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Characters you hate (that you aren't supposed to)


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I'd argue that Cordy is one of the best developed character I've seen on TV. She makes such a natural move from airheaded antagonist to the heart and soul of the protagonists, that you never even notice the change until it's way past happened, and yet she also somehow never truly changes her core demeanour.

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I'd argue that Cordy is one of the best developed character I've seen on TV. She makes such a natural move from airheaded antagonist, to the heart and soul of the protagonists, that you never even notice the change until it's way past happened, and yet she also somehow never truly changes her core demeanour.

I like your history of Cordy, it ignores the god awful heel turn that no one wanted.

Cordy has a ton of great character development, yeah. I always thought Wesley was fantastic though, how he hardens through the years. When you get to the final series, he's so cynical and broken. Compare that to the bumbling, good meaning fool that he was in the earlier seasons and it really shows that he's gone through some shit. If anything, it kind of shows the reality between the cool, badass, doesn't say much, does what needs to be done character and what the reality of that character is. Especially when you consider that he's introduced in Angel as trying to be a cool, lone wolf "Demon Hunter". Gunn was by far the worst, he wasn't a bad character, but he was definitely the weakest of the core group.

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Adding to my earlier Lost mention, Kate. "I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. I LOVE JACK. I LOVE SAWYER. Hey everyone, pay attention to me because I'm POUTING." Considering her and Jack were meant to be the heroic protagonists they did the best job possible in making them unlikeable.

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Angel wasn't all that interesting in the first Season, but between hamming it up as Angelus in the second and them playing around with him a little more in the third to add some comedy, I always liked him. You're right though, he doesn't shine until his own show, where we get some amazing moments of Angel being socially awkward. Pairing him up with Cordelia and Wesley of all people was the perfect way to do that show.

...Man, I can't think of the first season of Angel without thinking about Doyle. :(

Everytime :crying::crying::crying:

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It took me a while to post here, because I couldn't think of a good one. But recalling my feelings on the final season of 30 Rock made me realize something.

I don't like Jack Donaghy. He's a funny character, but I think after a certain point we're meant to, to some degree, root for him and want him to be successful, and I never did. Almost all of his romances were flat and detracted from the show (and the only one that didn't, with Elizabeth Banks, ended really stupidly), and I ended up liking his rivals more than him, be it Will Arnett's character or Chloe Moretz's character. I definitely don't hate him, but my opinions on him as a character and the show's definitely didn't line up at all after season three or so.

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yeah, I generally can't stand Kevin at this point except for certain episodes/scenes (the pie episode, for example, or the scene where he called out The Senator for being a douchebag).

Honestly, though, I'm sick of most of the characters on The Office. Apparently people are invested in Dwight/Angela still, which blows my mind because I thought the resolution of the Dwight/Andy/Angela love triangle was perfect and should have ended it forever.

In fact, this is the list of Office characters I'm not sick of: Stanley, Creed, Erin, Pete, Clark, Jim, possibly Pam. Everyone else, ehhhhhhhh.

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Kevin was good those first two seasons, then...yeah.

I don't know if we were ever supposed to like Andy; before he went to Scranton, sure, but ever since then...ugh. If he didn't have to remind us that he could sing every episode (I know I'm exaggerating but it seems that way), maybe I could like the character.

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I don't think we're suppose to like Andy this season (for reasons I'm unsure why they decided that), but up until this season - I'd say yes, bhe was suppose to be likeable...especially with how hard they tried to get us behind his relationship with Erin the past couple seasons.

I do not support any Kevin hate though :angry:

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You were supposed to dislike Andy in season 3 and probably most of season 4, and you're supposed to dislike Andy this season. In between, not so much, and last season you were definitely supposed to like him.

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It took me a while to post here, because I couldn't think of a good one. But recalling my feelings on the final season of 30 Rock made me realize something.

I don't like Jack Donaghy. He's a funny character, but I think after a certain point we're meant to, to some degree, root for him and want him to be successful, and I never did. Almost all of his romances were flat and detracted from the show (and the only one that didn't, with Elizabeth Banks, ended really stupidly), and I ended up liking his rivals more than him, be it Will Arnett's character or Chloe Moretz's character. I definitely don't hate him, but my opinions on him as a character and the show's definitely didn't line up at all after season three or so.

Yeah, Jack's an example of a character getting by almost solely on charm. But I will root for him against Chloe Moretz every goddamn time. She was a character I was supposed to hate, and boy, did I ever.

As for Andy, that's a discussion that keeps popping up in the NBC Thursday thread. His evolution and devolution is absolutely mind-boggling. He was fun to hate in his first couple of seasons, managed to redeem himself (slowly) over another few, then became "I AM DOUCHE ANDY HEAR ME ROAR" out of nowhere. I would love to get the writers responsible for that final turn to explain why they thought making him the Big Bad was a good idea.

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Rick, Lori, Hershel and Andrea from The Walking Dead.

Hold me back! :angry:

Nope. Hurt him real good, Gazz!

Great actor but terrible character. He is Rick. Let's be honnest. He iswhiny, selfish, a little insane and was willing to screw others over in anattempt to protect his family. You cannot hate Rick without hting Hershel, the are exactly alike.

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Horatio Caine, from CSI: Miami. Calleigh or Delko should have been the star of the show. Doesn't help that David Caruso is truly a garbage actor who only used about four facial expressions as the character: upset stomach, bored to tears, annoyed and slightly humored.

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Angel is great. :angry:

Angel doesn't come into his own until he gets his own series, which is too late for most people, as they've already passed judgment via Buffy. Angel is phenomenal after that.

This. Heisgreat in Angel, but on Buffy.... Ugh.... Only time I found him interesting was S2 when he went bad.

Angel was bland.Angelus was great in Buffy.Also most of the character mentioned: Phoebe,Joey,JD,Penny,etc get worse because they basically become a parody of themselves.Also another thing is that after a few seasons most comedies tried to become Seinfield.

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On the Phoebe front, I really didn't like her. She was always an annoying character, but then she actually turned into a terrible person. One episode she found a cat and refused to give it back to its owner because she thought it was her mum. Her reaction to Ross telling her to do the right thing was to just remind him that her mum had died and his didn't, which is acceptable justification for stealing someones cat I guess. Horrible.

Can't +1 this enough. I think this story-of-the-week soured me on Phoebe permanently and made me view her as nothing more than a crazy, simply irritating person.

It took me a while to post here, because I couldn't think of a good one. But recalling my feelings on the final season of 30 Rock made me realize something.

I don't like Jack Donaghy. He's a funny character, but I think after a certain point we're meant to, to some degree, root for him and want him to be successful, and I never did. Almost all of his romances were flat and detracted from the show (and the only one that didn't, with Elizabeth Banks, ended really stupidly), and I ended up liking his rivals more than him, be it Will Arnett's character or Chloe Moretz's character. I definitely don't hate him, but my opinions on him as a character and the show's definitely didn't line up at all after season three or so.

Got nothing to add to this other than when I googled Chloe Moretz to see what she did in 30 Rock (I've not watched it in years) I was rather unsettled by typing in her name and the suggested search giving me "Chloe Moretz hot" and "Chloe Moretz bikini" as some of the top options :/

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