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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Didn't watch it, but I figured Toney would get his ass kicked. I didn't expect it to end that fast, though. (I was sure it wouldn't last even half the first round, though)

You didn't expect it to end as fast as 3:12, but you were sure it wouldn't even last 2:30?

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Nowhere near as good as the last couple big UFC shows, but let's keep it in perspective, this was miles ahead of the Abu Dhabi card. And Penn/Edgar was a lot more entertaining than Maia/Miranda or Florian/Maynard.

The whole UFC vs Boxing thing will always lean towards UFC and tonight showed why, No boxer is good off of his feet

Except for, y'know, in boxing.

It's pretty silly to make a value judgment on an athlete competing outside his sport.

It's like saying the Magic will always be better than the Marlins because they score more points.

I get your point, but it doesn't really work because (some) boxers claim their sport is more indicative of a real fight. MMA's much closer to that description. A hybrid MMA fighter will almost always beat a one-dimensional boxer (or jiujitsu ace, or kickboxing champ) under MMA rules, but not under the other guy's home discipline. It's more like saying so-and-so is a better basketball player because he'd win a game of HORSE, even if the HORSE winner would be clueless at ball control, teamwork, and defence.

I look at it like this...

James Toney signed up for an MMA fight. When he did, he became an MMA fighter. One with a boxing background, yes, but still an MMA fighter. Randy Couture is also an MMA fighter, and as he proved, a much better one than James Toney. He's better at MMA, until a rematch proves otherwise. To say he's better than "a boxer" isn't entirely fair nor accurate. He was better than an MMA fighter, which in MMA circles, should count for more, not less.

If you can ski and you can play chess, it's possible to be good at both. I believe the same's true for boxing and MMA. By the same token, when somebody signs up for a chess tournament, it really doesn't matter how well they can ski. Again, the analogy rings true.

James Toney's not a good MMA fighter. That's the only new certifiable information coming out of this fight IMO. Everybody already knew Randy Couture was good at MMA. If you want to read into the viability of a boxer-to-MMA crossover athlete from this instance, or even a series of similar instances, that's fine... but a statement like:

The whole UFC vs Boxing thing will always lean towards UFC

Is just goofy to me.

You mean UFC fighters are better than boxers in UFC fights? Well, color me astonished.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I agree with you and I expect that pretty much everybody else in MMA or on EWB would too. But plenty of people in boxing claim the opposite - even 17 years after Art Jimmerson proved them wrong - which is where this is coming from.

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When it comes to the idea of "Boxing vs. MMA", it's really about who would win in an actual fight. An MMA fight is a lot closer to a real fight than a boxing match is, and it's not like Toney was handicapped by stepping into the octagon; he could still fully use his fighting style (whereas a boxing match would have unfairly handicapped Couture). Couture demolishing Toney is a pretty good demonstration that, when it comes to fighting, a good MMA guy is better than a good boxer. Because if it was a real fight, it'd probably go exactly the same way.

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I was watching some clips on Youtube, and I can't help wondering what would happen if someone using Drunken style Kung Fu joined the UFC. (Which would probably ban it, if it isn't already banned) Would love to see a fight between Anderson Silva and someone using it.

Didn't watch it, but I figured Toney would get his ass kicked. I didn't expect it to end that fast, though. (I was sure it wouldn't last even half the first round, though)

You didn't expect it to end as fast as 3:12, but you were sure it wouldn't even last 2:30?

I didn't read results, and the person who told me about the fight said it lasted just over 2 minutes. Apparently the fool can't count.

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I was watching some clips on Youtube, and I can't help wondering what would happen if someone using Drunken style Kung Fu joined the UFC. (Which would probably ban it, if it isn't already banned) Would love to see a fight between Anderson Silva and someone using it.

What kind of shit are you chatting about?

MMA has never turned away or banned any style of martial art, all there is are rules which everyone must follow regardless off their athletic background, essentially the things they block are dangerous and unnecessary like low blows, head butts, small joint manipulation, etc...

Also anybody who comes in who has a very definite style and is one dimensional will struggle, Anderson would murder a Zui Quan fighter on the ground if he didn't believe he could face them on their feet. Just like Randy schooled James Toney.

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Dana White invited to speak at Oxford

LAS VEGAS -- The Oxford University debate club has invited Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White to speak to its members.

Ultimate Fighting Championship officials told The Associated Press that the 187-year-old Oxford Union Society has invited White to speak Oct. 13.

The society has been known for its ties to the upper tiers of politics, and past speakers include Sir Winston Churchill, Robert Kennedy and Yasser Arafat. The late Benazir Bhutto was once club president when she was a student, long before she was prime minister of Pakistan.

Other past speakers at the club are former U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, as well as Malcolm X, Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein.

White said he's expecting to respond to tough questions with straight answers.

"Anyone who knows anything about me knows I always speak my mind and am very passionate about what I do, and the Oxford Union was founded on exactly those principles," White said in a statement released by UFC. "I'm looking forward to meeting the students, and I know they have a reputation for asking tough questions and expecting straight answers from their guests. That's exactly what they'll get from me."

An Oxford Union Society officer said the group was looking forward to hearing from White.

"As president of UFC, Dana has created a billion dollar global sports company in less than a decade and we look forward to hearing his take on the rise of the UFC and giving us greater insight into this phenomenon," said Ash Sangha, the group's vice president, according to the statement.

White also will visit the Oxford Union Library and meet with Oxford Entrepreneurs, another campus student society, during his visit.

White will be in England for UFC 120, which is scheduled for Oct. 16 in London.

I'm interested to see what is asked and what his responses are. I expect some questions focusing on whether he's marketing it to children or not (The classic WWE argument, at least Dana can safely say he doesn't market it towards children), some questions about safety efforts and if there is more that can be done, and of course there will be at least one uninformed question. Since it's Oxford most people can be expected to actually do their research though.

Edited by damshow
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Less than a year after he wasn't fighting at 106 or ever again in UFC?

I welcome Paul Daley's return in spring.

Dana said shortly after Karo's release that if he got himself together he would welcome him back.

Don't remember reading that anywhere, and even if he did say that, the guy's had one fight since his release, which he supposedly had to get moved to the first fight of the night because he was having anxiety problems. Hardly what I'd call getting yourself together.

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Less than a year after he wasn't fighting at 106 or ever again in UFC?

I welcome Paul Daley's return in spring.

Dana said shortly after Karo's release that if he got himself together he would welcome him back.

Don't remember reading that anywhere, and even if he did say that, the guy's had one fight since his release, which he supposedly had to get moved to the first fight of the night because he was having anxiety problems. Hardly what I'd call getting yourself together.

Well mister inside knowledge of Karo's personal life, what else do you know about him that the rest of us might be missing? Did he have eggs for breakfast?

I'm not saying he HAS gotten himself together, but he must have done something if Joe Silva and Dana White wanted to make that call. None of us know what he's done in his personal life so stop jumping to conclusions.

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Actually, he had bacon.

And since when was speculation not allowed on the internet? Don't get me wrong, I've always liked Parisyan, I enjoy watching him fight, but to me, the best indicator of whether he's pulled himself together is the way he conducts himself in and around his fights. Since his release, he's had one fight, and a story reported on most MMA sites indicates that he didn't handle it particularly well from a mental standpoint. Judging from that, I don't think he's ready to be back in UFC. I like him, and I want to be wrong, but from the evidence I've seen/read, it's a premature rehiring.

Oh, for the record, me jumping to conclusions would be making an outright, definitive statement along the lines of Karo being a fucking whackjob/on pills and shit, and that he should be nowhere near any kind of top-level MMA. I don't think that, nor did I say or imply that. I gave an opinion based on apparently reliable information, which I conceded may not be 100% accurate at any rate. Thanks for jumping down my throat about something I didn't even really do though, it's always nice to be lambasted for no reason.

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