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On Revenge:

Definitely a whole lot of "Wow" stuff going on. I love the way everything has come to be pinned on Nolan, with him being named David Clarke's Disciple. That was an excellent move, even though I only wish for good things for Nolan. The death of Declan was handled very well, teasing him fine and then dying. His character had run its course, so I have no complaints. Conrad becoming one of the Initiative was superb; he reminds me more and more of Lionel Luthor from Smallville when he does shit like that. I'm curious if they keep Aiden alive or not; never liked the character too much, but I think he could become a great bad guy in the show, if they wanted that route. And of course Emily reveals her identity to Jack, which was coming throughout the whole second half of the season.

Excellent ending to a lackluster Season. So much potential for Season 3 now, even without the creator, Mike Kelley. However, the show is staying in the Sunday 9PM slot, which I don't think is good for the show, ratings wise, so I will fear for the show's safety next season.

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Between Almost Human, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (from the Parks & Rec guys) and Gang Related (it looks like it would be better on cable though so I'm not sure if it'll last), I think Fox has the best group of pilots so far.



The Michael J. Fox Show is the only one from NBC that I'm terribly interested in but that could change with some more info about Crisis and Believe (from Abrams and Alfonso Cuaron). The Blacklist is an interesting premise but the trailer hinted at some heavy procedural stuff.

I'm only really interested in The Goldbergs and the SHIELD show on ABC.

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I think Blacklist looks pretty great. And I'm trying not to judge B99 by its trailer. I have more faith in the Parks and Rec guys than that. The trailer makes it look super pedestrian though. I don't think I laughed once. I still have to see the others.

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I find Samberg fairly funny so I laughed a bit but I can understand people being wary. The cast is pretty great though so I think they'll be fine.

I don't know, I liked what I saw from The Blacklist I just hope it isn't as procedural as the trailer made it out to be.

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Then watch Elementary. Like, now.

Yeah, I'm hoping to get that done before summer's over. I have a lot of stuff to watch this summer, some of them backlogged from last year, like season 3 of Boardwalk Empire, which I have still not gotten to. Plus I need to finish watching the Justice League and season 2 of the Avengers, finish up on season 2 of Anger Management and look into whether Da Vinci's Demons is show for me.

Fox' fall line up looks fun. Us & Them, Sleepy Hollow, Rake, Almost Human, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Surviving Jack and Gang Related all look like shows I'll be interested in watching the pilot of to see if I'd get hooked. NBC really only has me interested in The Blacklist and The Michael J. Fox Show. I don't know how to find CBS's new fall shows and am geoblocked from watching anything from ABC.

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CBS hasn't announced their schedule/released trailers yet. The CW is still to come as well

Yeah, I heard there's an issue with ABC's trailers and unfortunately I'm not sure there's a solution yet.

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Has anyone seen the 80s show Moonlighting? Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepard. I randomly saw an episode of the third season and it was one of the worst, most melodramatic and cheesy things I have ever seen. Does anybody like this show and want to give me faith it's not all this bad?

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The show is kinda infamous for tanking after playing the will they-won't they saga which happened during Season 3. I couldn't suggest anything personally but everybody claims them getting together was the downfall of the series so try earlier?

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SHIELD wise, Coulson being alive doesn't feel right to me.

They explained why he is alive somewhere. Wasn't a bad explanation if I do recall. I just can't for the life of me remember where I read it.

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