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I can't comment on that because I found Skins to be awful anyway. Only other example I can think of is Life on Mars, which... I don't think I've heard anything that bad about the remake? It had Harvey Keitel so it couldn't be that bad.

Oh and Being Human. But that seems to be doing okay over there for what they're pushing it as and honestly, the original isn't really particularly good anyway.

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The first screencap from The US Inbetweeners remake. Which will be awful, because the original is really fucking awful.

I do love the outrage of FUCKING AMERICANS REMAKING OUR SHOWS... I'm pretty sure the only example anyone over here could give you of this is The Office. Where the remake was a lot better than the original.

The Office is the example of a US remake being good. Whereas the example(s) of US remakes being awful are plentiful and thankfully most tend not to make it past pilot. Its not outrage about 'they took our showz', its just general waryness of what could potentially be horrendous due to lazy remakeage.

Shameless is decent too, but probably not an out and out comedy.

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The first screencap from The US Inbetweeners remake. Which will be awful, because the original is really fucking awful.

I do love the outrage of FUCKING AMERICANS REMAKING OUR SHOWS... I'm pretty sure the only example anyone over here could give you of this is The Office. Where the remake was a lot better than the original.

That's because a lot of the American remakes die quickly. The IT Crowd and Red Dwarf never made it out of being pilots, Coupling was canceled quick, Skins only lasted one season, and so on.

EDIT: Dammit, Colly! Way to be informative before I could be!

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So nice to have Louie back.

Agreed. However, am I happy that it's lumped with Anger Management? No, I am not. Holy shit, is that ever bad.

After finishing Moneyball and the fourth season of Red Dwarf in the last couple days, the next DVD on my Netflix queue to be watched is finally the first disc of the first season of Justified. So shut up about it, Justified fans!

Good. Justified is incredible. You'll love it.

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... and then the disc doesn't play on my laptop, probably because there appears to be a large scratch on the back of it. Fucking Netflix.

Oh well, now I'm watching equally critically-lauded TV gem, The Weird Al Show!

EDIT: Which is stalling out too. God damn it, Netflix.

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The Louie premiere was tremendous.

It felt like a thesis for the season: usually, we talk about how shitty life and the world are. Now, let's talk about how shitty Louie himself is.

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... and then the disc doesn't play on my laptop, probably because there appears to be a large scratch on the back of it. Fucking Netflix.

Damn you Netflix!

I'm watching Justified at the moment as well, got a couple of episodes of the first season left and it is truly amazing and really fun.

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How sextastic is The Wire?

I'm going to start watching either that or Sons Of Anarchy on the precor at the gym today.

Language isn't really an issue as I'll have headphones going, but I really don't want to be seen breathing heavy and staring at titties in public like that.

Sort of got burned on that once before, Game Of Thrones...

Also, feel free to post in spoilers, but... Dexter. Who is this show for? So do not get the appeal here. Maybe it's because I was switching between it and Breaking Bad, but it just seemed tedious.

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There's a fair amount of sex and nudity in The Wire. If you're going to be watching something in public go with Sons of Anarchy.

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... and then the disc doesn't play on my laptop, probably because there appears to be a large scratch on the back of it. Fucking Netflix.

Damn you Netflix!

I'm watching Justified at the moment as well, got a couple of episodes of the first season left and it is truly amazing and really fun.

Just wait until you get to the second season. The first is good but god damn, Season 2 is tremendous.

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I've noticed people talking about Justified on here, so I'm gonna give it a go - my girlfriend wants to watch it with me.

Upon seeing a poster, I thought to myself "is that Timothy Olyphant?" - turns out it is. Yay. w00t.gif

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As I have said so many times, Justified is the only show I have ever seen that gets better with each subsequent season. Not a little better, but leaps and bounds better, and it was pretty awesome from the first episode.

I told GoGo I was making it my mission to get Justified into the Top 10 this year! Between me and Livid, this will be the year of Justified.

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