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Fair point with the action character.

Bill was definitely an improvement upon the majority of companions since Rose seemingly made romantic undertones a necessity. It was only when someone pointed out that Bill's sexuality was referenced in more episodes than not that I really even noticed it, but it was only in her goodbye to the Doctor in the finale that it felt ham-fisted.

I disagree that choosing a male companion would make the casting seem like a publicity gimmick but that would be the responsibility of the writers more than anyone else.

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I honestly don't think that Bill's sexuality was referenced all that much - I can only remember it being brought up three or four times. Even if it was once an episode, contrast that with how often Amy Pond's sexuality was very explicitly part of the show. Or Rose. Or River Song. If you're the sort of person who's going to get up in arms about Political Correctness Gone Mad and The Gay Agenda, though, any passing reference to her sexuality is going to scream out at you, though.

The prospect of a male companion...maybe publicity gimmick isn't quite the wording I'm looking for, but I think that changing the gender of the companion at the same time as the gender of the Doctor makes it feel more like they've thought, "what can we do now? Gender swap!" rather than casting based on what's best for the show. Again, though, if it's well written enough, it might not be that at all. I can't help shake the thought that if the Doctor suddenly goes off looking for a young male to take on adventures after all his male regenerations have sought out young women, it does make the whole thing seem a little bit more sordid, though.


Having read more of the Peter Davison thing, he was very much taken out of context. He framed his statement by saying that he's a bit of an old-fashioned dinosaur, that he'll miss the Doctor being a man, and that if he has "one criticism", it's the loss of a positive role model for boys, and Colin Baker pretty much immediately called him out on it, but with no maliciousness. It was a fair point, if a bit of a silly one.

But, yes, by the nature of the character, boys have had plenty of positive role models in the form of the Doctor before, and will do again, as well as having plenty more to choose from. And I'll reiterate - I think it'll do young boys good to have a positive female role model in a show like Doctor Who, because young boys should be taught that women are capable, and human beings and maybe learning to respect them and relate to them would be a good thing. I'm just happy that my nieces get to grow up in a world where they can get excited and play at being the Doctor, the same way my nephews already do.

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On 7/25/2017 at 07:50, Skummy said:

I honestly don't think that Bill's sexuality was referenced all that much - I can only remember it being brought up three or four times. Even if it was once an episode, contrast that with how often Amy Pond's sexuality was very explicitly part of the show. Or Rose. Or River Song. If you're the sort of person who's going to get up in arms about Political Correctness Gone Mad and The Gay Agenda, though, any passing reference to her sexuality is going to scream out at you, though.

I agree with this 100%. I feel like people noticed it more because it wasn't the "normal" dynamic and that kinda sucks to be honest

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On 25/07/2017 at 13:25, Colly said:

The "loss of a role model" thing is fundamentally daft though

I was going to say something along the lines of "If a sci-fi character is your idea of a positive male role model then you need to find better role models" but then I remembered that growing up I considered David Lister as my moral compass :shifty: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trolling people online over the new Doctor is so fun. How can you possibly be a fan of this show and not have understood its messages, to the point having a female Doctor - even after all the groundwork they have laid - is some horrible event?

Heck, if my history with doctors is anything to go by, the women are far better :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, TheWho87 said:

Bradley Walsh revealed as Doctor Who companion to first female Time Lord Jodie Whittaker

Is the BBC thinking that they have already lost some of the audience due to having a female Doctor, lets try and lose the other half as well!

... fucking hell, seriously? I mean, Catherine Tate swung me around, but jeez.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Doing a watch through from the very first serial up to at least the end of the original run. I've only seen a handful of Hartnell's episodes, and even less Troughton thanks to the missing episodes, but I'm already preferring it much more than the modern series thanks to the episodic nature of each serial ending with cliffhangers, natural transitions into the next adventure, and the relatively bitesize episode length fitting perfectly into my lunch break.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm listening to the audio from the lost 'Marco Polo' serial and its really disappointing that the entire serial is probably gone. Its been really interesting and makes me more curious than ever about the Big Finish audio productions.

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3 hours ago, Naitch said:

I'm listening to the audio from the lost 'Marco Polo' serial and its really disappointing that the entire serial is probably gone. Its been really interesting and makes me more curious than ever about the Big Finish audio productions.

Marco Polo has always been up there as one of the most wanted returns, especally for the period where historical stories were completly historical, the best option to "watch" would be a reconstruction using telesnaps.


Something I missed a few weeks back, the BBC have animaited and will be releasing Tom Baker's unfinished story Shada. They only completed the location filming and the studio filming was interupted due to strikes at the BBC.


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Bradley Walsh has been rumoured for a while, so no surprise there. I'm not overly enthusiastic about him, though I've never knowingly seen his acting work, and before him, I never would have imagined I'd have liked Catherine Tate or Matt Lucas in Doctor Who, so who knows?

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