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This week's episode of Boardwalk felt a little uneven, but it still furthered everything necessary, including the zoning in on Nucky's final story, and there were tons of great stuff in there.

I wonder if we'll see Luciano again, since they've already completed their task. Their final scene really felt like the perfect goodbye to those two (three, including Torrio) characters.

The part with Nucky kneeling was absolutely amazing. As was the flashbacks. Man, I forgot how much I hated the Commodore.

And Mickey! Shot in the throat! Seems apt, I guess :P

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Just saw the Homeland scene previously discussed...

... really didn't think it was bad at all. It was a moment of insanity letting go of the baby then realising what she was doing.

From a woman suffering from any mix of bipolar disorder, PTSD and post-natal depression I think it was a pretty tame scene.

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Just saw the Homeland scene previously discussed...

... really didn't think it was bad at all. It was a moment of insanity letting go of the baby then realising what she was doing.

From a woman suffering from any mix of bipolar disorder, PTSD and post-natal depression I think it was a pretty tame scene.

Agreed entirely. It was tastefully done, wasn't just a sensationalist talking point, and entirely fitted the character. I watched it with my wife and as the parents of a toddler neither of us were disgusted by it. Dark and a bit grim, but drama is supposed to have some of that.

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It's good. It's a little up and down but for the most part, it's solid. Season 2 is a particular highlight. Season 3 was a bit of a misstep at times (but still fairly good overall) but they started to get back to what really worked for them in Season 4.

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I'm vey picky about TV dramas but I do enjoy Suits. It's nothing ground breaking but I love the cast. It can get a little silly sometimes and frankly I get annoyed by the cussing(it's just overdone and forced at times) but it's an enjoyable show that I always follow.

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Marry Me is remind me of Happy Endings (which makes sense given it's the same creator). Of course, by reminds me of Happy Endings, I mean those early Happy Endings episodes where all the characters were a bunch of unlikable, one dimensional nutjobs. I will keep watching in the hopes that much like Happy Endings, it picks up and becomes wonderful.

A to Z is also kinda neat, but that's mostly based on the fact that I'm enjoying seeing Ginsberg not be Ginsberg and the mother from Mad Men being charming.

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I just watched this week's Jane the Virgin. It's sort of like Pushing Daisies as far as tone and style goes (narrator talking about the action that's happened and is about to happen, lots of drama), and it involves a similarly improbable set of coincidences. However, I think it strikes the right balance.

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Sarah Paulson and Jessica Lange are so boring now in AHS. They were great in season one and two, but three and the first episode of four they're so freaking irritating.

EDIT: Fuck it, three seasons is enough. I'm dropping AHS like the bad habit it was. First season was good but the rest has just been dross.

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This week's episode of Boardwalk felt a little uneven, but it still furthered everything necessary, including the zoning in on Nucky's final story, and there were tons of great stuff in there.

I wonder if we'll see Luciano again, since they've already completed their task. Their final scene really felt like the perfect goodbye to those two (three, including Torrio) characters.

The part with Nucky kneeling was absolutely amazing. As was the flashbacks. Man, I forgot how much I hated the Commodore.

And Mickey! Shot in the throat! Seems apt, I guess :P

This episode really made me hate the Commodore even more. I'm hoping Gillian has some kind of happy ending.

Also, on the Homeland stuff, that scene with Carrie and the baby wasn't as bad as people made it seem. I am really liking this season so far, especially since it's back to a more of a Season 1 style, instead of way too much drama like in the second and third with all the Brodie stuff.

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Getting caught up on Gracepoint, the American version of Broadchurch. Its not terrible....the lack of swearing I think takes a bit away from it, and the bright and sunny California coast line definitely is a subtraction....I dunno why they didn't go with New England instead. Chemistry between Tennant and Anna Gunn isn't too bad. Glad Tennant improved his American accent though

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The previously untitled Netflix show starring Kyle Chandler, Linda Cardellini, Ben Mendelsohn, Sissy Spacek and Sam Shephard now has a name: Bloodline. It's coming in March and the first teaser is below.


Not much to go on, I'm just excited for more info. Can't wait!

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