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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I didn't have it at the time. Besides, I don't like playing alone with you as I can never understand you. Playing with you and Dragsy on Rock Band means I can at least hold a conversation with him.

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Okay, so new achievements means it's time to crank out that Halo 3! Now watch me dooooo it... tonight!

If you guys want in Ellis and I will be tearing it up trying to get these 10 of 30 achievements that we are able to get for now tonight.

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We certainly won't be trying for them since you need the Legendary map pac. I'm not buying it now and I doubt you are either. The only one we can get right now is the 'Lightswitch' one which involves:

Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.

Then on Friday and onwards we can attempt:

After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.

But I doubt we will, I can't see anyone wanting to do the story mode again and god knows what that means, everyone on Ghosts? As in, the veichle? You have to be in a ghost when you complete the game or...what?

And then on October 7th we can try for:

Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.

That said, I look forward to this guy getting a taste of the banhammer. :lol:

Also, it seems that XBL will be down next Monday, possibly for as long as 24 hours.

Edited by King eLLis
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Also, it seems that XBL will be down next Monday, possibly for as long as 24 hours.

From the message I got on XBL, it sounds like the dashboard overhaul.

Major Nelson assures it most definately isn't.

Though might be a swerve for all we know.

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