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Read in the Metro today that the murder storyline is Eastenders is going to finish in a live episode where they reveal the killer. If that's not an opportunity for someone to Montreal a cast member they don't like I don't know what is.

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Read in the Metro today that the murder storyline is Eastenders is going to finish in a live episode where they reveal the killer. If that's not an opportunity for someone to Montreal a cast member they don't like I don't know what is.

They've done that a few times (live episodes with killer reveals).

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The Simpsons/Family Guy crossover was waaaaay too much Family Guy. Still somewhat amusing, but very one sided. The court scene was the highlight, in particular...


Seriously, I marked the fuck out for that.

The near 10 minute fight was fucking ridiculous and stupid though.

I'll be honest, this was the first Family Guy episode I've wanted to willingly watch in about five years - and the first new Simpsons episode in about 5 years I've actively seeked out as opposed to "it's on, may as well". And I'll be honest, I did actually like it. The normal traits of Family Guy which made me hate Family Guy were few and far between - very minimal random flashbacks/cut aways that don't mean anything or add any thing to the plot and fucking rape jokes ughhhh. But aside from that one rape joke, the majority of the humour was good; it was self-referential and self-deprecating (from both teams) and pointed out their obvious comparisons. All in all it was pretty good.

I think the weirdest thing for me though is that even though the Family Guy team did a good job recreating the Simpsons/Springfield, that they looked like them, in animation there was just something a little bit different about it that you could tell it wasn't done by the usual people - not a complaint as such because I completely understand why, just a little strange.

My highlights

Brian mentioning that he wouldn't be able to say the state name of Springfield.

Stewie asking if "Eat my shorts" is like "What the Deuce", and Brian saying yes, but way more popular.

The Simpsons characters and their FG counterparts in the crowd in court.

Bob's Burgers cameo in the plane and Cleveland's "oh no oh no oh no" as he blows up.

Fred Flintstone.

The "We're gonna make it!".... "Trust me, we won't"

The self-referential ending with Lois basically saying "yeah, we're a rip off, but fuck it, they can't enforce it!"

You're right, that fight was way too long.

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Yeah, I remember seeing that in the trailer and just being amazed that such a thing would even be in the show.

Aside from that though, I enjoyed it. Felt very slightly off at times on the Simpsons end, the voices mostly. I dunno whether that's down to soundalikes or the fact I haven't seen a new episode in years. Meg and Lisa sharing a scene just felt like the biggest black hole of fun ever made. But

as dark as it to have Stewie torture Nelson, it's pretty interesting to have the baddest kid of one show just be completely outmatched by one from another. And I loved the big fight at the end for just how over the top it got. Maybe not so much the super power thing but when you get a chance to step outside the fairly safe mould of the Simpsons and just wreck Springfield and just go wild with no consequences, it's amazing to see buildings being smashed into and the like. Plus it's just really weird to think that ten years ago, this was just some crazy idea being imagined on MUGEN and now we have the real thing only infinitely crazier.

When they're serving up tons of fan service, references etc, I can get behind that.

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So I just signed up for Amazon Prime and have a load of shows that I've bookmarked to try and get through before the trial is up. Any of these must-watches or things to defintiely avoid? Boss, Ripper Street, The Americans, Luther, Hell on Wheels, Vikings, The League, Extant, Perception, Hatfields and McCoys.

Sure I'll find other stuff to ask about as I search as well.

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Yeah, I remember seeing that in the trailer and just being amazed that such a thing would even be in the show.

Aside from that though, I enjoyed it. Felt very slightly off at times on the Simpsons end, the voices mostly. I dunno whether that's down to soundalikes or the fact I haven't seen a new episode in years. Meg and Lisa sharing a scene just felt like the biggest black hole of fun ever made. But

as dark as it to have Stewie torture Nelson, it's pretty interesting to have the baddest kid of one show just be completely outmatched by one from another. And I loved the big fight at the end for just how over the top it got. Maybe not so much the super power thing but when you get a chance to step outside the fairly safe mould of the Simpsons and just wreck Springfield and just go wild with no consequences, it's amazing to see buildings being smashed into and the like. Plus it's just really weird to think that ten years ago, this was just some crazy idea being imagined on MUGEN and now we have the real thing only infinitely crazier.

When they're serving up tons of fan service, references etc, I can get behind that.

Everything with Bart and Stewie was to show just how the big the differences were between Bart and Stewie. 25 years ago, Bart was considered the "bad boy" because he used a slingshot and said stuff like "Eat My Shorts." When the show gradually moved towards being Homer-centric from Bart, Bart became more and more harmless. Compared to Stewie, Bart at his worst looks like he belongs on Blue's Clues.

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Not sure where the Gotham comments go but...

I really am enjoying the interactions between Gordon/Bullock, and Donal Logue was made for this roll and I've liked him for ages.

It seems like a good police procedural with some supervillain undercurrents, of course, I'm a bit worried about how long these storylines might have to be drawn out until Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. He is currently 12, so even if he hits 13 before the end of the year, that's still a good length of time before he can start rumbling with Catwoman or Penguin.

Finally, in episode 2, there was some extremely lazy writing that... a person could drive a school bus through. It was *glaringly* bad.

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That's dumb. I totally accepted the Penguin, because I always thought he was older than Bruce, but Harvey is supposed to be the opposite of Bruce, looks like a good guy but becomes a bad guy.

In fact, now that I think about it, Carmine would be like 70+ when Bruce becomes Batman.

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Gotham went off the rails pretty quick, anyway. After all, Fish Mooney is a character made up for the tv show and not in the comics (but I bet they eventually add her), Montoya and Crispus Allen shouldn't even be around yet, and Selina didn't witness the Waynes' murder.

I also like the casting of Sean Pertwee as Alfred, even though that means we probably won't see LeStrade on Elementary again for quite a while.

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