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The Old Sony Megathread


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The Viata is almost literally half way between Christmas and my brithday, meaning I'll have to buy it myself, lame. I definitely getting it though and plan on putting €10 a week away under my matress so I don't have to rape my bank account too bad come release day. :(

I'd nearly try that Jonah Lomu game out of pure nostalgia out of pure nostalgia. I used to have epic games against my brother on that when he'd go Ireland and I'd go New Zealand because I was so young and shit. It was a brilliant game.

Holy shit, just looked it up and found out the Aviva Premiership including Munster are licensed as well as an unlockable team of Lomus just like in the original. I'm sold. :o

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Ok, EWB video game geeks. I'm trying to remember a PS2 game. My friend had it, and at the time, I thought it was very cool. It's probably aged terribly, but I'm at least trying to find out the name of it.

In the game, you die. But you go to some dark room and some woman-type thing gives you a chance to go back to when you died and avoid death. Once you avoid death, you go to another "scene" and die there. And once again, you go back and re-play the scene, attempting to avoid the same fate.

Sorry, that's all the info I remember. He had it and I saw him play it for thirty minutes, and never got to see how it ended.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Help me, EWB; you're my only hope.

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To the EWB PS3 users:

Need a split screen game (preferably FPS, but anything really) to buy that isn't Resistance! What's good? And the cheaper, the better.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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