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Status Updates posted by Lineker

  1. I found the site! But not the direct link. http://sulia.com/channel/liverpool-fc/

  2. So Tom Cruise had a curry down the road from me the other night, apparently.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JasonM


      At least he is taking this whole divorce thing the good way. In such a troubled state he might do something stupid, like join a cult or something...

    3. Damian WayLNKe
    4. Fudge


      Tip? He didn't even pay!

  3. Oh dear Prince Harry....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Quom


      Harry was the Nazi as well. William holding his dick funny when peeing is about as large a scandal as he's managed.

    3. Katsuya
    4. JasonM


      We need a sitcom!

  4. Joey Barton is arguing on Twitter with t' Mirror. Good stuff.

    1. Pesci


      * Joe Barton >_>

    2. Benji


      * Mr Joseph Park, Esq.

  5. Why are you still online; you've been banned :/

  6. Olympic diving. Simply amazing.

    1. Quom


      Only the men's though

    2. Lineker
    3. Quom


      Sod off, if you lot get beach volleyball I can so claim the diving on behalf of poofs and women!

  7. OK, seeing my name as your board name just really threw me there!

  8. Where have you gone!

  9. it's weird getting a drunk phone call at this hour and it not being Ollie :/

    1. probablyoliver


      I was totally drunk and calling people at 2:49 this morning. Why didn't I call you?

    2. Lineker


      Clearly the line was already engaged.

  10. good news - the hosepipe bans have been lifted!

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      But the Who ban remains. Cameron's Britain!

    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      I can't listen to Young Man Blues in Britain no more? :(

    3. Fudge


      pipehose what now?

  11. Happy Thomas Campbell day to one and all!

  12. Bob Welch :(

    1. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      I also thought it was the former Oakland pitcher.

    2. Lineker


      I don't even know who that is. Baseball is rubbish.

  13. you do the hokey-cokey and you turn around!

    1. Noah


      Don't you mean hokey-pokey? Silly Linekles.

    2. Lineker


      No. You live in a backwards hole.

  14. Hey, welcome to the 10k club!

  15. What a gay conversation.

  16. Cast Away is on. Excellent film.

  17. boring night shift. Amuse me, EWB jesters!



      this was amusing!

  18. Spring Stampede 1994 watch is about to begin in the chat room

    1. Lineker


      that's not me in that btw

    3. Draevyn


      Good show...watching it tomorrow in preparation for a diary.

  19. seeing as he's being sliced up today, I'll ask on behalf of Ollie - without spoilers, is Raw worth watching?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Whtie Dolphin's comments are stupid but Raw was pretty awful except for a couple things.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Probably a *lot* better if you can skip through and pick and choose what you watch, though.

    4. OctoberRaven


      I didn't think it was -that- bad, just two hours of content stretched to three. It just felt awful because of the two "GET ON WITH IT!" moments.

      As a whole, it was more below average, but drags in two bits that really should have had more creative effort put into them.

  20. Back at the helm of the Top 20. Normal service is resumed. Boo-yah!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MortonElephant


      I complained that no one was complaining.

    3. Lineker


      Gazz complained.

    4. Berober


      I do enjoy People Power...

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