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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Are you referring to GTA or Burnout there? Burnout at least does narrow it a little by listing how many you have in each area but still, White Mountain stretches from the entire left third of the map to the top of the middle third above that big lake thing so it's still a lot of area to look around.

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I'm going through the RROD return service from Microsoft and just received my UPS returns label through the e-mail, my only problem is I don't have any box/packaging for the Xbox and I guess Microsoft doesn't do the whole coffin thing any more:(.

What did everybody here use when it came to shipping to MS? Where can I buy a box that would fit an Xbox, that also offers protection during delivery?

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You can always shove a load of torn up newspaper into the box for some support. That or pick up some bubble wrap or those little polysteirine things. Though really, there is a chance they will send you a new Xbox anyway so it wouldn't matter if anything happened to yours enroute.

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1) I think achievements would be tied to your profile which is on the hard drive.

2) I'm pretty sure all hardware accesories are region free.

Isn't achievements and stuff stored online? Since you can download your profile onto another Xbox.

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Speaking of which, has anyone transferred data from one hard drive to another? Whenever I get a job (lol), I'm probably going to pick up the 120gb hard drive since I'm almost out of space, but I don't know anyone that's ever used the transfer cable.

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In order to celebrate Super Bowl XLIII, Call of Duty: World at War players will receive Double-XP this weekend. In addition, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 users will receive two new playlists to wage war in: Team Tactical (4v4) and Mercenary TDM (no parties allowed). This special offer beings today and will continue through Super Bowl Sunday.
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