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The Old Sony Megathread


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The company took SOE servers offline after learning of the attack last evening, and today detailed the unfortunate results: "approximately 12,700 non-US credit or debit card numbers and expiration dates (but not credit card security codes), and about 10,700 direct debit records of certain customers in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain" were lost, apparently from "an outdated database from 2007." Of the 12,700 total, 4,300 are alleged to be from Japan, while the remainder come from the aforementioned four European countries.



Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I liked Fahrenheit, it started off good but then it got all weird with it's overly complicated supernatural storyine. It did some things right though and most of those were carried over into Heavy Rain.

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Yeah, I loved Indigo Prophecy up until the end. I'm terrified Heavy Rain's ending is going to let me down, too.

Heavy Rain's Ending is definitely not a disappointment. Depending on how much or how little you've heard about it (LL :@) it will be a massive shock.

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I thought I was doing fuckin' awesome in Heavy Rain and then ended up getting the worst ending possible.. I think. Oh well, aha.

Same! I fucked up pretty bad near the end.

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