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FIFA World Cup 2018


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3 minutes ago, Gazz said:

It's personality differences. Both are national captains but I don't see anything in Messi that makes me think of him as a leader, he's captain for the same reason the best player of your school team was captain, he's the best player. Messi seems like a reserved, humble character. You can see it on the pitch tonight. Is he talking to anyone? Motivating anyone? Chastising anyone? Whereas Ronaldo is the best player, but he's also a leader of men, a perfectionist and just a massive, massive personality. If he was playing in this Argentina team tonight on this performance, he'd be all over the pitch, screaming blue murder at his team mates because they've been unacceptable tonight. I mean, he gives Guedes scornful looks when his passes are less than anything but perfection.

If I recall, Messi was diagnosed with autism at an early age. Which completely ties in with his character of being quite reserved.

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With Barcelona, Messi seems to have an effect on his team just by being on the pitch and his teammates knowing his ability as a footballer. And he’s not captain there so doesn’t have that expectation of being some vocal leader to worry about and is much freer.

I read a thing earlier about Argentina having some family thing the other day and Messi Just stayed alone in his room the whole time, and has apparently gotten a lot more withdrawn since the Iceland game and missing that penalty and taking responsibility for the result.

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I would say that unless Neymar takes Brazil to their 6th world cup with massive performances, or what now seems like a miracle for Argentina, Ronaldo is surely taking his sixth ballon d'or home, no?

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It's time for Argentina to draw a line under this tournament and tell every player over the age of 27 they're not going to get called up anymore. I can't see 34 year old Messi and Aguero making the next World Cup. Make some room for the likes of Dybala, Lo Celso and Pavon etc. Looking at the squad on Wiki, I'm amazed at how old the squad is and how few caps quite a lot of younger (but not really young) players have, Kranevitter (9), the Correa's (8 each), Icardi (4), Rulli (0), despite being better than all three of the keepers in the World Cup squad and Sergio Romero.

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Nevermind Messi v Ronaldo, Argentina are just a shit show. They were awful in qualifying and have been a mess at the tournament. The manager doesn't inspire and the players don't play as a united team. Croatia are excellent but Argentina were so poor tonight. I hope Iceland go through.

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That's one thing I don't understand. You have Rulli, who is 26 and highly rated in La Liga. Not in the squad. Sergio Romero is 31 and a solid keeper with nearly a hundred caps. Not in the squad. 800 year old Willy Cabellero, 13th choice at Chelsea is in the first team and his backups are both well past 30 with six caps between them and play in Argentina and Mexico.

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16 minutes ago, Liam Mk2 said:

Putting aside the Messi/Ronaldo debate for a second.

Can we just talk about how fucking good Luka Modric is?

Yes we can



2 minutes ago, Gazz said:

That's one thing I don't understand. You have Rulli, who is 26 and highly rated in La Liga. Not in the squad. Sergio Romero is 31 and a solid keeper with nearly a hundred caps. Not in the squad. 800 year old Willy Cabellero, 13th choice at Chelsea is in the first team and his backups are both well past 30 with six caps between them and play in Argentina and Mexico.

I think Romero was in the squad but got injured. I’ve been wondering why Rulli isn’t in there though, better than all three that are. 

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Subasic > Me > Caballero
Vrsaljko > Salvio
Vida > Mercado
Otamendi > Lovren
Tagliafico > Strinic
Brozovic > Mascherano 
Rakitic > Pérez
Modric > Meza
Messi > Rebic
Aguero > Mandzukic
Perisic > Acuna

Pretty much how I have those from tonight’s lineup. Absolutely pisspoor Argentina squad.

Can’t believe Paredes isn’t even in the squad either. Is Mascherano still starting purely for sentimental reasons at this point?

Wouldn't be at all surprised if Sampaoli was sacked between now and the match with Nigeria.

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