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Your Mom

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Status Updates posted by Your Mom

  1. Oh my god people! Playing Mass Effect 3! So happy right now!

    1. Gazz


      So easily pleased...

    2. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Then theres hope for you yet Gazz

  2. Enjoy that tasty food everyone. Because if movies mean anything and we all know they do. We will all be eating Soylent Green in 10 years.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Benji


      I hear the taste varies from person to person.

    3. Colly


      On the plus side we'll have hoverboards in 3.

    4. Colly


      On the plus side we'll have hoverboards in 3.

  3. Can someone clue me in on how to subscribe to podcasts? I don't see the option on iTunes

    1. The DBZemon King

      The DBZemon King

      Just type in the name of the podcast you're looking for. It should pop up and underneath the pic it should give you the option to subscribe for free.

    2. The DBZemon King

      The DBZemon King

      Just type in the name of the podcast you're looking for. It should pop up and underneath the pic it should give you the option to subscribe for free.

  4. People who were helping me look for a computer please go to that thread. I have half an hour to decide if I want one thats on sale and I need your help!

    1. Noah


      Did you get it?

  5. The moral of Logan's Run is that old people suck right? Because that movie turns to shit once the kooky old man and his cats shows up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TGC


      Us old people do suck :(

    3. KONGO


      ... on Werther's Originals!

    4. TGC


      YUM! Werther's Originals are good

  6. Whats a QR code? I was looking at a book and it says it has QR codes that link to videos. And I dont know what that is.

    1. Summers


      The square barcodes. Often seen on BBs. 220px-Wikipedia_mobile_en.svg.png

    2. Quom


      They are square boxes about the size of a stamp. they have smaller black squares in each corner and like a weird black pattern in the middle. You scan them with your phone camera and it takes you to the site.

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Oh. Well thats useless then. Thanks anyway guys

  7. Drive came in the mail today! So excited to watch it this weekend. Looks good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Sir! Did you just put down Ryan Gosling?!?

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I'm more down on him than the downs on MPH's face.

    4. Draevyn


      Good movie. Gosling did quite a bit for barely speaking. He doesn't get any less monotone though.

  8. USA! USA! USA! I like doing it so much I'm not even going to ask why I am doing it. USA! USA! USA!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Soccerball! The sport of kings. USA! USA! USA!

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Soccerball! The sport of kings. USA! USA! USA!

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      You've got your ammo. Are you happy now?

  9. The comic shop men are assholes. How can people like these guys?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LUKIE


      It's because you are a girl, and they didn't know that you exist.

    3. KONGO


      Yeah, once you walk into the store/send any hate or fan mail, they'll transform into super nice dudes bending over backwards to be helpful.

    4. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      The Kevin Smith show? Yeah, I watched about half an episode and then deleted it from my DVR. Walt Flanagan is nothing without Steve-Dave.

  10. Those PS vita commercials are awful. Who are these hipster assholes hanging out on bridges and the roofs of buildings playing video games? Go home!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Better than a bridge or random building roof. It's absurd

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Better than a bridge or random building roof. It's absurd

    4. jrhodes


      Agreed, they're the type of adverts that after they've finished you say "wait...what was that advertising?".

  11. TGC are you on the phone with shopnbc right now talking about watches by any chance?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      That he did sir. That he did ;)

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      That he did sir. That he did ;)

    4. TGC


      You are the greatest young lady ever. :)

  12. Best Spoiler Deletion ever

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lineker


      Just because Raw has aired it doesn't mean everybody has had a chance to watch it yet. 48 hour rule.

    3. 3pointtally


      Ya I realize now, my mistake. Caught up in the moment and again, didn't mean to spoil anything for anybody.

    4. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      I missed something getting spoiled?! Dammit! I always miss spoilers.

  13. Fuck! Charlie Brown the little red haired girl does not like you man! She does not like you!

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      This is a fantastic status. Especially since I read it in Mitch Hedberg's voice.

  14. Is everyone enjoying their sandwiches so far?

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      I asked for no mayo. Geez, you're worthless.

    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Why doesn't anyone like mayo? :(

    3. Gazz


      It's fantastic. The SuperBowl lasts for 38 hours so keep 'em coming m'love.

  15. Anyone know if the price of stamps went up yet? I'm trying to check the USPS site but the section on pricing is confusing

    1. Gazz


      No, they're still 46p for 1st class ¬_¬

    2. Liam


      Gazz wins. Britality.

  16. Anyone see "In Time"? I like the concept and I love Futuristic anything, but JT as a star worries me. Any opinions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rich


      I enjoyed it at the cinema, Cillian Murphy is good, the concept is interesting and Miss Seyfried is lovely.

    3. RPS


      Good waste of one and a half hours.

    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      I agree with Lint, hes a next gen mark wahlberg. Better as an actor than a singer.

  17. Do Girls Gone Wild girls get paid or do they really just get the free top? Because if its just the top then what the fuck ladies of America?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      4 tops, 8 shorts, 13 hats, and 100 drinks!

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      4 tops, 8 shorts, 13 hats, and 100 drinks!

    4. Josh


      100 Yoo-Hoos it is!

  18. I'm trying to have an open mind here but Wrestling from the 70s is just the worst, Wow

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. C-MIL


      Well, yeah... Johnny Rodz. He was abysmal. America had good stuff going at the time though. Look up some of what Terry Funk was up to, specifically the Jack Brisco matches, and the cracked-out stuff Dusty was doing while on top in Florida. If you can't get into that, then... yeah, retro stuff's probably not for you. Not sure it's fair to judge any era based on Saturday morning squash matches though.

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Seeing Young Vince and Howard Finkle with a full head of hair almost made it worth watching. I'll check that match out when I have a few minutes

    4. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Seeing Young Vince and Howard Finkle with a full head of hair almost made it worth watching. I'll check that match out when I have a few minutes

  19. Want to feel like you've been posting here way too long? My daughter turned 8 the other day. Ponder that for a moment.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      No way Lukie I have be in my 40s at least before I even think about being ok with that. I've got...about 12 years. Fuck :(

    3. thatshortguy
    4. TGC


      Yeah thats way too long indeed. I realized when my son turned 21 yesterday that I was on here when he was 12.

  20. It's not exactly against the rules but this is a plea from me to try and not talk about the Tebow game in these updates. We are taping it because we are watching UFC tonight and I might want to pop in here and dont want to know what happened. Again not against the rules but if you like me or you are at all a nice person help me out please :)

  21. Look guy you aren't getting banned for good or anything. It's ok everyone screws up a little at one time or another. I just don't get this course of action. What good is locking it doing? People are obviously still commenting if thats what you were afraid of and it's not like I couldn't warn you for breaking a rule just because your dealie is locked. It makes no sense!

  22. Showtime free preview weekend! I am going to marathon a season while I have a chance. If you were me would you choose Shameless or Homeland?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TKz


      English Shameless is awful.

    3. TKz


      English Shameless is awful.

    4. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      Is Homeland the one with Inigo Montoya in it?

  23. Weekend movie for us: Cowboys and Aliens, Contagion or Apollo 18. Any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      So it's the good kind of bad then? That might be fun

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      So it's the good kind of bad then? That might be fun

    4. Noah


      I couldn't watch Cowboys and Aliens because I got sick of hearing about the damn movie. I swear it was being talked about like 6 damn years ago!

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