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Premier League 2023/24


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It's so frustrating that they have that mentality. If player A commits bad fouls and it ruins the "spectacle" of the game if he is sent off, that is player A's fault, not the referee. The referee is there to enforce the rules of the game, not decide how entertaining the game is.

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Refs are damned if they do and damned if they don't though, last week the Liverpool game was "ruined" by Jones' sending off. I disagree entirely, and I still think Oliver hasn't seen the second Kovacic foul fully and that's why he hasn't gone, but that's the media response every time. "The spectacle of the game is ruined". Bloody hell, Van Dijk got sent off even earlier against us and even I wouldn't suggest that game didn't still have an interesting narrative...

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There's something about tackles going down the back of someone's leg that in my head feels worse. I don't know if it's down to injuries I've had playing football but just feels worse to me. 

The thing that's sticks out is the fact you've got Oliver saying he doesn't want to ruin the game by sending of a City player and the week before is reffing in the UAE. Even if there is nothing there whatsoever its something that can raise doubt. Its something they need to come out and address and put a protocol in place. Its like works having gift policies and having to declare items they may have received

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12 hours ago, Adam said:

Howard Webb did once avoid sending off a player for a martial arts studs-up kick to the chest to be fair...in the World Cup Final.

Which was, apparently, the only refereeing performance at that World Cup FIFA was happy with. They felt that the World Cup product had been undermined by how strictly (i.e. how good) the refereeing had been at that World Cup, and Sepp Blatter, in a turnaround from his previous support for good refereeing (he once abused his power as a then VP of FIFA to get a ref sent home from Italia 90 after a bad mistake), instituted a committee to look at 'improving' refereeing in major tournaments.

That committee ceased to meet after 2013, but essentially they established the way in which almost development in policy with regards to refereeing has happened since then - they're all aimed at improving the spectacle rather than the refereeing. Written post-match referee reports, important for helping refs identify areas to improve, were replaced only with verbal reports. The traditional after-round analysis where all the refs meet up and go over important moments and decisions was abolished in knockout rounds of tournaments.

Referees who ref strictly or even just to the letter of the law are not given major games in favour of the vibes based approach that gets called 'game management' by its proponents.

We don't really have referees any more. We have professional wrestling referees. They're not really there to enforce the rules.

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19 hours ago, METALMAN said:

Oh this raises the FUN question of what stadiums have you been to for conferences?

I have been to both Tynecastle and the Walkers Stadium!

I work in a stadium.*

*It's a tiny glorified community centre but still a stadium! :shifty:


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Weird phrasing there, should those parties be breaking a "silence"? Like a few have said in the news thread people with little knowledge stick their oar in far too often, the idea that I'd want Luton Town's statement is bizarre. I'm sure when PL games return there'll be minutes silences, but to expect a comment from a football team when the death toll is still increasing daily feels crazy.

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Sometimes I forget just how young footballers are. Then I read an interview with Cole Palmer where he speaks of moving to London and learning how to use a washing machine for the first time, and I promptly crumble into dust.

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