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I'm sorry, Federed vs. Any Woman would just be a sham.

My whole thing with this topic is whoever puts people in the seats, regardless of how many sets they play, because that is where they make their money. If people are paying to see the women, they should get more, if they pay for males, more there.

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I'm sorry, Federed vs. Any Woman would just be a sham.

My whole thing with this topic is whoever puts people in the seats, regardless of how many sets they play, because that is where they make their money. If people are paying to see the women, they should get more, if they pay for males, more there.

Agreed. And it's fair to say that the vast majority of people only pay attention to women's tennis if the player is hot, not for their abilities.

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If they don't play the same amount of sets then they don't do as much work and therefore don't work as hard. Who said anything about effort?

Oh and the top women's tennis player against even a mediorce at best mens player would probably be a sham.

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Guest muddatrucker

Men Vs Women sounds like something a clueless feminist would spout, its scientific fact that the men are the stronger sex, people might not like that but its facts, its always going to be that way too (anyone who argues this, I direct you towards women WINNING the vote and all that jazz, if we were all equal we wouldn't be the ones that had to have our arms twisted in granting it, etc, etc).

I think the pay as it is, is fair enough, but I imagine theirs plenty of women who'd go the extra sets in an attempt to make the same and fair play to them, otherwise don't complain.

I had an incredibly sexist english teacher at school, I'd love to see a Man Vs Woman matchup simply to spite her.

Why can't people except that aslong as they have a vagina and we have a penis the world will never be equal. I do think Black tennis players should be paid less though.

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Women's hips are wider, therefore their legs point inwards compared to mens'. For that reason an average woman will NEVER run faster than an average man.

Also, their lung capacity is lower and the shoulder and chest muscle set up means lifting and throwing will always be worse.

Black men have more fast twitch muscle fibres than whites meaning they're better at explosive sports such as sprints while whites have more slow twitch fibres which are better for sustained muscle use.

The moral is, if you're chased by a black man, don't worry if he's catching you up, you'll last longer than him in a chase...

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I'm sorry, Federed vs. Any Woman would just be a sham.

My whole thing with this topic is whoever puts people in the seats, regardless of how many sets they play, because that is where they make their money. If people are paying to see the women, they should get more, if they pay for males, more there.

agreed, except I think Federer vs. anyone (man or woman) is pretty much a sham.

As for me, I never found an interest in tennis. I dunno what draws better, so I can't really make much more of a comment.

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Women get paid more already, the question should be why.

Women get paid more through sponsorship and magazine deals, not through just playing tennis.

And no, they shouldn't get paid as much, as they don't play as much as the men do, don't bring in the crowds to any real degree. It is like in any sport, the best players who get things done and bring in revenue for the teams get the best wages, so why should women get better pay riding off what the men are essentially bringing to the sport with the odd exception?

And frankly, women's tennis is THE MOST boring sport going, as there is just no pace to the game and pales in comparison to how exciting the mens game can be for the most part.

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You forget Spelling Bees, which ESPN actually considers a sport...

Nothing tops that on the boredom scale.

Also, I'd rather watch gold then tennis anyday. Tennis is the same shit over and over, blah blah blah. At least with tennis they go to different courses and it really affects the game.

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You forgot Golf.

Ya know, Gold is good. It doesn't get dull because it's constantly jumping between the God-knows how many players there are, so something is always happening.

Women's tennis however, well, there's like, two good players, the rest are just shite.

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