way I have the patience to beat him the amount of times I'll need to to unlock stuff.

I haven't played it but maybe try someone with a finisher that involves a pin?

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I beat Taker tonight as Triple H. The first time, I tried doing it like an actual match, and lost. The second time, I decided to go bullshit and used a sledgehammer as if it were punching. I essentially beat on 'Taker for seven straight minutes, stopping only to button-mash my way out of two straight flash Hell's Gates, through his "I just got hit with a finisher, now I'm gonna warp behind you" bullshit Tombstone, and to hit 'Taker with spinebusters and Pedigrees. It took five of 'em.

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Huh. I'm gonna have to check and see how it works out with other people (since I didn't really pay attention to Triple H after I finished the match), but it looks like CM Punk has a unique victory animation if he wins on Defeat the Streak. Then again, I haven't played Punk as often in this game, so for all I know I just got his usual win animation.

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Yeah, maybe we'd be seeing Big Show fighting in main events these days :shifty:

I've not had chance to play this yet - my girlfriend has it for the PS3, but she's been constantly on Assassins Creed IV, so I've not even touched it yet. But I've been reliably informed that, for the PS3 version, a kind soul has created Matt Hero and Jersey Dragon of CIW fame. Once I finally start playing it, whenever that may be, I intend to make a few more of the roster.

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