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The Old Sony Megathread


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Yeah it's great that they're giving out a month of plus, all those discounts and free games. But you know, if they want the games on discount they still have to pay for everything and if you want to keep the games and features that you have on Plus - well you have to keep paying for Plus or you can't actually get to that stuff anymore.

PS+ is pretty great though so if youve never picked it up and least they are letting you try it out for free. And its hardly $4 given how much you could DL there in a single month at reduced prices.

Yeah because giving Sony more money is what everyone wants from them out of this debacle.

It's a shit thing to give to people after all this and you could argue it's more benefitial to Sony than anyone else, as it acts as a month long advert for Playstation plus. If they were going to give anything away it all should've been free, no catches no future subscrition required.

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there ... is no future subscription required?

So what, they give it out free forever and ever. Then what are they going to give me, a guy thats paid for it?

Its a bunch of discounts on games you would pay for anyways, so I dont see how thats a bad thing. Its free. They arent obligated to give a thing and they are.

Whoop de doo.

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there ... is no future subscription required?

So what, they give it out free forever and ever. Then what are they going to give me, a guy thats paid for it?

Its a bunch of discounts on games you would pay for anyways, so I dont see how thats a bad thing. Its free. They arent obligated to give a thing and they are.

Whoop de doo.

Don't all the free downloads on PS+ require an active PS+ subscription? I know they don't have to give anybody anything but giving away Playstation Plus for a month isn't something to get excited about.

I'm just not happy with it that's all, I never said they should make it a free service forever, that'd be absurd.

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The ironic thing is where you quoted my ealier statement and deleted the answer to that.

But long short of it is, no. Not all of them. Qore does, but thats more a monthly feature they give out that talks about new games and offers hidden DL content. A few games do, but not all. And discounts wouldnt at all.

So really I would just reccommend taking the month, buying content thats coming out (updates weekly) for free or at a discount then stopping it. It tells you very clearly when you start the download if it can or cant be used after that PS+ is over, so youll know right away.

Theres about 50 million PS3s out there, but 77 million accounts. Why? because people make double accounts in America and Japan and whatever to take advantage of different offers in different regions. Makes it hard to just give out a cash bonus on something, or even a choice between 3 different games for free because some people could just do all 3 by bouncing back and forth. Even if it was just a one for one thing and 10 free bucks to your account thats $500 million bucks lost. 1/2 a billion to a company that just spend millions upgrading security.

So the solution is to offer something that has no actual cash value but is still valuable to those that use it.

Yeah its not huge, but its still useful.

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Main point is; I think people would be more willing to accept a situation where they are receiving something that is free and theirs, such as a voucher for a downloadable game of their choice, etc. rather than something that basically exists as an excuse to spend more money. Hell, there's going to be a number of people who don't have access to credit cards, point cards, etc. who CAN'T take advantage of the discounts or extend their Plus accounts if they so wish.

Just seems to be a cheap way out of it.

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The ironic thing is where you quoted my ealier statement and deleted the answer to that.

But long short of it is, no. Not all of them. Qore does, but thats more a monthly feature they give out that talks about new games and offers hidden DL content. A few games do, but not all. And discounts wouldnt at all.

So really I would just reccommend taking the month, buying content thats coming out (updates weekly) for free or at a discount then stopping it. It tells you very clearly when you start the download if it can or cant be used after that PS+ is over, so youll know right away.

Theres about 50 million PS3s out there, but 77 million accounts. Why? because people make double accounts in America and Japan and whatever to take advantage of different offers in different regions. Makes it hard to just give out a cash bonus on something, or even a choice between 3 different games for free because some people could just do all 3 by bouncing back and forth. Even if it was just a one for one thing and 10 free bucks to your account thats $500 million bucks lost. 1/2 a billion to a company that just spend millions upgrading security.

So the solution is to offer something that has no actual cash value but is still valuable to those that use it.

Yeah its not huge, but its still useful.

They should just do a little best of colection for free. If you put LBP 1 or God of War 1 in there people would feel like they gotten a full game even if it is only selling for 10€ new anyway, but there would be motivation created to buy the second/third game. To that, add some PSN classics like Flower for example and a free movie rent of your chosing. Dossent needs PS+ or the Music Service at all if you ask me.

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I've had second thoughts about Brink - it looks good and all, but considering FPS games aren't really my thing, and LA Noire being delivered a week later, I'd hardly ever play it. I'll no doubt give it a rental or buy it when it's cheaper in future, though.

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So after owning it for like a year and a half, I finally sat down and started Heavy Rain tonight. Three and a half hours later and I'm forcing myself to turn it off and go to bed, even though I really, really don't want to. Man, that game really plays with your heartstrings, eh?

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Good call going back to it Meacon. The start may be slow but its a tutorial. The game does more than heart string pulling, theres some straight out awesomeness going on.

For all its minor flaws, its a damn amazing game for making someone give a shit about whats going on.

Edit: Except ruki.

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There's still no evidence that any personal information at all has been taken - or how much if it has - so everyone complaining that it's not adequate compensation don't really have a leg to stand on. As it stands, you lost a free service granted to you by Sony, and Sony are compensating by giving you free access to a better service. Seems more than reasonable to me.

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I must be heartless....the game didn't really affect me on an emotional level.

Yeah, I not only didn't really care, I didn't really enjoy it. I swear everyone outside of it's fanbase complain about Final Fantasy games being one long cutscene. Yet everyone praised Heavy Rain for being exactly that. :P I'm sure the story was great, but I'm also sure I'd have had an easier time enjoying it if it was a film of some kind and not a 6 hour film pretending to be a game.

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TKz: I don't think it ever pretended to be anything else. I went into the game expecting that, and I got a great production on top of it. I was blown away by it. But then again, I found it to have no replayability. I got my ending, and I had no inkling to want to shoot for the "best" one.

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I must be heartless....the game didn't really affect me on an emotional level.

Yeah, I not only didn't really care, I didn't really enjoy it. I swear everyone outside of it's fanbase complain about Final Fantasy games being one long cutscene. Yet everyone praised Heavy Rain for being exactly that. :P I'm sure the story was great, but I'm also sure I'd have had an easier time enjoying it if it was a film of some kind and not a 6 hour film pretending to be a game.

You finish it? Just curious because the wording could go either way. Ive known a few that stopped halfway through.

Then again there was an article that stated the gmae has like a 77% finish rate or some such thing, which is triple the usual number. Im sure if I looked I could find it.

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It's definitely an experience game - play once through and get YOUR story out of it. Then maybe play through again with a "what happened if I hadn't have done this?" approach.....but then I don't feel the need to get every scene and ending possible out of it.

My brother played it through when he was staying over with me and the mrs. Watching him was very interesting as he ended up having quite a lot of different stuff happening - like I got away from the cops on the subway while he got caught and had all the questioning scenes which I missed.

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There's still no evidence that any personal information at all has been taken - or how much if it has - so everyone complaining that it's not adequate compensation don't really have a leg to stand on. As it stands, you lost a free service granted to you by Sony, and Sony are compensating by giving you free access to a better service. Seems more than reasonable to me.

What about not being able to access lovefilm? That's not a free service.

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