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The Old XBOX Megathread


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BBT is one of those games I would buy on multiple systems just so I could play alongside friends. The dialogue alone has been far more entertaining than most movies I've spent $14.99 on.

Warning: Chapter Six is where things hit the wall.

As in you.

You will hit the wall mentally.

And physically.


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Yeah I've just played a couple of games and it seems like the type of thing that'd be good for us lot to have a blast on, sine it would involve a lot of manic running around, blaming people, and swearing >_>.

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Played some Payday 2 yesterday with a friend and we suck. Failed the Jewelry Store mission probably five times due to dying (we did manage to get one bag in the van, which was confusing because we had grabbed all the jewelry and I assume we would have had two bags total and needed six). Failed the bank heist a couple times, and finally managed to complete the mall one. I ended up switching from the Ghost tree to the Technician tree. I finally understand how the ECM Jammer works, but I think that tree is my least favorite of the four. The other three seem a lot more useful with later skills, at least to me.

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It actually isn't too bad playing with random people, though it really depends who you get paired with. I was like 2 or 3 and got paired with level 20 somethings, but they weren't using game chat so for all I know they could have been shitting on me <_<.

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Far Cry 3 was the first Far Cry game I played and it was pretty damn fun. Has me excited for Far Cry 4 even though I won't be able to get it.

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I don't really follow any sports/leagues besides NFL and UFC, but I like playing games on the XBox like Soccer, Baseball and Hockey.

Picked up MLB 2K8 and 2K9 for $6 bucks, NCAA Football 10 for $4, NHL 2K9 for $4 and FIFA 10 for $9

Since I don't follow them, and don't give a shit about current rosters the age of the games didn't really bother me. I've been having a blast the last three days. FIFA and MLB 2K9 have been great.

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