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Olympic & Paralympic Games London 2012


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A Brazilian judoka accidentally broke his Olympic bronze medal when he brought it into the shower with him but will be given a new medal by the International Olympic Committee, according to Globoesporte.com.

Felipe Kitadai said he was carrying the medal everywhere, but when he took it with him to the shower as a joke, he dropped it while trying to keep it from getting wet.

Kitadai said that the part holding the medal's string broke, and now he cannot wear it around his neck. He said there is also a small dent on the medal.

"I took it with me everywhere," said Kitadai. "I even took it into the shower, but I was afraid to get it wet so put it in my mouth while I soaped myself. But it ended up slipping."

Kitadai won the bronze in the men's 60kg division on Saturday.

From the Guardian online.

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For the record, how can somebody be actually charged for any of the following?

hope your crying now you should be why can't you even produce for your country your just a diver anyway a over hyped prick

sit your ass back down tommy and don't get on a diving board again my little brother could do better absolute waste of space

you let your dad down i hope you know that

I mean seriously, every one of you is completely guilty of saying roughly the same thing at some point when disappointed. Remember when David Beckham let his country down at World Cup 98? Remember when Wayne Rooney was a violent overrated prick? Remember when Ronaldo dived and you wanted someone to break his legs?

Remember when you, yourselves yesterday thought that the Japanese were being pricks at contesting that silver?

Just look at yourselves, you're contributing towards a ridiculous witchhunt and laughing at a guys life getting pretty much destroyed for things that he's said. He'll probably not be able to get a job now, thanks to a publicized criminal record, and don't create a "he deserved it" excuse or "he'd be dole scum anyway" NO! He's 17 and still has his life ahead of him! Ever looked back at yourself and thought "Gosh, I was a complete prick back when I was 13/14/15 etc."?

It's embarrassing enough looking back at your previous self, let along being continuously punished for doing so.

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Fairly sure he said something about drowning him at some point too. Or drowning someone. Which constitutes a threat, which is, I assume, what he'll be charged for.

We also didn't directly say this stuff to David Beckham, etc.

But it is a pointless avenue to go down.

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Also, no as a child I never would have said that to an athlete for failing to win a medal. Let alone doing it at 17. There is a difference between posting about someone on a message board and leaving a tweet to their official account that they are likely to read. Beyond which there is a difference between doing something silly which fucks up any chance of you - or your team winning, doing something ethically questionable on the field, and just not being good enough on the night.

I'm personally glad that he is being charged and this will hopefully be a lesson to keyboard warriors who think that somehow because they are online direct personal attacks are all hunky dory.

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Didn't Beckham have to up his security and leave the country after 98 'cause of all the death threats he was getting?

We didn't have Twitter back then, if we did, there would've been cunts like him talking shit about Beckham.

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For the record, how can somebody be actually charged for any of the following?

hope your crying now you should be why can't you even produce for your country your just a diver anyway a over hyped prick

sit your ass back down tommy and don't get on a diving board again my little brother could do better absolute waste of space

you let your dad down i hope you know that

I mean seriously, every one of you is completely guilty of saying roughly the same thing at some point when disappointed. Remember when David Beckham let his country down at World Cup 98? Remember when Wayne Rooney was a violent overrated prick? Remember when Ronaldo dived and you wanted someone to break his legs?

Remember when you, yourselves yesterday thought that the Japanese were being pricks at contesting that silver?

Just look at yourselves, you're contributing towards a ridiculous witchhunt and laughing at a guys life getting pretty much destroyed for things that he's said. He'll probably not be able to get a job now, thanks to a publicized criminal record, and don't create a "he deserved it" excuse or "he'd be dole scum anyway" NO! He's 17 and still has his life ahead of him! Ever looked back at yourself and thought "Gosh, I was a complete prick back when I was 13/14/15 etc."?

It's embarrassing enough looking back at your previous self, let along being continuously punished for doing so.

I wish I could +1 this more.

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Went down to the Olympic Park just to get my tickets from the box office, was startled to see I've made the full transition to not-sure-I-care to ridiculously-excited for the Olympics. Ready for tomorrow morning.

Not sure we've got many GB prospects for medals today, do we? Equestrian team are going well though, hopefully that continues today.

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On the exercise bike in the gym watching the equestrian atm, we seem to be going strong and have a good chance of getting a medal.

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