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The Old Sony Megathread


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Yeah, i hate playing games that entertain me. And thats exactly what i am talking about wen i write about them not doing much good with the Hardwares firmware... :rolleyes:

GT5 Update is around.




I hate playing games that entertain me (irony), which is exactly what I'm getting at (more irony) when I'm writing about them (Sony) not doing a good job when it comes to their firmware updates. (Smiley indicating the irony)

A GT5 update is now available. It's 301 MB big.

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Yes, because it's not like the Xbox thread has EVER gone off topic with how horrible of a person Ruki is for 20 plus posts, or any other thread on EWB for that matter.

That said, obligatory and full of empty promise statement about how I need to get a PS3 again sometime soon yadda yadda.

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There is a difference betwen chating away and agreeing on a mass bitchslap instead of ignoring a post or actualy adressing and negating it´s contend. (for example, on how you would feel if pop up adds would become a hardcoded part of Windows)

You chosing the angrey mob only makes me more feel right.

And, oh wait, you can´t read what i am writing because i am writing so bad... so why are you angry at me in the first place?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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There is a difference betwen chating away and agreeing on a mass bitchslap instead of ignoring a post or actualy adressing the contend. - Oh wait, you can´t read what i am writing because i am writing so bad... so why are you angry at me than? Ooops.

And what you're doing now isn't trolling at all?

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First, YOU can't read or understand what I was typing because my IT HAS BEGUN post was in response to Baddar, who I was joking with.

Second, I NEVER said I hated you. Nor have I publicly decried your "horrible" typing(which isn't all that bad to me, I have friends that type worse than you so it's not a bother to me), and never did I once say "HARR HARR GUYS LET'S ALL GANG ON MATZAT." Do I find you annoying sometimes? Sure, but I don't have the same level of contempt that a lot of other members on this board have. If you really want me to look back and figure out what you guys were arguing about(which has something to do with the PS3 hacks I believe), I will, and respond to that. Otherwise just quit trying to get me riled up because you think I'm ganging up on you when I was being random when Baddar said all this trolling needs to stop.

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There is a difference betwen chating away and agreeing on a mass bitchslap instead of ignoring a post or actualy adressing the contend. - Oh wait, you can´t read what i am writing because i am writing so bad... so why are you angry at me than? Ooops.

And what you're doing now isn't trolling at all?

There is a difference betwen trolling and having high standarts.

I am always able to give a reason for my opinion and even if the trolls love to make a run in and scream "you hate everything!1!!!" dos not make it true. I like a lot of stuff and i am posting about it on EWB aswell. But i had that argument years ago and the narrow minds of certain people chose to ignore it so i am not banking on changing it now. - Besides, them not using the ignore function to never have to feel the constand Matzat rage again and again... just proofs the tollyness they posess. (I ignored the smal number of people i cannot stand years ago. Most prominently Fitzy.)

The angry mob will cool down and the smarter people that got draged into it will be able to talk to me like a normal person again. Been on EWB for over a decade, thats how things go on this board... :-)

First, YOU can't read or understand what I was typing because my IT HAS BEGUN post was in response to Baddar, who I was joking with.

Second, I NEVER said I hated you. Nor have I publicly decried your "horrible" typing(which isn't all that bad to me, I have friends that type worse than you so it's not a bother to me), and never did I once say "HARR HARR GUYS LET'S ALL GANG ON MATZAT." Do I find you annoying sometimes? Sure, but I don't have the same level of contempt that a lot of other members on this board have. If you really want me to look back and figure out what you guys were arguing about(which has something to do with the PS3 hacks I believe), I will, and respond to that. Otherwise just quit trying to get me riled up because you think I'm ganging up on you when I was being random when Baddar said all this trolling needs to stop.

I am sorry if i upset you. While i was answering you i was more reacting to the general shitstorm that is going on.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I'd say you're their bitch if anyone here is, you hate the damn thing and everything they do, yet you still own and use the console, and presumably spend money on the software, too.

Yeah, i hate playing games that entertain me. And thats exactly what i am talking about wen i write about them not doing much good with the Hardwares firmware... :rolleyes:

GT5 Update is around.



Again, you miss my point. You're mocking people for putting up with Sony removing features or whatever. But they've accepted that quite frankly, they don't give a toss about Linux and whathaveyou. You seemingly do being as you whine about it all the livelong day, yet you accept Sony's behaviour and continue to buy games and keep the system, so not only have you got some weirdass superiority complex, you're also worse than the folk you're admonishing.

Also, you can't spell very well.

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(for example, on how you would feel if pop up adds would become a hardcoded part of Windows)

No one is discussing this because nobody else gives a shit.

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