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Just watched Searching For Sugar Man again. Such an amazing documentary.

It's absolutely mindblowing. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen, though I'm probably biased as I'm a huge fan of Rodriguez.


I just think it would have been amazing to have gone in to that film not knowing that Rodriguez was still alive. That twist would have been an incredible feel-good moment, even moreso than it already is.

I love the resurgence that film has given Rodriguez, too - I saw him live twice last year, both in Jersey, which is still utterly bizarre to me, and would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. The second time he played a brief set by himself after a screening of the movie and a Q & A session, and he was only billed as a "surprise guest". The ovation he got when he walked on stage was absolutely ridiculous, never heard anything like it.

Last night, the present Lady Skumfrog and I watched Up. She had never seen it, I saw it when it came out in the cinema, but not even really thought about it all since then.

Spoilered, just in case;

If anything, I enjoyed it more this time - I picked up on a lot more subtle touches, particularly a lot of things relating to how much Ellie is still a part of Carl's life. When the house is wrecked, and he goes back to it, seemingly giving up Russell and Kevin, he puts her chair back in its place before his own - little things like that.

I had forgotten quite how sad the whole thing was, though. Obviously I remembered the opening being incredibly sad - it had me crying this time - but I'd remembered it as that being there to establish character, and then the film getting quite silly very quickly, but that melancholy never really goes away. It's an incredibly sweet, sad movie.

My girlfriend made fun of me for crying at the start, but then she was bawling at the short on the DVD - "Dug's Special Mission", which was sweet in a kind of sappy way. She's more moved by sad dog than sad old man, I guess.

One of the special features was a discussion on the death of Charles Muntz in the movie, which raised a really interesting discussion on his role in the movie. They run through a series of alternate ways of resolving the character - either through redemption, his death, or a question mark over his possible death - and why they would or wouldn't have worked, and the main conclusion was that Muntz was a reflection of Carl. He was what Carl would become if he allowed himself to cling to his old life too much, while Russell was the side of Carl that was still a little kid wanting an adventure. One of the alternate scenes was a great conclusion to Muntz's story, but they felt it was too much Muntz's story, and that he needed to be secondary to Carl's growth as a character. In killing off Muntz, that side of Carl's character was killed off at the same time. Interesting ideas.


Not knowing he was alive was incredible to experience. My jaw actually dropped. Just a phenomenal film.

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Just watched Searching For Sugar Man again. Such an amazing documentary.

It's absolutely mindblowing. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen, though I'm probably biased as I'm a huge fan of Rodriguez.


I just think it would have been amazing to have gone in to that film not knowing that Rodriguez was still alive. That twist would have been an incredible feel-good moment, even moreso than it already is.

I love the resurgence that film has given Rodriguez, too - I saw him live twice last year, both in Jersey, which is still utterly bizarre to me, and would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. The second time he played a brief set by himself after a screening of the movie and a Q & A session, and he was only billed as a "surprise guest". The ovation he got when he walked on stage was absolutely ridiculous, never heard anything like it.

The first time I saw it, I really only had little clue as to who Rodriguez was. But when they showed that clip of him just casually opening his window, taking in the breeze, I was just, "Wow, this is amazing."

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As I said, I've seen him live a couple of times now, and even having seen him, and knowing all that before I saw the film, the documentary is put together so well that it's still such an amazing moment. He's one of the coolest motherfuckers I've ever seen - even shuffling on-stage, needing help to get up steps, and carrying a plastic carrier bag full of his shopping on to the stage with him, he just exudes coolness and not giving a fuck.

One of the best moments of any concert I've ever been to....right, little background; the traditional "Jersey" accent, to the unitiated, is very similar in terms of pitch and cadence sounds incredibly similar to the South African accent, particularly in terms of vowel sounds. When Rodriguez played here for the first time, after the first song, he said - in his ridiculously cool drawl - "I'd recognise a South African accent anywhere", laughed, and went straight into the next track. It was fucking cool.

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I watched Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls earlier and, while i think it is not as good as the original, it reminded me of what an awesome job Jim Carrey did in that role. I cannot believe it's been 18 years since the sequel aired.

I think it's time to make another one Jim!

Edited by Dexter87
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Watched a few films over the last couple of days. Chopper was a bit shit, like a low rent Bronson. X-Men: Wolverine Origins or whatever its proper title is, was pretty standard comic book fare, decent fight scenes, good characterisation. Dawn of the Dead, I've watched before and it is enjoyable zombie flick, if a little slow once they bed in at the mall. Predator 2 was a bit shit really.

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And I just watched 51st State, what a bizarre ensemble, its like they put the cast together through an EWR style game; Meatloaf! Samuel L Jackson! Robert Carlyle! Ricky Tomlinson! That chick that was in The Newsroom!

Followed that up with Carriers which is decent, slow-built fare but it doesn't deliver any shocks (It was billed as a horror) and is a more morose and gloomy look at the end of the world apocalypse than the genre standard. Done better elsewhere and I prefer this sort of film with zombies in it rather than a pandemic. Christopher Meloni was good in his small role.

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It is not a film. I'm having a film marathon. Forrest Gump, Citizen Kane, The Shawshank Redemption, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Ishtar, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1, Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next, Half Baked, Being John Malkovich, Air Force One, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and The Muppets Take Manhattan.

Then maybe Aladdin.

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