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The Barclays Premier League Thread 2013/14


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How is it irrelevant? The Benteke situation could have dragged on and on and become a farce but Lambert (and the board) ensured it didnt.

Whilst Rodgers has no control over Suarez, he has handled it in exactly the same manner.

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It is irrelevant, Benteke was handed a big pile of money to stay, not because of how well Lambert handled it. The player got exactly what he wanted.

Suarez wanted to leave and didn't get his way and that's all down to how to the board and the manager handled it.

The world doesn't revolve around Aston Villa. Player submits transfer request because he wants more money, club backs up money truck is no stroke of genius at all.

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The nerves have just set in :(

Liverpool team vs. Stoke: Mignolet, Johnson, Toure, Agger, Enrique, Lucas, Gerrard, Henderson, Aspas, Coutinho, Sturridge

Substitutes: Jones, Wisdom, Allen, Alberto, Ibe, Sterling, Borini

Glad to see Henderson over Allen. We need all the physicality we can get, I'd like to see Ibe replacing Aspas later in the game.

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It is irrelevant, Benteke was handed a big pile of money to stay, not because of how well Lambert handled it. The player got exactly what he wanted.

Suarez wanted to leave and didn't get his way and that's all down to how to the board and the manager handled it.

The world doesn't revolve around Aston Villa. Player submits transfer request because he wants more money, club backs up money truck is no stroke of genius at all.

He talked him into staying/signing a new deal. Spurs were going to offer him about £75k a week if they had stumped up an extra £5m for him. Lambert/Benteke himself has even stated in conferences that they ha a full and frank discussion when Benteke returned from his extended break.

Benteke is on less than he would have been at Spurs. Lambert has handled it remarkably well. And, to be honest, i couldn't give a fuck if i speak about my club a lot. If i want to draw comparisons to other teams/managers to Villa then i will.

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Just fucking sick and tired of voicing and opinion in here and every time i even mention Villa or compare anything to them i get shot down. It's not fucking right at all. All i stated was that Lambert and Rodgers are cut from the same cloth.

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You're being a bit harsh here, Andy, I'll have you know that Benteke cares deeply about Villa.

The villa he's planning on buying with his new bumper wage packet, that is. Perhaps somewhere in Spain so he can go there during the summer.

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I think Brendan Rodgers is like Alan Pardew. Both football managers.

BT Sports studio is too scary, there's too much going on to focus on anything. It looks like Mojos office from ye olde X-Men cartoon.

And now they're doing that thing Schofield does on The Cube where they pretend to look at computer generated images that aren't really there! Hah, Stevie Mac just admitted he was looking at a monitor.

Edited by Colly
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Without sounding like a stuck record (yeah right), other things that are annoying me about BT Sport.

1. Cutting the audio and three quarters of the screen during the handshakes of favour of Ray Winstone yelling.

2. The weird photos of the managers in training gear and bad trainers next to the team listings.

3. A terrified Mark Halsey being listed as commentator. He told us Martin Atkinson is one of the best, I look forward to him telling me who's shit. Note, this isn't a knock on Halsey who I like, but he was shaking worse than me before a job interview.

4. The picture in picture shot of Huth after hitting the bar. No need.

5. Michael Owen.

I'll find more later...

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