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(Un)Official Metal Thread


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I was at Ozzfest this year, most of the bands sucked. I did like this black/thrash metal band from Taiwan, and this other group Lordi were fun. Otherwise the rest of the line up was a snooze fest, other than Ozzy of course.

I've been listening to a lot of thrash lately, shit like Skeletonwitch, Destruction, Venom, Ambulance, and Sodom. Thrash is wonderful stuff, easily my favorite kind of metal.

"This other group Lordi"? I hope that was tongue-in-cheek :shifty:

As for metal bands that sing... Edguy!

Eh....it wasn't. It was my first exposure. I checked out the studio shit they did, and it was disappointing, but they do kick ass live.

Well, I feel the need to go on a quick little diatribe regarding my unabashed love for thrash metal. It's been building up, but today is the day that I realized I have a hard on for thrashing riffs.

Ya see, I've always been something of a head banger, and I've always loved heavy music. Unfortunately, I never did quite find a love for heavy metal until I had been exposed to thrash. With it's shredding guitar, powerful drums, and vocals that make children cry, it's quickly won me over as a fan. It's everything I've ever wanted from heavy metal, it has balls, and it doesn't relegate itself to pussified nonsense. I have been listening to a plethora of thrash bands lately, and I can't get enough of it. I think a large reason I've grown fond of it is that much of it is punk influenced, especially in the drum cadences.

I've come to the conclusion that thrash bands with the name "Witch" in them are awesome (for example: Skeletonwitch, Witchery, Witches Hammer, Hellwitch).

I admit to enjoying the epic nature of the lyrics, and of course the satanic themes.

You know what you're getting with thrash metal. If somebody suggests you a thrash metal band, chances are you wont be listening to the album thinking "What the fuck is this pretentious shit? Where is the rock?".

You can keep your gutless indie rock, give me a healthy dose of thrashing death please.

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Thrash is the only form of metal that I find to be fun to listen to. Death metal, black metal, grind, nu-metal, it's all so god damned boring and cookie cutter to me. As far as I can tell, most thrash fans I've experienced are regular punk fellows, looking for something heavy.

I don't know about the only caring about moshable riffs either, because the musicianship in the bands I'm listening to is pretty good. The guitar work is excellent with drums and bass to back up, and ferocious vocals to tie it all together.

The ultimate abomination to metal? Come on man, nu-metal exists.

Besides, in regard to the musicianship, that's not always necessarily the most important aspect of music (and that's not to say these guys suck either). It's about the fun and enjoyment you get out of listening to the band. I'd hate to base my criteria on metal solely on the musicianship and if they can rattle off ten minute guitar/drum solos.

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  • 1 month later...

So, 2007 in metal?

With me, it's so far Kronos, Pig Destroyer and Peste Noiré topping the list, with Korpiklaani and Pelican bubbling just under. Black metal had a great year with a lot of good French BM releases plus international favorites like Behemoth, but both Kronos and PD push just to the front with their efforts this time.

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Top 2007 releases that I've picked up:

1. Chris Caffery - Pins and Needles

2. Nightwish - Dark Passion Play

3. Therion - Gothic Kabbalah

4. Kotipelto - Serenity

5. Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon

6. Type O Negative - Dead Again

7. Saxon - The Inner Sanctum

8. HIM - Venus Doom

9. Within Temptation - The Heart of Everything

10. Lake of Tears - Moons and Mushrooms

But there's more to come:

Helloween - Gambling with the Devil (already ordered online)

Gamma Ray - Land of the Free pt. 2 (also ordered)

Axxis - Doom of Destiny (will pick up this month)

Angel Dust - VII (not necessarily sure it will come out quite this year)

Judas Priest - Nostradamus

Edited by lari
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Really, I can't hardly remember 2007 metal aside from the past few months. But it seems like releases from a bunch of my favorite bands seemed to drop all at once. The new HIM album, despite it not being TROO metal, is pretty class. Horse The Band's new one is great if you're into that sort of thing, though they might have gone a bit "artsy" at times. Himsa's new album is straight up awesome. And I'm probably going to pick up the new Dillinger Escape Plan album tomorrow, so there's a surefire late entry into my Best Of list.

Oh yeah, muthafuckin' Dethklok.

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Actually, I think the new DEP kicks ass. My main complaint with Miss Machine was that all the momentum created a few old school DEP songs in a row would be derailed by a pop-sounding song. With Ire Works, they meshed the old school sound with the poppy sound and created a whole new sound that sticks through the entire album.

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Since this is the metal thread I might as well just ask here:

What are some good recent releases in such genre? I haven't been too up to date on things and haven't seen a lot that caught my eye when looking through what's come out but if anybody's found anything surprising or just something I may have overlooked that'd be great. I got the new DEP, so don't even mention that. <_<

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Sold-out show, which means that the floor was packed with rabid fans. Temperatures in the upper 40's Celsius and more sweat than pedophile at an elementary school luncheon. Nowhere to escape on the floor, everyone got banged up by the huge waves that rippled through the crowd for the whole show, and the band was having a blast. They came, they saw, they liked and then completely TORE FACES OFF.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just been recently checking out some band that I am really enjoying. The ones that have topped my list thus far are:

Turisas (They do a cover of Rasputian!)



Flotsam & Jetsam (late 80's)




Human Fortress


They are mainly focused on just great music and none of that throaty death metal singing, god I hate death metal. Its mostly power metal and viking metal.

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