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The Old XBOX Megathread


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EA's new approach to new properties? What do you mean like Dead Space where it was supposed to be System Shock 3 and they knew it wouldn't live up to the first two and just gave it another name? Yeah, that's a good approach.

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1) Gamestop offers them with purchase as well adding a discount if you buy the game with it.

2) Why get them in the first place? You've got the internet for anything you need.

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1) Gamestop offers them with purchase as well adding a discount if you buy the game with it.

2) Why get them in the first place? You've got the internet for anything you need.

1. Yeah, we do too. Doesn't mean it makes sense, for a start, there's reason 2, it's free on the fucking internet, but my main gripe is that people aren't even playing and giving it a chance before needing their hands held. Twats.

Oh, and I fixed my streaming media thing, just needed to reboot the router, should've thought of that earlier, I guess.

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Speaking of router bullshit, my NAT has gone back to being strict for some reason. I've even turned off my firewall and its still stayed as strict. I'm rather confused. I bridged my connections before I had to go to work though, so hopefully that'll help. If I have to, I'll get the 360 wireless router I guess. I don't think that's gonna help though, especially when I was able to get an open NAT with the ethernet cord attached to a laptop method.

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Last night's GTTV revealed two new features for Call Of Duty WAW. The first was the Death Cards, which are the same as Halo's skulls. The second feature is a Zombie mode you unlock once you beat the campaign. It's you and three other players vs. an endless wave of Zombies. You're held up in a building and you can barricade windows with wood and buy furniture to barricade doors. In between waves you can buy any weapon and any upgrade found in the multiplayer.

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Technicalities. You know what I meant.

I figured, but I can never be 100%, waht with the stupidty I'm faced with at work. I've actually had people ask for and even buy a router when they actually wanted the little receiver things, they've even bought them for the Wii and PS3, despite neither actually requiring them.

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Last night's GTTV revealed two new features for Call Of Duty WAW. The first was the Death Cards, which are the same as Halo's skulls. The second feature is a Zombie mode you unlock once you beat the campaign. It's you and three other players vs. an endless wave of Zombies. You're held up in a building and you can barricade windows with wood and buy furniture to barricade doors. In between waves you can buy any weapon and any upgrade found in the multiplayer.



What is up with people's affinities for zombies lately, though? SR2 did it, GTAIV did it. Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil 5 are obviously gonna do it. I'm not gonna complain 'cause zombies are awesome, but it's rather strange how three big games have zombies included in their games in some way when the game isn't revolved around zombies at all.

Edited by Diet Sousa
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