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The Simpsons

Lord Nibbler

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besides it's far from the only sitcom where the happenings of one episode are completely ignored in future.

Ugh, whenever I read something like that I just wanna scream. I have no idea how people can believe this is a legitimate argument. Just because everyone does the same terrible shit doesn't make it okay to do so.

As for the topic, I haven't watched new episodes in ages, but it is still kinda sad to see it go.

The point I was making is that it's not "terrible shit", it's just a convention of a sitcom that most storylines are just completely ignored, in the same way that that it's not "terrible shit" that on Eastenders people hang around Walford on Christmas Day despite the fact someone almost always dies, it's part of the genre.

Shit if it wasn't ignored then The Simpsons would've ended years ago because Homer would be fucking dead, the fact that they sometimes reference previous happenings such as Marge's gambling addiction, Lisa becoming a buddhist, etc means it references previous episodes more than almost any other sitcom I can think of.

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The best callback in any Simpsons episode is still "I wish I had an elephant...".

I haven't seen the episode being discussed, but seriously, "this character being introduced didn't go anywhere in future episodes" is apparently a sign of a bad episode? So "Homer's Enemy" is a bad episode? How about Mr. Burns' son? Hank Scorpio? Jacques? Mr. Bergstrom?

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I recently re-read that simpsons comic where he meets Hank Scorpio again. I still laughed at the mention of his gift of the Denver broncos knowing what had happened with the team since homer had foolishly gotten rid of them (apparently to Moe)

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The best callback in any Simpsons episode is still "I wish I had an elephant...".

My personal favourite is the Proposition 24 episode where Homers trying to get Apu married off and calls Selma, only to get "my names already Selma Bouvier McClure Hutz Terwilliger without adding Nahasapeema whatever as well", just for the 'when did she marry Lionel Hutz?!?' of it.

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The best callback in any Simpsons episode is still "I wish I had an elephant...".

"You did. His name was Stampy. You loved him very much."

I'm sitting here laughing just thinking about it.

I can't say much that hasn't already been said. I haven't watched it in years, but this WAS my childhood. One of my earliest music video memories was the Bartman. It was easily my favorite show growing up, and I still quote it several times throughout the day, everyday. Whether it be "Look in the tunk" or "What's a gym?" or "La grille? What the hell is that?!" I always find something in my daily life that allows me to quote this brilliant show. An end was inevitable, though it sucks it's going to end like this.

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"La grille? What the hell is that?!"

Haha, i just watched that episode today. Always makes me laugh so hard when i see it.

"Why? Why must life be so hard? Why must I fail at every attempt at masonry? "

Here's Harry Shearer talking about the current situation:


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You make more than my entire family makes in a year, per episode and all you do is read a script in a funny voice. Piss off with your monetary complaints.

I'm really wondering when these millionaires are going to realize it's a horrendous time to be complaining about not making enough money, especially those in the entertainment industry.

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You make more than my entire family makes in a year, per episode and all you do is read a script in a funny voice. Piss off with your monetary complaints.

I'm really wondering when these millionaires are going to realize it's a horrendous time to be complaining about not making enough money, especially those in the entertainment industry.

He constantly points out that he's making a ridiculous amount of money and nobody should feel sorry for him in that statement. His complaints are totally valid.

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Damn this is madness. Fox come on sort it out.

I disagree with the decline in quality. Its always been great, still is as good now as it ever was. Some of the most recent episodes have been amazing. Yes it does get annoying when they have random guest star appearances but its still cracking stuff.

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Well, David Silverman tweeted "Drinks all around!" and a link to this:


I saw the same thing elsewhere, still no official announcement about it. Hope that it's true and they've reached some sort of agreement.

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"What's a gym?"


"Ohhh, a GYM."

That one loses something in translation, of course, but I know exactly what you mean because I'll be doing something completely unrelated when a line will pop into my head and I'll crack up. Like the exchange from 'Brother From Another Series':

"Cecil, no civilisation throughout history has ever considered Chief Hydrological Engineer a calling!"


"...yes, yes, the Cappadochians, fine."

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