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The Barclays Premier League Thread 2014/2015


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For what it's worth, Holland (and Man U against Liverpool, didn't watch any of their other games) played much better in the second half nearly every game.

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For what it's worth, Holland (and Man U against Liverpool, didn't watch any of their other games) played much better in the second half nearly every game.

Let's hope all of the Dutch players we signed in the close season can inspire a 2nd half comeback.

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One of the things about this 3-5-2 we play is there isn't enough movement up top. Mata sits a bit deeper, Hernandez is static, Rooney is trying but can't do it all himself. Young and Januzaj are best going at the full back and cutting in, but they are too deep to get involved there often. Rooney as the number 9 and Januzaj or Nani in the 'Robben' role floating about linking up play would do a lot to create more opportunities I think.

Will be interesting to see the changes LVG makes.

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