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I'm kinda scared of watching the next episode on Sunday because things will start to turn ugly and I don't want that last scene to ever end :angry:. This season is awesome, there is so much stuff going on and the new characters (especially Lumen, but also Chase and Liddy) are fantastic.

I just hope Lumen doesn't die :(.

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Agreed, but on what grounds? He doesn't fit the code. Yes, he puts Lumen and Dexter in danger but he didn't kill anyone (as far as we know).

I could also see Quinn somehow turning babyface and helping Dexter out with the Liddy problem :shifty:.

Liddy is an awesome character though. I fucking hate him, which is exactly the emotion he's supposed to create.

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Liddy is an awesome character though. I fucking hate him, which is exactly the emotion he's supposed to create.

I think this is the strongest point of Dexter. No matter what type of villian he has come up against, I've always felt concern for Dexter and hoped he'd win out in the end, that is the sign of an excellently designed protagonist. I remember actually getting a sinking feeling in my stomach when the show closed with divers finding Dex's graveyard. That is no easy feat. Coupled with the fact that too many times in too many shows/movies I've gotten the "Joker effect" where the villian is so delightfully badass you can't help but root for him

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I have a feeling this season will end on a cliffhanger, unlike all of the other seasons (if i remember right, all of the previous seasons had a definitive end). i guess you could argue last season had a cliffhanger, with rita being found dead and all, but we already knew who did it and whatnot.

i really hope everyone finds out what dexter is, just because i see next season be the end, and it'd be painful but very entertaining to see.

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Agreed, Liddy is an utterly detestable, slimy cunt. Which makes him good. He's meant to be that horrible. I mean for example, I dislike Rey Mysterio, just because I find him to be incredibly one-dimensional, but Liddy is just a slimy prick you want to punch in the throat, the way you are you are meant to feel about him. He has no redeeming qualities as a character (redeeming qualities lie solely in the actor/acting).

I love how without realising, Dexter was being romantic with Lumen. It was incredibly sweet how Dexter bought Lumen a pair of gloves "just like his" and put them in a box with a bowtie to give to her. It could have been a necklace or bracelet or anything else in that box and it would've had the same effect. But the fact that it was a pair of killing gloves further illustrates the brilliant subtle, dark humour of the show.

I cannot wait for the final two episodes. (EDIT:


Also, the new Hispanic cop hasn't done much recently? Nor have we heard about the Santa Muerte killings much, or was that successfully closed with the two guys in the club?

Edited by TheModernWay
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I'm pretty sure we won't see Miami Metro do much with it, considering how much La Guerta and her entire station were thrown into a shit storm for innocent people getting shot during the operation. I know one of the brothers ran away, maybe we'll see that wrapped up or hear a mention of it later on?

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I'm sure that they're going to wrap that up at some point but I really want Lumen to stay around for awhile. I've got no idea if thats going to happen, Dexter and Lumen look perfect together and Dexter seems happy, which usually means that some shit is going down. I can really see Lumen getting locked up or something, taking the blame to protect Dexter after they off Chase.

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Yeah, that's probably what will happen, but I have this idea in my head that Dexter saves Lumen, kills Jordan, Deb barges in on the killing and sees Dexter with the knife in hand. But someone has to take the fall. So it'll be Lumen. I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that, if next season is the last, Lumen gets out of prison at some point due to what happened to her and a jury would be quite sympathetic to her story most likely. That's what I think, anyway.

It's obvious Quinn is going to take the fall for the whole Liddy dying thing. They focused too hard on the blood dripping onto his shoe for that not to be the case.

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I only think Quinn will get interrogated for the camera and gear being in his name... So far this has probably been my favourite season, i only started watching the show a month or so ago and im right into it now...

I've been hoping for awhile now that Quinn is the one that finds out about Dexter because I think he might not turn him in and it would create an interesting dynamic between the two... just a hope though, no solid ground that he wouldn't turn him in lol...

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They focused too hard on the blood dripping onto his shoe for that not to be the case.

I took that as being moreso "Jesus Christ, look how close Dexter just came to being found out!"

I'm calling bait and switch. From the previews they give you this idea that Deb's going to barge in on a killing and pull her gun on Dex, but I'll eat a pleather hat if that's how it goes down. I'll bet anything she barges in on Jordan Chase about to kill Lumen or something.

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They focused too hard on the blood dripping onto his shoe for that not to be the case.

I took that as being moreso "Jesus Christ, look how close Dexter just came to being found out!"

I'm calling bait and switch. From the previews they give you this idea that Deb's going to barge in on a killing and pull her gun on Dex, but I'll eat a pleather hat if that's how it goes down. I'll bet anything she barges in on Jordan Chase about to kill Lumen or something.

Even if that's not the case, it's still awesome to watch. Whatever their promo guys make isn't enough.

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How is it that Deb comes up with vigilante but not the idea that one of the group has been killing off the others? What with the barrels incident, it'd make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if the series ends with Deb busting in on Jordan about to kill Lumen, shooting him and then Jordan ends up being the fall guy for it all. At least I'd hope so, there's so much more they can do with Lumen and Dexter, especially if next series is the last and they go with the idea of him being able to finally get rid of his 'dark passenger'.

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How is it that Deb comes up with vigilante but not the idea that one of the group has been killing off the others? What with the barrels incident, it'd make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if the series ends with Deb busting in on Jordan about to kill Lumen, shooting him and then Jordan ends up being the fall guy for it all. At least I'd hope so, there's so much more they can do with Lumen and Dexter, especially if next series is the last and they go with the idea of him being able to finally get rid of his 'dark passenger'.

Before her vigilante theory I'm pretty sure she dismissed the idea that someone from within the group was doing it, as by the time the barrel incident happened Boyd Fowler was already dead. That and she came up with the reasoning that they didn't have any of the connections between them yet, along with them wanting to not expose each other or something similar to that. All of that was briefly mentioned in one quick scene as I recall.

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I'm fucking excited for next week. I just hope Lumen doesn't take the fall and Debra doesn't find Dexter, but everything is possible. This season is fantastic.

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