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The Capital One Cup 2012/13 Thread


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I would take Chelsea's "kids" over United's "kids".

What will actually happen is that Chelsea will put out their "kids" and United will put out their First-Team-Minus-A-Couple and we'll lose 2-1 or 3-1. Such is the game of chicken and/or double-bluff that is League Cup selection between top teams.

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I'm not massively confident against Boro, always feel unsure when the football can be transcended by the rivalry at times. Although the chain sort of goes: Boro hate us, we don't care about us because Newcastle are our rivals, but Newcastle don't care about us because Barcelona are their rivals etc.)

An aside, you still in Japan - Hammo?

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In the big cities - Tokyo/Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya (where I am), you don't need much language. People can get by with pretty much none - myself included, though I do try to speak Japanese at bars and of course sometimes you have to deal with weird bills all in Japanese, or have to sort something out at the bank or doctors or whatever.

Generally if you work teaching English for a private company, your whole life is in English...I'm not allowed to speak Japanese in class at all. If you work in the schools then Japanese helps more.

English wife = English at home. Being foreign = Japanese people/friends want to speak English to you.

If you live in a smaller town or village, you tend to pick up the language much more, mostly due to needing to. Here, all the transport signs are in English and life is fine once you learn a few important Kanji and the two alphabets.

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So is it similar to TEFL that you do?

I'm moving to Australia in November on a year long working holiday visa without any real permanent plans so I'm keeping my options open, keeping TEFL in my mind possibly in Japan, China or South Korea as something I might like to do one day.

I'm done after that last question, we can get back to the Capital One Cup. :shifty:

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