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2 hours ago, K said:

i think they moved Lost from like Channel 4 to Sky One back in the day and that basically made my dad swear off television completely 

Same thing happened with my dad, he had to eventually borrow the DVDs off a work mate which was an alien concept to him, and probably still would be now since he told me with glee last week he's just set-up his old VCR in the living room...

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1 minute ago, Barbaro CaverLUKIEo said:

Jane the Virgin
Handmaid's Tale

Not Garbage:

Even my wife can deal with guys taking beer up their arsehole over JTV and Handmaids...............................

I am about 5 episodes into the new season of Handmaid's Tale and I just have very little interest in continuing. 

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Binged the first four episodes of The Boys and found myself pleasantly surprised by how fun it is. I read a bunch of the comics as a kid and it's translating really well to screen, especially with its modern setting lending itself to criticism of celebrity culture and social media. 

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1 minute ago, Jimmy said:

Binged the first four episodes of The Boys and found myself pleasantly surprised by how fun it is. I read a bunch of the comics as a kid and it's translating really well to screen, especially with its modern setting lending itself to criticism of celebrity culture and social media. 

I'm not familiar with the source material but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I think it loses a bit of steam at the end but that may just me wishing it was a little longer. Which is a rarity with shows these days. 

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Half way through Orange is the New Black S7 and it's having a really strong final season, in my opinion. Lots of good development for all the characters. I wasn't too fussed on S6 but it's such an improvement now they've moved on from all the side characters I hated.

Also it sucks major balls that fucking Big Mouth got 3 more seasons but they cancelled Santa Clarita Diet. I feel personally slighted.

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Yeah, Big Mouth getting three more seasons is well deserved. It's also probably one of the cheaper Netflix originals for them to make in comparison to the viewing numbers it receives.

I loved Santa Clarita Diet, and it absolutely still stings that it got cancelled... but there are a lot of other things they could have done to keep it running, as opposed to cancelling other shows that are doing well. For instance, it completely boggles my mind how much international content gets brought to Netflix Canada every month, when you compare it to how much North American content gets added. Are the viewing numbers for all of those Bollywood or Japanese movies they've added worth spending that money when it could have been used on something else, like extending the life of a Netflix Original series, even if only for one more season to wrap things up?

I feel like Netflix as a company is in a weird place right now, where they're really trying to push original content, but they aren't REALLY trying to push it, you know? They spend a lot of money on a lot of things that aren't bringing new customers to the service, while allowing content that they own to just fizzle out with alarming regularity. The content they own is what they should be earmarking most of their new content funds to, if their end goal is to entice people to sign up or binge-watch that content.

How often they've cancelled an original show without allowing the creators/writers to actually bring it to an end is ridiculous. I mean, why not even just give them a smaller budget to wrap it up and do it with a shortened season or even just a feature length episode? It makes it difficult for my wife and I to invest in the new Netflix Original content, because we're afraid that we're going to get attached/drawn into it, only to have it cancelled suddenly... and I imagine that we can't be the only people like that... so Netflix is essentially now just perpetuating the failure of their own shows by giving people a reason to be hesitant to watch new content, which in turn could lead to the cancellation of said content because not enough people watched it, or watched it within a certain time frame, to make them believe that the financial investments in those shows are worth having additional seasons.

At this point, when we start a new original show, we look for that message that tells us that another season is incoming. If that message isn't there, and we aren't ridiculously hyped to watch it, we'll wait and see what happens.

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